
Recognition (3)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Xu Cheng and Huang Ying's words quickly attracted the attention of the surrounding guests. They stopped chatting and glanced over.

Madam Ruan and Wang Yazhi were infuriated by Xu Cheng and Huang Ying's words. Looking at their smug faces, they really wanted to rush forward to slap them.

But would someone of Madam Ruan's status be choked by a few words from Xu Cheng and Huang Ying? That was impossible.

Therefore, Madam Ruan sneered. "Huang Ying, there is still surveillance footage of the outrageous things you did in the Ruan family back then. Since you say that our Ruan family is abusing our power, should I think about whether or not I should turn you into a freak show and show everyone the surveillance footage of you appearing in my son's study room so that the guests can be entertained?"

"You!" Huang Ying didn't expect Madam Ruan to have a trick like that up her sleeve. She couldn't speak for a moment and glared at Madam Ruan with hatred in her eyes.