
Baby they are bullying me !!

From the moment Sia appeared and was introduced as Ms. Rao, the few young lady's who had previously cursed Sia were thunderstruck. They could belive how grave of a mistake they had committed.

The only reason they bullied Sia even though she never offended them was because they thought she was poor and just a commoner. But when they saw her standing right in front, they realised that she could never be a commoner.

At the moment, the few young ladies regreted listening to that minion and cursing Sia viciously. They could not be take back those words they had already sent. They could only wish that the others had used more vicious words than them so that they could be excused.

Remebering that person who insited them, all the young girls turned to look at the minion hatefully.

But right at the moment the one who was regretful the most was the minion itself. Inorder to hug this papaya tree, she had offended the cocunut tree unknowingly.

Next chapter