
The swaying weed

Hello guys, my name is....

Actually... I think my parents don't give me one, but please don't blame them, I bet you also will not bother give your child any if you can't even remember how many children you have.

Like I said, I have many siblings, from same batch or more from another batch, so so many that I don't bother to remember all of them.

Do you have some idea what I am? yup! 'what', not who, you are not get it wrong, lets me give you more clue... I am alive of course, green, tiny and cute, and absolutely handsome.

Well, did it ring the bell?

Okay, let's not play this game anymore, I am a little weed you usually saw on the roadside, pretty unnoticeable right?

But here I am, actually rather than on the roadside, I am the type that you human deliberately planted in your garden, more specially I am planted in the school garden. A rough life if you ask, meeting a bunch of ignorant students and their shoes every week days, sigh...

So you can imagine how happy I am when these students sing "Holidays is arrived!, Holidays is arrived!, Happiness fill my heart!", but nooo!!! these big fat liar!!! I feel like grind my teeth if I have when I remember how heart broken the innocent me when I heard mister teacher say there will be final exam soon. Tsk, these students have learn to run away from their problem in earlier ages. In no way I wanna believe their word anymore.

And excuse me mister teacher, I absolutely don't minds, really don't minding you ruining my dream with that so called final exam. But can you put more effort to keep my little live?? these big fat students obviously don't give a damn for this little banner with 'like you, I want to live to' and 'please don't steps on me' or they are just to humble for 'smart people don't step on the grass', they just know their capabilities in my opinion.

But you know? the most tragic things is.. the one who give us most harm is the same person who planted us, mister gardener!!!Every time my beautiful hair grow a little longer, he will mercilessly cut my head bald!!! and he still have nerves to asking why we are still single with no children when he literally forced us to be a monk!!!

The brothers with beautiful flowers have it worse, with these students plucking their flowers before it even blooms... you know flowers is our... sigh... they simply make those brothers eunuchs... with no hope having children in this life... life oh life...

Despite of these things, I can still find some simple things to make myself happy, like now I wanted to jump in happiness while singing "Rainy season is arrived! Rainy season is arrived! Happiness fill my heart!". Yes I am live in the tropical country called Indonesia which have two season, mister teacher said.

This country is really a paradise for plant kingdom like me, where stick and stone can become a plant! seriously I even saw my own species growing from a stone crack, like... can you choose more narrow place. I really envious in the beginning, he don't have to suffer this repeated none existed hairstyle, the ladies love him, and those enviable beautiful long hair...

But enviable plant life a short live, I still remember when mister gardener pulled up his hair to his roots... that gruesome scene... how many ladies have broken heart, how many of us greatfully become a monks... that's what happened when a plant are not in the place where it have to be... tyrant... we want democration and plants rights mister teacher always exclaimed!!!