
Chapter 15 The Handsome Talent Qin Jian

Translator: 549690339

Qin Jian had a tall and slender figure, dressed neatly in grey Chinese tunic suit, his brows and eyes exuded an inherent coolness, especially those slightly elongated eyes with their sharp gaze, which sent chills down one's spine at a glance.

An Hao was slightly stunned.

In her previous life, she remembered that her first meeting with Qin Jian should have been on the day of their wedding.

Who would have thought that in this life, she could meet Qin Jian so early.

It was really strange; could it be because she was reborn and didn't go on the arranged date, thereby unknowingly changing the trajectory of her destiny?

As An Hao was pondering, she heard Qin Jian harshly scolding the hoodlum, "Stand up! Return the money to the lady!"

The hoodlum, intimidated by Qin Jian's stern face, obediently let go of An Hao and stood up from the ground.

Reluctantly, but with no choice, he took out the money from his pocket, looked up at Qin Jian while doing so, and not until met by his unyielding gaze did he completely empty his pockets of the money.

An Hao took the money handed over to her, counted it, and saw that it was the exact twenty she had lost.

"Is that enough?" Qin Jian asked An Hao in a clear voice.

"It's enough," An Hao replied.

Qin Jian nodded and glancing at the hoodlum, he said, "Come on, follow me to the town's police station!"

The thief was so scared that he turned pale, pleading desperately not to go.

Some passersby, witnessing the scene, recognized him as a habitual thief and condemned him one after another.

Eventually, Qin Jian still managed to shove the thief into his car and took him to the police station, where he accompanied him throughout the whole process and completed a statement.

Walking out of the police station, Qin Jian was ahead and she followed behind.

She remembered that in her previous life, when she married Qin Jian, he always had such a cold face, not very warm to anyone, giving a feeling of keeping people at a distance.

But through the contact just now, she found that although Qin Jian was cold to others, his heart was actually warm and kind.

Staring at his back, An Hao thought to herself how fortunate she was to have met him earlier in this life.

Qin Jian had always felt a gaze on the back of his head, and it was only then that he turned around to look at this young girl, noticing her unabashed gaze upon him.

In the research institute, he was known as the "Ice Mountain of Ten Thousand Years," and there were few who did not fear him; even his employees didn't dare to stare at him so directly.

However, recalling the girl's pluckiness during the thief-catching incident, it was indeed quite feisty.

"Have you had enough?" he joked with An Hao, which was unusual for the ordinarily taciturn him.

Remembering how this man with the cold face had rescued her time and again in her last life, An Hao felt waves of warmth in her heart.

"Yes. I see a man of great talent!" An Hao responded cheerfully, and seeing Qin Jian slightly raise his eyebrows, she turned around and ran back, "Thank you for saving me!"

As she got up to run, Qin Jian remembered something from his car and said, "Where are you going? Don't you want your things?"

An Hao stopped in her tracks and saw the garlic braid in Qin Jian's hand, smiling sheepishly, "Oh yes."

Coming back, she was about to get her things from Qin Jian's car, but she heard him say, "Get in the car!"

An Hao hesitated, "Is that appropriate?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" Qin Jian looked at her.

An Hao then reassured herself, what was she being bashful about, after all? Not to mention anything else, did she expect to walk all the way back on such a long journey?

On the way, Qin Jian focused on driving, while An Hao stealthily took a couple of glances at him.

Seeing that he was silent, An Hao too said nothing, she sat in the car and drowsily dozed off.

By the time she opened her eyes again, they had already arrived in the village.

An Hao's home was at the eastern end of the village, while Qin Jian's home was at the far western end, their directions being completely opposite and unrelated.

As such, it was inconvenient for Qin Jian to drop her off, not to mention this was their first meeting in this life, and she didn't want Qin Jian to think of her as flippant.

Just as An Hao was about to get out of the car, Qin Jian stopped her, "Wait! Wipe your face before you leave."