
Sweet Seduction! Attractive Wife Sets Fire to Mr. Ji's Heart

Shen Wanwan accidentally transmigrated into a novel about a particular dominant CEO, and she became the male lead's contract wife. As someone who valued money as much as she did her own life, she accepted the contract for the sake of money. She thought she'd only have to be Mrs. Ji for a year, as stipulated in the contract, and she'd be able to get a divorce after the duration was up. She would then leave for good and live a carefree life happily ever after. To her surprise, she acquired the ability to read minds. She discovered that the dominant CEO actually had an active mind on the inside. 'If this woman flirts with me and asks me to stay for dinner, I can consider saying yes...' 'Ahh, this dress looks good on her. I like it a lot. No, I can't let it show. I can't let her feel too proud!' ** Ji Jinxian thought he had married someone on a contractual basis. Once the contract period was over, the two of them would break up amicably. To his surprise, he found himself gradually falling for this woman uncontrollably. Her every move tugged at his heartstrings. "Wanwan, I bought extra clothes. Here, you can have these." Ji Jinxian pretended to be cool while he handed her the couple's outfit. In reality, his heart was pounding from being too nervous. "Wanwan, there's a banquet I have to take part in tonight. You don't have to come with me if you're not free." "Wanwan, my assistant told me that there's a popular variety show for married couples..." Ji Jinxian appeared calm and composed, but he was screaming on the inside. Let's participate in it together! This is a story about a dominant CEO who appears cool on the outside but has an active mind on the inside and a top-notch celebrity who tries not to laugh while she listens to his daily complaints.

Rabbit Loves Goat · Urban
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40 Chs

The Little Dainty Wife is Out Filming, Boss Looks Unmoved on the Surface, but Actually, Inside...

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


Shen Wanwan responded with difficulty to her manager. She was very tired and usually slept until she woke up naturally.

It was not even seven o'clock yet when Lin Ze called. It would be impossible that Shen Wanwan could get up.

"Miss, don't sleep. We might be late later."

On the other end of the phone, Lin Ze was very helpless. At this moment, he was worried like a mother. He was afraid that his artiste would be snubbed on her first day on the set.

After all, everyone on the set was a big shot. If news of Shen Wanwan, the little-known female lead, got out, it would cause criticism.

Although the company's public relations had already made preparations, Lin Ze was inevitably a little worried. Therefore, he had to nip the problem of being late in the bud.

"I'm getting up now."

After listening to her manager's nagging for a while, Shen Wanwan finally sobered up a bit. She struggled to sit up from her bed and hung up the phone after chatting briefly with her manager, then went to the bathroom to wash up.

After she finished washing up and came downstairs, a strong fragrance wafted into her nose, making Shen Wanwan unable to help but salivate.

She quickened her pace and walked into the kitchen. "Hubby, what delicious food did you cook for me today?"

Before she arrived, her voice had already reached him. Upon hearing the familiar voice, Ji Jinxian, who had been busy, put down the spatula in his hand and turned around to look at his little wife with a smile in his eyes.

Unknowingly, Ji Jinxian had come to feel that cooking was a happy thing. Before he got married to Shen Wanwan, he rarely cooked and mostly ate outside. However, since he married Shen Wanwan, he spent most of his time cooking at home.

They could have ordered takeout, but Ji Jinxian thought it might not be clean, so he preferred to cook at home to ensure the safety and hygiene of the ingredients. He could provide healthy meals for Shen Wanwan.

"The kitchen is smokey. Don't come in. Wait for me in the dining room, and breakfast will be ready soon."

Ji Jinxian advised as Shen Wanwan jumped at his back. He felt helpless but consoled her gently and asked her to wait for breakfast in the dining room.

"It's fine," Shen Wanwan replied, and she didn't mind. Instead, she quickly hugged Ji Jinxian and lifted her head to act coquettishly.

"Hubby, I want a good morning kiss."

After she finished speaking, Shen Wanwan did not forget to touch her lips. Seeing that his little wife was asking for a kiss, how could Ji Jinxian not be satisfied?

He lowered his head and gave Shen Wanwan a good morning kiss. Meanwhile, white smoke rose from the kitchen stove, and not far away, a man and a woman stood together, surrounded by a romantic atmosphere.

After receiving his morning kiss, Shen Wanwan was in a good mood. She smiled at Ji Jinxian and was about to say something to him when the doorbell rang.

"It must be Brother Lin. I'll go and open the door." Shen Wanwan kissed Ji Jinxian's cheek and turned to walk out of the kitchen. She walked to the entrance and opened the door. It was Lin Ze standing outside.

"Brother Lin, come in and have a seat. I haven't had breakfast yet, so I might have to ask you to wait for a bit."

"It's alright. There's no rush."

Lin Ze said as he changed his shoes and entered the house. As soon as he walked in, he smelled the aroma of food. Having had breakfast already, he couldn't help but salivate.

"Brother Lin, have you had breakfast? Why don't you sit down and eat with us?"

Shen Wanwan asked Lin Ze with a smile. Lin Ze was initially tempted to accept the offer, but when he saw who was cooking, he declined.

"No, thank you. I already had breakfast before coming over. You go ahead and eat."

"Okay then."

Shen Wanwan did not force him. She made a cup of coffee for Lin Ze and asked him to wait in the living room. She then walked to the dining room and sat down. Soon, breakfast was served. Shen Wanwan ate quickly, afraid that Lin Ze would have to wait too long.

"Take it easy and eat slowly."

Seeing Shen Wanwan's hurried appearance, Ji Jinxian furrowed his brows. He handed Shen Wanwan a glass of milk.

"Drink some milk. It's good for your health."

"Thanks, hubby."

Shen Wanwan obediently took the milk and finished her breakfast in a few gulps. She then hurried upstairs to pack her luggage.

"How many days are you going to be away this time?"

Ji Jinxian followed Shen Wanwan upstairs and asked, watching her busy figure.

"It might take more than a month, but the female lead has a lot of scenes need to shoot, so I won't be able to come back for a long time."

At this point, Shen Wanwan was still a little reluctant. Ever since she transmigrated to this world, she and Ji Jinxian had never been separated for so long.

She was not used to this sudden separation.


Ji Jinxian's attitude was very cold, but he was extremely anxious in his heart.

[Why does it have to be that long? What kind of movie is this?]

[Can't you go for just a day or two? Then I won't be able to see my spoiled girl for a long time?]

Ji Jinxian was in a dilemma. Hearing Ji Jinxian's nagging, Shen Wanwan was a little surprised. She thought that she was the only one who was reluctant to part with him.

However, she did not expect Ji Jinxian to be just as reluctant.

"Hubby, you have to miss me when I'm not around. You can't meet other girls behind my back. Otherwise, I'll be angry."

Shen Wanwan pouted and reached out to hug Ji Jinxian, her face full of reluctance.

"Well... you can't be with other men either..."

Before Ji Jinxian could finish his sentence, Shen Wanwan interrupted him. She pretended to be dissatisfied and pouted. "Am I that kind of person? I only have you in my heart, okay?"


"What does that mean? If I catch you meeting with another woman, I won't talk to you, you stinky hubby."

"It won't happen."

Ji Jinxian didn't hesitate to answer, and seeing his firm response, Shen Wanwan finally smiled.

"You're the best, hubby. I'll call you when I arrive."

Shen Wanwan hung onto Ji Jinxian's body and coquettishly spoke in a soft voice. The two of them stayed upstairs for a while.

When they went downstairs again, it was already five minutes later. Looking at the two of them sticking together like glue, Lin Ze felt like his heart had been hit hard.

"Take care of her. Call me if anything happens."

Ji Jinxian directed his words to Shen Wanwan's manager, Lin Ze. Upon hearing the big boss talking to him, Lin Ze nodded quickly.

"Mr. Ji, don't worry. I'll take good care of her." Lin Ze's expression was serious as if he was making an oath.

"Okay, let's go. We'll probably be late."

Shen Wanwan smiled and urged Lin Ze. After he agreed, Shen Wanwan's gaze fell on Ji Jinxian.

"Hubby, remember to eat well at home and don't go hungry, okay?"


Ji Jinxian nodded his head coolly, but all he could think about were his concerns for Shen Wanwan.

[Remember to take good care of yourself. Don't stay up late and make sure to eat on time.]

[Will all the weight I've painstakingly raised fall off in the future? Maybe I should find some time to visit you at work.]

The car started and gradually drove away from the villa area onto the highway. It was only when Ji Jinxian's figure became increasingly distant that Shen Wanwan retracted her gaze.