
Dealing with Henry

Henry stood in front of them with an angry expression.

" what the hell is going on here l", he asked furious but when no one answered him he went enrage and walked up to stiles and landed a heavy punch 👊 on his face , breaking his nose.

Stiles nose began to bleed 🩸 and he fell on the ground helpless but lisa couldn't watch this and walked to henry front to block him and stiles.

" what do you think you are doing",she asked furious.

" what do you think am doing?, am teaching that bastard not to go to things that are off limit", he said trying to pass Lisa and continue the fight.

" So am now a thing. Your thing?", it was clear that Lisa was furious. Her beautiful face was scrunched and fold appeared at the top of her head and that made henry to calm down a little.

" I saw him flirting with you ", henry replied.

" Just like you ", Lisa said folding her hands.

" what do you mean lisa, I have been so faithful to you that....",

" ooo my God would you do me a favor and shut up. You aren't a saint but a devil , a cheat and a worthless gold digger. Henry ........Am breaking up with you ", Lisa said .

Everyone watching was surprised 😯 with the news , Henry and Lisa breaking up was going to be top news in the school.

" What did you say ? ", henry asked clearly not happy with the embarrassment.

" Read my lips . Am . breaking. up . with . you ", with that she left him speechless.

" I hope you learn how to behave", with that Lisa turned to leave but Henry only felt more enrage.

" you can't treat me like this you spoilt brat ", he cursed but lisa ignored him and left.

Henry breath could be heard round the cafeteria and his 🤬 anger was felt by the listeners and when he turned his gaze at stiles everyone felt 😧 alarmed.

" you son of a bitch, you did this to me ", Henry shouted picking stiles up from the ground and slamming him at the wall and pinned him there , his face all over him .

" you worthless brat ", he said and slammed stiles back hard on the wall again and still pinning him there.

" see what you've caused", he slammed stiles back again and pinned it .

Stiles felt his back go numb and his body shook with pain as Henry kept on slamming him and worse was that his nose was still bleeding. He looked around for help , using his eyes to plead for them to help him but no one stood forward to help , they just stood there watching. stiles eyes watered as he begged for help that didn't come and he cried so much .

It took henry ten times slamming to keep him satisfied and he dropped him down roughly and left . Immediately he left everyone went back to what they were doing. No one showed concern to help him .

But all this while lydia was among the watchers, she hid at the back and watched.

" Hope that would make him stay clear from that bastard lisa", she said.

Stiles picked him self up and walk slowly to the school gym and slowly took off his jacket.

They were blood stains in it and he was in severe pain and needed a first aid .

Just then lydia came in , acting all innocent as if she wasn't around.

" Who did this to you ", she asked bending down and staring at the would in his back .

" Please just get me a first aid", stiles wasn't in the mood to answer questions.

As Lydia cleaned his wound, stiles face was all in pain and series of tears flowed down his cheeks wetting his trouser .

As for lydia, she had a smile on her face as she cleaned the injury.

" This would teach you a lesson",