
Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

No one knows who is she, how does she look and where does she live but they only know that she is the apple of the Rao family, born with beauty and a great mind. After suffering from a cruel incident when she was five, she was chased by nightmares every night and then was forced to leave her country to protect herself. After staying abroad for twelve long years, she finally decided to return to her country and face the nightmare courageously but to her surprise, when she returned she found about her late grandmother's promise…and that was to marry her to the heir of Mu family….Mu Jun. What kind of person he is? She has no idea. Mu Jun, the only grandson of Elder Mu, lost his mother at the age of ten. Because of his cunning and greedy stepmother, he was forced to distance himself from his father and grandfather. To the world, he was the heir of the Mu family but he had another identity in the underworld and that was one of the five pillars of the Garuda. What kind of person he is? Other than his identity, Sia was not aware of anything about him but as obedient as she was, she decided to disguise herself and enter his life to know more about to him and fulfill her late grandmothers wish. From school life to love life, from being crime partners to investigators will they have a smooth road? Will Mu Jun and Sia be able to find out about the secret of their life and purpose of marriage? To know more about how the two love birds will end up, follow up the story… After hesitating for a while, she asked: “Darling, don’t you like kids?” “No I don’t” he replied without any hesitation Humming, she asked in another way “Darling, do you like daughter?” Closing the file, he looked at her and said “Okay…let’s make one” After a few years, he frowned deeply and said “I won't give up. I want a daughter….let’s make one” “.…” ‘are you sure? We already have three sons’

SamikshaRav · Urban
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573 Chs

Oh...It's the plastic face!!

After being humiliated by Sia the previous day, Li Fie had developed a kind of hatred that was greater than the hatred she had on An Ran.

Blinded by hate, Li Fie for a moment did not realize the consequences of going against Sia.

The next day early morning, as soon as Sia walked into the class, a group of girls walked inside the class, led by Li Fie.

Su Yan was the first one noticed followed by the rest. Unlike others who would wait for the other to speak before humiliating them, Sia was very different from them.

As soon as Sia as Li Fie walking towards them with a group of girls, she raised her left brow and called out "Oh...It's the plastic face"

That one word, it was enough to infuriate Li Fie more than anything. Pointing her fingers, when she was about to berate Sia, the later was faster than her.

Without giving chance for Li Fie to speak, Sia looked at the remaining and asked with a smile "Oh...who are these pretty ladies? Are you here for me?"

"You-...how shameless" Li Fie yelled

"When did I say I was not?" Sia retorted back with a straight face

"pfft-" Lu Jin laughed out when he saw her finally accepting the truth. She was indeed very shameless

"You-" Cutting Li Fie again, Sia looked at the other girls and said "Ladies, it's better to avoid a plastic face. What if the plastic face suddenly gets jealous of your natural beauty and harm you? you know what I mean"

Hearing Sia's words, the remaining girls behind Li Fie were stunned for a moment and looked at each other face...considering Sia's words.

Enraged, before Li Fie pointed at Sia and exclaimed "You shameless little bitch....how dare you slander me? I don't have a plastic face"

"Oh...then do you have plastic boobs?" Sia asked with a look of amusement

"You- I don't have plastic boobs" Li Fie yelled, momentarily losing her composure. Her loud voice attracted the other students who looked at her in confusion.

Shrugging her shoulder, Sia replied innocently "How would I know if it's plastic or not"

"Then should I show it to prove you?" Li Fie questioned in rage but who would have thought Sia would be so shameless.

As soon as Li Fie said those words, Sia leaned backward with a horrified face and said "Hey I'm straight and I'm not into those things"

Speechless, Li Fie did not know what to speak and at the same time, she felt that the female students around her moved away from her a little.

Furious, Li Fie had almost lost her ability to think and yelled mindlessly "I'm fucking straight. I can Kiss Brother Jin right in front of you and prove it to you" Li Fie challenged.

Ignoring Li Fie, Sia suddenly turned her head to look at Lu Jin and looked at him weirdly.

With a bad feeling, Lu Jin leaned back and asked "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"When did you become a female? why don't I know about it?" Sia asked looking at him accusingly

Dumbfounded, Lu Jin was momentarily speechless before he yelled "What the hell...I'm fucking straight"

"oh...." Sia nodded in understanding before turning back to the infuriated Li Fie and said "You heard it? he is straight....you might need to choose someone else now" Sia said in regret

Infuriated to the max, Li Fie could not hold on any longer and she suddenly fainted in anger.

Afraid that they might be blamed for causing a ruckus, the girls who followed Li Fie pulled her up and took her to the infirmary.

Watching the back of the girls, Sia shook her head and sighed "These girls are really too weak. They can't even stand straight for a few minutes?....tsk tsk" with that said Sia sighed and walked back to her desk.

Speechless, both the boys and girls looked at Sia weirdly.

Feeling their gaze, Sia raised her eyebrows and asked "What? did my charm entice you so much that you can't even take your eyes off?"


Si Ming: "Should we take her to a hospital?"

Yang Jie: "I guess it's better to take her to Nimans"

Shen Yi: "Should I ask my cousin to treat her? he is a world-class doctor"

Su Yan: "Nah...I guess it's better to call that doctor Psycho...he might be the only one who can treat her"

Lu Jin: "I'm afraid to even the Great God may not be able to treat her"

Glancing at Sia, Xiao Li looked at the other people and said expressionlessly "If you don't want these great people to die, better forget whatever you have in your mind"

Turning their heads to look at Xiao Li, everyone thought that what she said indeed made some sense. Turning their attention away from Sia, they mumbled "It's better to give up. I don't want those great people to die"

"Hmm...you are right"

Hearing their conversation, Sia was left speechless. Glaring at her friends she thought "Don't they know that I'm still here? Can't they at least speak such things when I'm not around? Sigh...Ahh, my kidney hurts...wu wu'

After dealing with Li Fie, Sia kind of felt relieved and looked relaxed but unknowing to her, her words had cause Li Fie to lie on the bed for a whole day in the infirmary due to a rise in blood pressure. When the doctor heard that Sia was the one who caused Li Fie to faint she did not dare to belive those girls' words. The doctor could not believe that a little girl could make a healthy girl faint without using external factors. Hence she deduced that patient fainted due to lack of vitamin and provided some vitamin tablets and let Li Fie rest for a while in the infirmary.

Back to the class...

Just as the group of girls and boys finished and their classes and were about to head out, they were once again blocked by a group of girls.

Looking at the leading girl, Sia's face suddenly darkened and she turned her head and glared at Lu Jin.

Frightened, Lu Jin hurriedly shook his head and said "I don't know who are they. Really...I have nothing to do with them"

"Then who the hell attracted these bees this time?" Sia asked with a frown

"I guess they are here for...."

Mother- The first and the best gift you recieve as soon as you are born. from the day of your birth till the day of her death, no matter where you are, how you are...She always prays to the god to keep her children safe and happy.

To every mother on this universe, I salute from My heart!!

Happy Mother's Day!!

SamikshaRavcreators' thoughts