

This is a compilation of psycho love stories with descriptive sex scenes. Nigerian books.

Mary_Sharon · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Episode 12

"Lazy girl, it's Sunday morning... aren't you going to church?" He said in a very low voice as he threw light kisses all over my face.

"I miss you so much, Chris" that's all I said and it's true, I hugged him.

We were in that position when Nancy barged in, she isn't in her cheerful mood and she held a toothbrush "Mum is calling you, brother" 

She was almost out of my room when she said another thing, "are you two going to make a baby because my teacher said that when a boy and a girl hugs each other, they are going to make a baby" 

That one choked me, I fell on my bed and threw the sheets over my face, I'm tired of this girl!

"Hey! That teacher is the best liar of our time, common, let's go outside and please, do me a favor" Chris was saying as she took her out with him.

"What?" She asked arrogantly.

"Don't tell anyone about this, I promise to take you to see Father Christmas in December and I will buy you cheese balls" Chris was trying to talk Nancy out of broadcasting a boy and a girl hugging.

This little girl will put me into big trouble one day.

I ran out of bed, freshened up and ran downstairs to see if everyone was ready for church but I saw a different scene.

"Mrs Paulina, please calm down let's settle this amicably" My uncle was saying in his usual calm and collected voice.

"Settle amicably?! Did you just say settle amicably, there's nothing to settle other than your son taking responsibility for what he has done to my daughter!" A woman retorted.

I went to stand beside my aunt and I helped her hold Nancy who was trying to get her attention but she's too withdrawn and she looked really sad.

My uncle was seated and Chris stood behind him, his eyes had been on me from the time I was coming down the stairs. I noticed that but I wanted to know exactly what's going on first before paying attention to him.

It was when I glanced at the woman who was still ranting about Chris taking responsibility that I noticed the girl that came to look for Chris on Tuesday standing behind her.

She was in tears and I didn't need to think to see that the woman is her mother, they looked alike and were all dressed up in expensive clothes.

"Chris, are you responsible for the pregnancy?" My uncle asked, looking at Chris and my heart sank.



No way!!! It can't be true.

I looked up slowly at him and he was still looking at me, maybe he's trying to relate a message to me but I didn't understand as he kept dimming his eyes at me.

So, this is it? I should have known...

I suddenly felt depressed and I had to force myself not to cry because my heart ached.

"Chris! I'm talking to you!!" My uncle shouted when he didn't respond, he simply kept looking at me as if I'm the person that's supposed to answer for him.

I didn't understand his behavior at all but I don't think I need an explanation to know what's happening.

"He doesn't have to answer that! Weren't you guys here when he stays away from home each weekend only to come take my daughter out every night?!" The woman fused once again.

That one somersaulted my heart and it fell so hard and broke into a thousand pieces, am I not foolish? I believed everything that came out of his mouth.

A tear slid down my cheek and I had to use Nancy to block my face. I'm not even ready to receive a snarl from my Aunt or uncle, let's sort one problem at a time, I cautioned myself.

My uncle leaped up from the cushion and struck him across the face, he didn't flinch but I felt hurt, it felt as if I'm the one that was hit so hard, blood oozed out of his nose.

Why isn't he talking? I prayed he would say something so that his father wouldn't hit him again.

"Please! Don't hit him like that, do you want to leave a scar on his face?!" My aunt said something at last, she went and held him close.

"Oh! I shouldn't leave a scar on his face?! That's exactly how you always find something to say whenever I want to teach this boy some good lesson, now, are you seeing the results?!! He even lied to us!"

My uncle is very angry, this is the first time I'm seeing him aggressive and I had to admit that if he doesn't love his wife, he would have beaten her along with Chris.

"I'm not here to watch some family drama! I didn't tell you two not to give your stupid son a good home training, he should better take responsibility, simple and short!" Mrs Paulina or whatever my uncle called her barked again.

"Cut me some slacks, madam! If you had given your daughter a good home training, she wouldn't have opened her legs to every Dick and Harry across the country, how am I sure my son impregnated her because I know him very well and what he can do!!" 

Interesting! That woman finally touched my aunt's bad side and she gave her double of what she deserves, my aunt really hitted some points there!

"And I know my daughter too well to know that your son took advantage of her innocence and lured her into premarital and unprotected sex! Isn't it obvious?!! He should better start talking! Rubbish!"

This woman isn't ready to back off, she sure did a lot of exercise and drank enough energy for this fight, it's a pity her daughter is so cold, maybe it's because she's the point of discussion and the reason for the fight.

My aunt opened her mouth to talk again but my uncle stopped her with a raise of his hand. He's a man of peace and I know he wants to tackle the situation without any issues or clashes between the two women.

Well, every mother hates to hear that they didn't train their children well, if anyone else was in their shoes, they might do worse, so I don't blame them.

"Please, sit down...we have to handle this situation like reasonable people, we don't have to make an issue of it" my uncle said.

She shot her daughter a dreadful look before she sat down and tapped her leg on the tiled floor, I simply turned and went upstairs quietly, I felt his eyes following me.

Chris, why? The worst of this situation now is that my heart hasn't changed a bit about what it feels for him and I'm feeling sad because he's hurt right now, I doubt if I know myself anymore.

I went into my room with Nancy, she looked sad as if she understands what's going on. "Sister Jennifer, I don't want my dad to beat me" she mumbled and held me tight.

Funny, she's afraid of receiving a hot slap, I'm sure going to be the one to beat you if you keep invading my privacy like a haunting ghost.

"No one is going to beat you, everything will be alright" I assured her but I don't think anything will be alright again, especially my heart.

I think the situation was resolved calmly because I didn't hear much noise again until my aunt called me to come downstairs so we would go to church.

Chris didn't go, he stayed at home with his new wife because that woman says she's not going to accept her back and Chris must take responsibility.

My aunt briefed me on our way to church, we went late to church and we had the back seat. I was sitting right beside my aunt but my soul wasn't there.

My mind is traveling far to what I shared with Chris, everything has finally headed for the rocks and my heart is now crumbling bit by bit.

I didn't hear a single word on what the Reverend said and I didn't know when the church dismissed, my aunt had to tap me on my cheek to bring me back to reality.

No! I can't handle this, it's just too much...I must go back to the village soon, that's where I belong, I can't bear to watch Chris everyday without him... gosh! I'm finished!!

"Jenny, are you alright?" My aunt kept asking me. I only nod and force a smile to my face to keep her away from smelling a rat.

When we got home, I was the first person that went inside and I noticed the girl and Chris were in a very serious discussion but they suddenly stopped when I came in.

I pretended like I didn't care and walked past them. I heard his footsteps as he ran after me, I stopped on my door way and glared at him.

"Jen, I know you have a bad impression of me right now but please, listen to me, I..."

"I hope you know your parents are coming inside soon and you wouldn't want your newly wedded wife to get jealous if she notices we are getting along too well, excuse me" I cut him off and shut the door on his face.

I placed my head on the door and cried silently, oh God! Why did he have to treat me like this, why do I still love him even when my heart is in pain?

Did he cast a spell on me? How will I convince my uncle that I would want to go home so soon? How will I be able to see him every day and pretend everything is alright? My heart is failing me. 

"Jenny! I need a hand in the kitchen" My aunt called and I don't think I have much choice now.

"Why can't the new wife show us her cooking skills" I mumbled to myself hating the girl already, she doesn't look any bit like someone that has been under the sun for a minute. No wonder he liked her enough to lie to his parents just to hangout with her. The girl is beautiful and spotless.

But then, she looks stupid enough to get pregnant for my Chris! Jen, what if you are pregnant too? No! I can't be, Chris gave me his word...do I even trust him anymore?

I reluctantly went to my closet and changed into a free outfit, I braced up myself and went out to face them again.

I joined my aunt in the kitchen and wore a bright face while my heart bled. She too seemed to be sad obviously and she didn't do anything to hide it when he came inside the kitchen.

I think he has been trying to talk to his mother and she's not ready to listen to him just like me and I feel sad for him, I know the feeling, he feels as though the whole world is against him now.

"Mom, I said I'm sorry, I... I..."

"Get out of my kitchen, young man!" My aunt scolded him for the first time ever since I came here. Does he even deserve it? 

Of course, yes! My mind traveled and I forgot what I was doing until I splayed my palm on the gas cooker, "Aish!" I winced and ran to the tap.

"Are you okay?" He was right beside me and he helped me dip my hand into water.

"I'm fine" I mumbled and withdrew my hand from his, I was supposed to turn around and continue what I was doing but my eyes locked with his.

"I hope you didn't burn your hand badly" my aunt's voice brought us back to where we are and what we are about doing, how can I forget she's standing there watching us?

He brought his hand down reluctantly because he was about to touch my chin, he cursed and walked out of the kitchen, my aunt looked from me to the door he just banged close.

Oh God! What have I gotten myself into? How will I get myself out of this mess? What sort of mixed feeling is this? How did this get out of hand? 

"Jenny?!" My aunt called with a raised voice and a rush of aspirin ran through my body. I might as well get electrocuted because I'm confused right now.