
Sweet Temptation: Cunning CEO And His Feisty Wife

“What do you mean I have to take responsibility by marrying you? I would rather get arrested over marrying you!” With a firm voice, she declared, glaring at the man standing in front of her. The man smiled, inching closer to her, “I am the victim here. That was my first kiss, I was saving it for my future wife. Since you took it, it's only right for you to marry me.” He calmly answered, with a smirk. “Crazy bastard…” *** Azalea's life took an unexpected turn when she kissed a stranger at the bar thinking it was going to be a one-time thing. But to her surprise, just a few days after her father calls her stating her marriage was fixed and the groom was none other than the man she kissed. Contact info: wabi.sabi_1803

_Wasabi_ · Urban
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


Three years ago…

"Lea, That day when I saw you for the first time in front of the building, I was mesmerized by you. I was curious to know more." The man spoke, as his eyes sneaked glances of the woman sitting beside him.

The sweet confession of the man you slowly yet mysteriously fell in love, with makes your heart pound. How can Azalea resist it? The heart filled to the brim with joy and ready to jump out of her chest. Her cheeks flushed with a warm red hue. 

Taking the chance, Daniel grasped onto her hand, resulting in Azalea staring up at him to meet his dark brown eyes. The butterflies in her stomach caused a tornado in her stomach. 

"I wanted to grab your hand just like this last time." Daniel chipped, his lips curved up into a smile. "Lea, would you mind if I continue to hold your hand like this?"


Back to the present day…

Lea looked at her mother, she couldn't bring herself to turn down her mother's request. Yes, it was she who made the wrong choices, not the other way. 

With a defeated sigh, Lea nodded to her mother. "I will try to get to know him but I will not guarantee if I like him or not." Azalea continued. 

"That's fine. I am sure Adam is a fine guy that can win your heart." Her mother chipped, waving her hand. Her eyes went over to the night table. The freshly destroyed phone was still there. 

Azalea's eyes followed her mother and noticed where her mother was staring. She slowly withdraws, hoping to escape before the apocalypse arrives. 

"Azalea Woods! Mind explaining why your phone is like that?" Her mother calmly asked, putting her hand over her daughter's shoulder. 

Lea gulped, as her head started to sweat profusely. "Mamma…."

"You better start explaining…" The cold and composed demeanor was worse than a cold-blooded psychopath. Azalea gave up and made up a lie that slipped when she was trying to check Adam's message. 

Somehow hearing Adam's name made her mother's mood instantly better. "You careless girl. Go inform my son-in-law through my phone, otherwise he might get worried." Her mother ordered, shoving her phone towards Lea and herself leaving the room back to the kitchen. 

Azalea was in no mood to call him. That arrogant jerk. Something about him makes her insides twist. Like a moth attracted to a flame. Her whole body warns her he is dangerous, the impenetrable wall that she built seems to crumble just at the sight of his. What was about him, that makes her so relaxed and calm that it scares her.

Even though she didn't want to call him, her finger instinctively did. It was not hard to find his number, just searching son-in-law in the contact, and only one number came up. The hesitation and nervousness blurred her thinking that she didn't realize she had already dialed his number. 

Only when his sweet silvery voice from the other side echoed in her ears, did she come back to sense. Flustered, she checked who she dialed, words jumbled at the tip of her tongue and refused to come out of her mouth. 

After a few seconds of silence, Adam spoke again," Azalea?" Startled, Azalea immediately cut the call. Her heart was pounding like crazy, about to jump out of her chest at any time. The room seemed to have gone hot suddenly or was it just her face?

The phone rang again, Azalea took a deep breath before picking it up again, this time more composed than before. "H-Hi…" This time, she was able to spit out her words, her voice still quivered. Getting no response from him, Azalea decided to finish the talk to avoid any misunderstanding," My mom told me to call you and inform you that my phone got damaged. And also the trip, tell me where to meet you tomorrow."

"Don't worry, I will pick you up from your place. Just send me your address." Adam spoke from the other side, his voice shaky than usual. Maybe he was annoyed at the extra task.

"No need. I will find my way there. Just give me the address" Azalea argued, her jaws clenched. He was nothing different. He was just like him. 

"If you get lost, your parents will come for my blood. So please, my lady, allow me to chauffeur you." 

Azalea couldn't help but burst out laughing at his chivalrous quote. Adam chuckled at her laugh. It was enough for the awkward atmosphere to dissipate. 

"Let's meet tomorrow," Adam remarked as Azalea heard Steven's voice in the background stating something. 

"See you tomorrow." Azalea nodded, cutting the call. Her mother peeked out of the window, and seeing her daughter smiling at the phone screen, instantly brought a smile to her face.


After cutting the call, Adam glanced at Steven sitting in the driver's seat. "You don't have to wait for me. I will drive back myself, and as of tomorrow-..."

"I will directly go to the airport. Yes, sir." Steven nodded, handing the car key and getting out and hailing a taxi. While Adam sat there, before shifting to the driver seat and starting to drive. 

He drove out of the city, to the mountains sitting in the city. The roads are surrounded by hideous trees that take the shapes of mythical creatures in the envelope of darkness. Adam drove till he reached the top of the hilltop, and a ginormous gate welcomed him. 

Soon it was opened, and he drove into the boundary of the luxurious mansion. Adam parked his car just outside the mansion, beside a huge fountain placed in the middle of the pathway. 

Adam gulped, fixing his tie and suit for the last time before taking a step towards the entrance. The luxurious mahogany door, with bronze dragon statues at each side. An old man, prolly in his fifties, opened the door with a warm smile over his lips, his ashy face covered in wrinkles. 

"Second young master, welcome back home." The old man greeted, walking him inside. 

"Thank you, Uncle Bernard," Adam replied, following the man. Adam paid no attention to his surroundings. The extravagant lobby, was adorned with a crystal chandelier, Greek statues that were put as centerpieces, and walls that were covered with expensive and rare paintings. Everything in that mansion screamed just one word. MONEY.

Bernard walked him to a room, with double doors made of wood. He opened the door, and shifted to the side, to let Adam enter. 

"Why is he here? Leave, you f**king murderer!"