
sweet tooth

hi my name is Aubrey Mathews. I have 2 jobs. One is a part time job at a fast food restaurant and my other job is a Hitman. Nobody knows not even my boyfriend. I live my life like I usually would. Who would have thought that one guy can change my entire life. He is special. I thought it would be a typical day for me but I was sooo wrong. It all started when I got a message to kill somebody. (Not the brightest start but yea) His name is Caleb Prescott. The person told me he has a lot of money and that he is rare. I didn't understand it but I went along with it. So when my shift was over went home and quickly changed. Your in a rush. My boyfriend said. I have to meet up with the party planner. I said. I tried to leave quickly but he stopped me. But I thought that was tomorrow. He said. He was questioning me like a detective. Once I arrived at a his pent house I froze his lock then hit it with a hammer and broke his lock. I walked in and he was staring at me with nothing on but a towel around his waist. You could have just knocked. He said. I pulled out a knife and attempted to attack him. He doged it then grabbed the knife from me. I stepped on his foot then grabbed the knife. I ran to him with speed. To much speed. I thought I cut him but then I looked at him and realized that I didn't cut him. I cut the towel off... HA! pervert! He said while laughing. I-im not a p-perv! I said my face was as red as it gets as I tried not to look at "it". Yea sure. he said sarcastically. He he went in the bathroom and when he came out he was wearing a robe. I ran up to him and he grabbed my arm and pulled me close. you want to be a perv then show me what you got. He said. IM. NOT. A. PERV. I said. I tried to attack him again but he caught my arm and picked me up. You're light. he said. Put me down im not a baby. I said struggling to get loose. shhhh~ he said. This is ****!! YOU'RE THE PERVERT!! I blacked out and I woke up in a bed. The room was large. I got out of the bed and realizing that I was wearing nothing but a big t-shirt. good morning~ Caleb said walking out of the bathroom. f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck! I said to myself. I have to get to my boyfriend! I said trying to rush out. Caleb laughed. But your still wearing my shirt. He said as he continues to laugh. Then where is my clothes I said in a rush. He pointed to a tall shelf in at the second to top was my folded up clothes. I grabbed my clothes then rushed into the bathroom. I quickly got changed then ran out the bathroom. I looked at him. He was staring at me. He then walked up to me and kissed me. I pushed him away then realized my mouth started to taste incredibly sweet after kissing him. Like some type of candy. I grabbed my bag then walked out the door. He smirked then walked away. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Is that what the guy over the phone was talking about? How he was rare? How did he know?! DID HE KISS HIM TOO!?! My mind was overflowing with suspicion. I had so much on my mind and most of it was about him. As soon as I got home my boyfriend started to question me. Where were you last night!?! Who were you with!?! Was it a boy!?! Are you cheating on me!?! I got tired of it so I said Stop! Can I breathe first before you ask me all these questions!? I was just spent the night at my friends house. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. Then I put on my work clothes. I waved at him then walked out the door. On my way to work I notice a crowd of girls around the restaurant door. I was curious who they were crowded around. I went through the back door and went behind the counter. Look at the hottie at the door. My coworker said. I looked and regretted it. It was CALEB PEVERTED PRESCOTT!! He looked at me and smiled. I think I wanna take the day off... I said to my coworker. Do you not see all those customers. She said. Don't leave me. she whined. I sighed. Fineeeeee. Caleb walked to the counter. I gotta do a thing. I said as I tried to walk away. My coworker grabbed my arm. Damnit! I said to myself. So I didn't know you worked here. Caleb said. What do you want. Mr. stamina. I mumbled. I don't really know. I lost it instantly then blurted out Then just get the f*ck out. My coworkers eyes widened. Girl you have to be nice to the customers. She said. Caleb laughs. I growled at him. Oooh feisty~ Caleb says. I was 0.3 seconds away from jumping over the counter and and stabing him with a butter knife.