
sweet Revenge

Finding love and seeking justice can't be better well explained if it means 'love in the bosom of the enemy's enemy' . A girl is driven to lead a gang at the age of 18, forced to seek justice for the death of her father and her best friend's mother and to unveil the secrets that drove her aunt and uncle to run away. ~~~~ All Dionna wants to do is to bring her family together again. Along with her cousin and best friend they set back to California. Where all this mess began and are more shocked to find love, that too in the bosom of the enemy's enemy. Love tangled with deadly secrets. ~~revenge can't taste any better ~~

dionamoah3 · Teen
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6 Chs

1. Hell to heaven

It been exactly 15 years of training, preparation and planning for just so I don't end up failing. And finally we going back to California, we only lived there for a year so I don't remember much. Mom says we're legends, I know that might sound like a bit of an over-statement buh its true. Even here our family name scares the hell out of people though we are super innocent. Ohk maybe not so innocent buh we are not that bad. Atleast not like the way my mum says it in her stories.

"Hey can't you guys hurry your butts up, we'll miss the fuckin' flight" I yell.

Elena my best friend and almost sister just sighs and rolls her eyes. "Jeez girl exercise some patience we have a whole hour to ourselves"

I ignore her completely, not even bothered by her tone. I hear someone chuckle from behind. I know that voice all too well it my cousin Kenneth.

"She's just in hurry to go back. Even I can't wait to be treated like a king, so just give her a break" he says to Lena.

Well actually I'm a bit nervous about us going back but I'm also excited since we'll be going to college too. My mum kissed us all good bye when we finally got to the airport. I and well Lena ended up in with a very good looking guy. After trying to eavesdrop on her and her new friend I put on my headphones. I noticed Kenneth was quite busy with his iPad, I turn to Lena and realized she was very nervous around this guy. I give her one of my knowing smirks, I know exactly whats coming next.

Elena's POV

I know it's stupid but I feel really nervous around this guy. For starters he's really hot, quite tall, well built with dark brown hair and dazzling brown eyes.

I lift my head to see Dionna smirk, I'm not quite surprised since she enjoys seeing people go all nervous but I don't like that knowing look she gave me. I know she'll give me hell of a time when we land. I'm just about to put on my headphones on like she did when I hear someone clear his throat. Yeah you can imagine who, 'Mr. Way-too-Hot'.

"Hey " he says " I-I'm Ron. Ronaldo Carter, yeah.."he says.

I guess I'm not the only nervous one here. Atleast I know I have got control here.

" Hi, I'm Elena " I state, calmly. 

And here there are family rules you wouldn't want to break.

Rule number 1. If you want to make friends you keep your mouths shut when it comes to our last name. I noticed Dionna shake her head and giggle. How can she even hear me?

"Oh nice, you going to California for a visit or you staying?" he asks

"Well hopefully we'll staying" I tell him

"We?" he asks

"Oh yeah, me and my best friend Dionna and her cousin Kenneth " I point out. I notice Kenneth lift his head at the mention of his name and I just shrug in response to his questioning look.

"You from here? " I ask as I look out the window.

"Actually I and my siblings were born here in California currently we stay with our aunt. We lost both our parents and in a car crash" He say with a gloomy face. I notice how careful he is with his words like he doesn't want anything to slip And was choosing between what to tell me and what not to tell me.

I notice Dionna and Kenneth were asleep, I was feeling abit tired myself but I just wanted to know more about this guy.

"Tell me abit more about yourself." I say taking him by surprise.

"Well there isn't much to say I'm from here, and well there is four of us. Not much people like us that because they fear us. But I don't want you to fear me as well, I really like you." he admits, making me blush.

He tells me very little about himself, I don't know why I expected anything else. I mean, we just met, so yeah I get it he can't trust me, I can't trust him.

We stay quiet afterwards.


I ordered something to drink and eat. After that nice talk I fell asleep with a big smile on my face. I woke up to the voice of the pilot telling us to prepare for landing.

I'm get too busy putting my things in order that I didn't even notice when Ron left. As we get down from the plane I search everywhere but couldn't find him. Couldn't he have at least said good bye, I just hope I get to see him again... someday.

"Looking for something, or should I say someone" Dionna says teasingly knocking the beezus out of me, making me jump in surprise. "It's been such a long flight and it seems like you don't want to leave just yet" they both laugh.

I knew this was coming I just wasn't ready. "backoff! I'm looking for Ron. He didn't even say goodbye"

"Oooh she even calls him Ron" Kenneth joins in.

"shut up" I snap.

Ohk so I have no idea why I'm getting angry all of a sudden. "Can we just leave already. "

"Hey, hey calm down ohk I can find him for you in less than a day if you want buh just calm down." Dionna says. She doesn't like it when I lose my temper especially on little things like this because I'm just not that kind of girl. I'm one of those people too naive and too good to be the culprit.

" I'm sorry. Can we leave please, I feel very tired."


When we got to our college campus we are told that all the paper work is already done. But the only problem is that there is only one dorm left in our hall so we have to share with Kenneth until they fix the problem, buh luckily it has three rooms so all is well. It took a lot to calm Dionna down because she didn't want to deal with more problems than we already had.(note; she kinda get frustrated when she has to been the one to solve all the problems, this only ends in her getting pretty amgry). We went to our room and unpack our stuff. After a while Kenneth ordered for pizza.

"Yay, pizza" Dionna quickly went to get the door. After dinner we had a long satisfying sleep.


"Rise and shine my princesses"

"Keep it down Kenneth" I say, not willing to get up.

"Another word from you and I would slice your tongue of." Dionna yells

I reluctantly get up take a quick shower and walk to the common room. I find Dionna still curdled up in the couch but at least she has freshen up.

"There you go" Kenneth hands us both breakfast. "thanks"

"You guys get ready we need to go give daddy's lawyer a visit, or did you forget."

"Oh shit" I jump off the couch "I sincerely forgot about that" and we immediately went to change into something presentable. On our way I notice what beautiful places are here in California. And I just can't wait to go around the place, I remember absolutely nothing from my childhood here too bad though. I bring my head and part of my body out of the car window to feel the breeze.

"This feels like heaven. " I yell in the wind.

"I hope you remember that there is hell in this particular heaven, huh."

Dionna as usual always spoils the fun with such serious comments. I know she's right but I just don't want to think about it now. No, not right now. Let me enjoy my peace.

"Boooh👎" I and Kenneth both say together pointing our thumbs down. We know she's right but we just want to enjoy our heaven in peace before hell breaks lose.

It been exactly 15 years of training, preparation and planning for just so I don't end up failing. And finally we going back to California, we only lived there for a year so I don't remember much. Mom says we're legends (I know that might sound like a bit of an over-statement buh its true). Even here our family name scares the hell out of people though we are super innocent. Ohk maybe not so innocent buh we are not that bad. Atleast not like the way my mum says it in her stories.

"Hey can't you guys hurry your butts up, we'll miss the fuckin' flight" I yell.

Elena my best friend and almost sister just sighs and rolls her eyes. "Jeez girl exercise some patience we have a whole hour to ourselves"

I ignore her completely, not even bothered by her tone. I hear someone chuckle from behind. I know that voice all too well it my cousin Kenneth.

"She's just in hurry to go back. Even I can't wait to be treated like a king, so just give her a break" he says to Lena.

Well actually I'm a bit nervous about us going back but I'm also excited since we'll be going to college too. My mum kissed us all good bye when we finally got to the airport. I and well Lena ended up in with a very good looking guy. After trying to eavesdrop on her and her new friend I put on my headphones. I noticed Kenneth was quite busy with his iPad, I turn to Lena and realized she was very nervous around this guy. I give her one of my knowing smirks, I know exactly whats coming next.

Elena's POV

I know it's stupid but I feel really nervous around this guy. For starters he's really hot, quite tall, well built with dark brown hair and dazzling brown eyes.

I lift my head to see Dionna smirk, I'm not quite surprised since she enjoys seeing people go all nervous but I don't like that knowing look she gave me. I know she'll give me hell of a time when we land. I'm just about to put on my headphones on like she did when I hear someone clear his throat. Yeah you can imagine who, 'Mr. Way-too-Hot'.

"Hey " he says " I-I'm Ron. Ronaldo Carter, yeah.."he says.

I guess I'm not the only nervous one here. Atleast I know I have got control here.

" Hi, I'm Elena " I state, calmly. 

And here there are family rules you wouldn't want to break.

Rule number 1. If you want to make friends you keep your mouths shut when it comes to our last name. I noticed Dionna shake her head and giggle. How can she even hear me?

"Oh nice, you going to California for a visit or you staying?" he asks

"Well hopefully we'll staying" I tell him

"We?" he asks

"Oh yeah, me and my best friend Dionna and her cousin Kenneth " I point out. I notice Kenneth lift his head at the mention of his name and I just shrug in response to his questioning look.

"You from here? " I ask as I look out the window.

"Actually I and my siblings were born here in California currently we stay with our aunt. We lost both our parents and in a car crash" He say with a gloomy face. I notice how careful he is with his words like he doesn't want anything to slip And was choosing between what to tell me and what not to tell me.

I notice Dionna and Kenneth were asleep, I was feeling abit tired myself but I just wanted to know more about this guy.

"Tell me abit more about yourself." I say taking him by surprise.

"Well there isn't much to say I'm from here, and well there is four of us. Not much people like us that because they fear us. But I don't want you to fear me as well, I really like you." he admits, making me blush.

He tells me very little about himself, I don't know why I expected anything else. I mean, we just met, so yeah I get it he can't trust me, I can't trust him.

We stay quiet afterwards.


I ordered something to drink and eat. After that nice talk I fell asleep with a big smile on my face. I woke up to the voice of the pilot telling us to prepare for landing.

I'm get too busy putting my things in order that I didn't even notice when Ron left. As we get down from the plane I search everywhere but couldn't find him. Couldn't he have at least said good bye, I just hope I get to see him again... someday.

"Looking for something, or should I say someone" Dionna says teasingly knocking the beezus out of me, making me jump in surprise. "It's been such a long flight and it seems like you don't want to leave just yet" they both laugh.

I knew this was coming I just wasn't ready. "backoff! I'm looking for Ron. He didn't even say goodbye"

"Oooh she even calls him Ron" Kenneth joins in.

"shut up" I snap.

Ohk so I have no idea why I'm getting angry all of a sudden. "Can we just leave already. "

"Hey, hey calm down ohk I can find him for you in less than a day if you want buh just calm down." Dionna says. She doesn't like it when I lose my temper especially on little things like this because I'm just not that kind of girl. I'm one of those people too naive and too good to be the culprit.

" I'm sorry. Can we leave please, I feel very tired."


When we got to our college campus we are told that all the paper work is already done. But the only problem is that there is only one dorm left in our hall so we have to share with Kenneth until they fix the problem, buh luckily it has three rooms so all is well. It took a lot to calm Dionna down because she didn't want to deal with more problems than we already had.(note; she kinda get frustrated when she has to been the one to solve all the problems, this only ends in her getting pretty amgry). We went to our room and unpack our stuff. After a while Kenneth ordered for pizza.

"Yay, pizza" Dionna quickly went to get the door. After dinner we had a long satisfying sleep.


"Rise and shine my princesses"

"Keep it down Kenneth" I say, not willing to get up.

"Another word from you and I would slice your tongue of." Dionna yells

I reluctantly get up take a quick shower and walk to the common room. I find Dionna still curdled up in the couch but at least she has freshen up.

"There you go" Kenneth hands us both breakfast. "thanks"

"You guys get ready we need to go give daddy's lawyer a visit, or did you forget."

"Oh shit" I jump off the couch "I sincerely forgot about that" and we immediately went to change into something presentable. On our way I notice what beautiful places are here in California. And I just can't wait to go around the place, I remember absolutely nothing from my childhood here too bad though. I bring my head and part of my body out of the car window to feel the breeze.

"This feels like heaven. " I yell in the wind.

"I hope you remember that there is hell in this particular heaven, huh."

Dionna as usual always spoils the fun with such serious comments. I know she's right but I just don't want to think about it now. No, not right now. Let me enjoy my peace.

"Boooh👎" I and Kenneth both say together pointing our thumbs down. We know she's right but we just want to enjoy our heaven in peace before hell breaks lose.

Hey guys! How did u like this first chapter . Hope u loved it though.

The chapters won't be very long but I hope it holds the same quality, I don't want to end up writing trash.

Thanks for reading by the way!