
Sweet Romance: Short Story Collection

A collection of short stories, updated regularly. All of them about sweet's and romance.

Ellie_Wyoming · Teen
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3 Chs


"Daddy! Can I get a gumball? Pleaseeee?" Michal wined.

His dad, Jack, laughed and said "Sure buddy, lemmie just see if I can find some loose change."

"Yay! Thanks dad!" The little boy said as he danced around in glee. Jack searched around in his pockets but didn't find any change. He checked his wallet but all that was in there was a few dollar bills and a credit card. "Sorry buddy, dad forgot to bring you a quarter. Next time I promise that I will."

"Oh, ok." Michal said sadly, his head dropping down. His bottom lip stuck out and slightly quivering. It broke Jack's heart to see his son like that and apparently it broke the heart of the woman standing behind them too.

"Here you are kiddo." Said the lady's voice. She handed Michal a quarter and he took it, a smile instantly popping onto his face. The woman turned to Jack and stuck out her hand. "Im Layla, nice to meet you."

Jack shook her extended hand and said, "Nice to meet you Layla! My name is Jack and this is my son Michal."

Layla looked over at Michal who was now turning the crank to the bubble gum machine. There was a loud clunk! As the quarter was dropped and a piece of gum was dispensed. He lifted up the cover and proudly presented the piece of gum to his dad. "Look daddy! I got green, my favorite color!"

Michal turned to Layla and gave her a hug. "Thanks lady! You're so nice! My name is Michal Quay, what' your name?"

"Your name is Michal Quay? Well then you can just call me Ms. Faith! How old are you Michal?"

"I am 6 years old! I'm in first grade this year!"

"Well Michal, I remember the principal of the school I work at that I am going to have a little boy named Michal Quay in my class this year! So that means that I am going to be your teacher! Doesn't that sound fun?" Layla said

"Yay! Ms. Faith is going to be my teacher!" Michal said, dancing around her happily.

Layla stood up from her kneel as Jack said "How nice of you to give him the quarter. So you knew he was your student when you offered the coin?"

Layla laughed and said "Nope! The whole reason why I became a teacher is because I love kids! I just wanted to make the little dude smile." She pointed to him and said "See, look how adorable he looks with that smile on his face."

Michal was now smiling and chewing his gum. You had to admit, he did look pretty cute right now. Michal turned to Layla and said, "Ms. Faith, we're going to have lunch at the sandwich place next door. Do you want some lunch too? I brought a whole dollar! You can use it to buy a sandwich if you want!"

Layla couldn't handle his puppy dog eyes so she said "If it's ok with your dad, I would love to!"

"Sure, you can come." Jack said. He turned to Michal told him that "I will pay for Ms. Faith's lunch tho, you can use your dollar for something else you want buddy."

"Ok daddy!" Michal said. He grabbed Ms. Faith's hand and skipped away. The bag of clothes swinging back and forth. Jack laughed as Layla was now half running, half walking while trying to keep up with Michal. He picked up his own bags from off the floor and set off after them.


"Hello, welcome to sandwich king, what can I get for you?" The lady behind the glass counter said.

"Hi there, I'll take one kid's turkey and cheese meal, one BLT for myself and…" Jack turned to Layla and said "You order what you want, my treat."

Layla ordered her food and went over to Michal to help him play the claw machine game. Jack chose a table and sat down, watching them from afar. When Michal lost after a few tries and the turns he got for his dollar bill were out, Layla reached into her purse and gave him a 5 dollar bill. Michal inserted it into the slot and a flashing light said that he had 20 turners remaining.

Michal was beaming with happiness, Layla came and sat down across from Jack. "Is he yours? She asked.

"Yea, Michal is my kid. Just us right now so we're pretty close. Even tho having a kid ruined my life, I would never regret not giving him up for adoption or going with her opinion of abortion. Actually, because of her opinion on abortion is why we broke up."

"It must be hard to be a single dad." Layla said sympathetically.

"It is, I am lucky to have such a good paying job or else I would have to work weird shifts, maybe even work multiple jobs. I do still pick up odd jobs every now and again when we need the extra money like around Christmas time." Jack said.

"Well, if I ever have any odd jobs that need to be done, you will be the first one I call." Layla replied with a kind smile.

"Thanks Layla. Or should I call you Ms. Faith? You are my son's teacher after all."

"Call me Layla. Just because I'm your son's teacher, doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"Ok Layla."

"Food for Jack!" Said the lady behind the counter. Jack went up to get the food and brought it back to the table. Jack looked around Layla's shoulder and saw that his son had 3 turns left. He called out to him, telling him that the food was here and to hurry up. Michal just called back saying, "Ok dad!"

Michal finished up his turns and walked over to their table. Michal helped him unwrap his sub and Michal took a byte. Mouth full of food, Michal turned his head to Ms. Faith saying, "Will you be my mommy?"

Jack almost shot lettuce out of his nose. "What!" He said."I want a mommy! Everybody else has a mommy, except for me! It's not fair!" Michal whined. Layla just laughed a little awkwardly and said "Maybe…" Jack laughed and said "Guess that is a hint for me to start dating again. It's been awhile since Martha, I guess I should probably get my life together and start dating again. I am 26 after all."

"No way! Your 26? I'm 25!" Layla said with a bright smile.

Jack looked at Layla. She was quite pretty with her long, brown hair and eyes to match. She had a beautiful smile and was kind to his son. "Would you like to go out some time." Jack said, surprising even himself.

Layla looked at him, then at his son. She looked back at Jack and said, "I would like that."


"Ughh. Dad! You always tell us that story! It's not even cool anymore!" Michal said.

"Come on, gather around and stop making a fuss! It's time to give him his birthday presents!"

"Ok. Lily! Sam! Come here and watch grandpa open his presents!"

"Ok dad!" The little boy and girl said in usion and ran over to their dad.

Layla walked over first and handed him a box. "Me first!" She said.

"Ok, ok." Jack said. He opened the box and took out a mini gumball machine, full to the brim of green gumballs.