
Swapping Geneive

Saving someone from drowning was the last thing I would do, ESPECIALLY if I couldn't swim. This only excited Geneive though. Driven with greed and the need for fame, FINALLY! this was her chance to shine. It was 'clearly' the gods that had gifted her this opportunity and there was no way in hell she was going to let it slip pass her buttery fingers. She smirked as she thought of herself being on T.V .' Scrawny teen girl saves helpless boy from drowning' there was no denying that she would be a household name.. Letting out a croaky battle cry, with a new set of determination, she marches into the unforgiving waters without even questioning the sudden change in weather. What she didn't know was from the moment she placed her feet into the odd lake her life was about to change drastically. Yes change was going to happen. But things do not always go as plan, do they....? Forcefully thrown into a world that Geneive thought only existed between her book pages, she is mortified when she finds out what exactly what she has landed herself into. Escaping 'maybe with a few antiques' is her main priority, but will she want to when she finds out exactly what or who is waiting for her?

Ploppyreads_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 5~Travelling Alone

Geneive's pov

"I'm not going with you, Geve."

" What do you mean you are not going with me.. How am I to travel by myself? " I question. My stomach churns and my chest grows tight.

Was this some kind of a joke? It was one I didn't find funny at all.

He sighs resting his hands on my shoulders giving it a gentle squeeze as he attempts to calm me down. It wasn't helping.

At the moment we were currently at some bus stop arguing. Well not 'we' it was just me. I just didn't understand how he expected me to do all this by myself. I couldn't.

What would I do if that Alpha guy found me and took me back to that god awful place and my cousin wasn't their to protect me..!? I would be dead meat! Was this the "smart plan" he came up with? This probably took him 5 minutes to think about and I wouldn't be surprised if I was right.

Glaring at him from the side of my eye, I wait for him to say something..

"I already arranged everything for you, all you need to do is follow my instructions and you would be happy and safe. I even enrolled you in that art school you've always wanted to attend, isn't that exciting?" he whispers giving me a reassuring smile.

I frown slightly. Really art school, how much more boring can this girl be? I mean I'm not saying that my life was all that exciting, but hers seems extremely boring. I don't know how she managed to do it.

Luckily I was somewhat good at painting and drawing since my mother made me attend some classes when I was in 4th grade, else my cover would be blown. I needed to learn more about this girl quickly before I got discovered..

"You don't seem that excited gevie. " he raises his eye brows confusingly, snapping me out of my thoughts. My eyes shot to his confused ones and I force a grin onto my face. Darn, It was that obvious from my expression? Note to work on that.

"What do you mean? I am happy," I reply. My voice raising slightly at the end of my sentence, making me cringe. It was obvious that I was lying. Hopefully it was a lie good enough that he would believe. He seemed a bit slow so I think it should work.

"Hmmm if you say so." he drops the topic reluctantly. Making me heave a sigh of relief. Phew.

"Would the Alpha guy not find out that it was you who helped me escape? I'm pretty sure he would not let you off so easily," I said changing the topic. How would he let the person who let his luna escape go? No way that was gonna happen. Most likely he would be punished severely. It would be better if he came along with me. My intentions with him were not that innocent either but at least he would be safe with me.. I think..

" Aaww does my geve care about me? " he smirks and latches his hands on my cheeks squeezing them painfully. I swat his sweaty hands away from my face, and rub them wincing as I felt the slight sting. I was sure my face was beet red.

"Shut up, should I not be worried for my cousin's safety? don't get ahead of yourself," I roll my eyes and fold my arms.

As much as I would like to deny it, I have to admit I was worried. Worried that my money bag aka my cousin would get damaged. Hear me out.. If he was damaged..

How would I be able to make money off of him. He needs a pretty face for his successful modeling career that he didn't know about yet. But I wasn't going to tell him about that until later.. Much later. I urged him further to travel with me.

"Please," I jut out my bottom lip giving him my best expression of puppy eyes. Yes, It was extremely embarrassing but it had to be done. A little of my pride could go for this.

The sides of his eyes crinkle as he laughs patting my head, messing my curls.

" You don't need to worry about those other things, geve, just focus on being safe, I will be fine." I frown not liking his answer, but nod in response. It seems like nothing I said not would change his decision.

He yawns suddenly stretching his hands above his head. I could hear his bones crack in the process. His shoulders sag as he brings them down, eyes slightly puffy and watering. You could see the dark circles under his eyes. I felt kinda guilty looking at him knowing that his lack of sleep was caused my me. And all I was doing was complaining and being mean and all that he was doing was to protect me.

" Is there anything else I should know about," I murmured, chewing on my lips.

"Yes, when you arrive Jonas will be there waiting to pick you up."

"Jonas... Who?"

He laughs playfully punching my shoulder.

"Yes Jonas your cousin, also my older brother," he say slowly "You have been acting weird since you've woken up, are you okay Geve? " he questions looking at me strangely. He has an older brother? How many more cousins I had to learn about? I thought It was only him. Was he as good looking as him? I shock my head slightly. Really Geneive..?? Now wasn't the time to be thinking about that. Stop being such a horn dog.

"Oh yeah, Jonas!" I laughed nervously. I felt a headche coming on.

"It's maybe because I am feeling a bit unwell with the stress that's why I am not acting like myself. I may need a few hours to relax to return back to normal," I reply smoothly. Another lie. He smiles, but it didn't quite reach his eyes, as he looked at me with pity.

"Don't look at me like that, I'll be fine soon," I roll my eyes. Pity was the last thing I wanted to see on someone's face.

"If you say so."

Wanting to change the topic again I stepped out into the blazing sun, squinting as its harsh glare almost blinds me, making me block my eyes. We had barely been here for less than fifteen minutes waiting for the bus, but already our faces were drenched with beads of sweat. Some had even trickled unto my lips, giving my mouth a salty taste. I needed a bathe and a toothbrush quickly before I lost my mind.

"I packed this bag for you," he says handing me a duffel bag. It almost fell from the weight of it as I took it from his hands. He made this seem light when he was holding it also, what did he pack in this bag, the entire house? I turn to look at him in question.

" There are clothes, toiletries, and snacks, drinks and other stuff in there." he grins.

"Thanks," I replied smiling. I have never met someone who was as kind as this guy. Such a shame...

A high pitch screeching sound is heard as the white bus pulls up finally, breaking the silence.

He walks up to me slowly as if trying to decide on something. I watch him as he pulls me closer to him and wraps his arms around me for a hug. It was a little awkward at first but I hugged him back. I could feel that he was worried about me. If the plan didn't go well this could've been the last time he saw his "cousin."

" Stay safe," he whispers pulling away from me. I smile sadly in response and grab the bag.

Stepping into the bus, I walk to the back and find a seat next to the small rectangular window, and waved my cousin as the bus pulled away. He smiles sadly and waves back in return. Stay safe~~


Two bus rides, one train ride and three taxis later and I had finally arrived to my destination. During that travelling time I had to stop at cheap motels at night which was a nightmare. I should have known that paying 50 dollars to rent a room would be too good to be true. But the first night was the worst.

The motel I was staying at had pee stains and other kinds of stains on the cream coloured walls. The thin sheets thrown on the mattress were brown, and no.. That was not the original colour and they smelt bad. I knew if I slept on it I would surely get some kind disease. One that was not discovered as yet.

So I took off the sheets only to put it back on as I saw the moldy sponge bed, that I was pretty sure was invested with bed bugs. What even made it worse were the rodents in the corner of the room staring back at me confusingly. Probably wondering why I was invading their personal space. One word to describe it was creepy.

I felt like throwing up and running out of the room to get a better one, but I was on a tight budget and this was what I could afford. I would have to pull on my big girl panties and suck it up. I was surprised no one came to shut this place down. Isn't someone suppose to check up on the motels to see if they was fit for persons to live there? I don't think that law should be that different at wherever this world was at. And lets not even talk about the bathroom.. All I have to say is disgusting.

Did I sleep on the bed that night? .. No.. However, I layed a few of the clothes my cousin packed on the floor and used the bag as pillow. The sleep was uncomfortable as I twisted and turned throughout the night constantly wondering if one of the rodents would climb into my mouth while I was sleeping and multiply.

The other motels were not that bad though. But they weren't that great either. But I could live with it. The meals I had during that time consisted of cup ramens and energy drinks. Not very healthy.

Back to the present I was currently waiting for my other cousin, Jonas to pick me up. Something he should have done an hour ago. Why was he so late? I didn't know.. It was around five when I got out of the taxi and now you could see the dark blue sky mixing with a light pinkish and orange colour. While it was a beautiful sight to see. It was also a reminder that I only had a limited amount of time before it turned night and that I would be stuck it darkness. I groaned tapping my foot on the pavement impatiently. This Jonas guy wasn't reliable at all.

To make sure I knew who I would be looking for, I made sure to ask my cousin what he looked like.

All he said was that he looked like the more maturer version of himself with tattoos, piercings and shorter hair. I was curious to see him. I couldn't even imagine it.

A rough hand suddenly grabs my shoulders making me yelp out of surprise. I turn around to yell only to stop as I see the person towering over me with a scowl on their face.

I gulped shrinking back. I definitely wasn't going to get in an argument with this guy. He looked like he could flick me away with just one finger. Was this Jonas? He looked exactly like his brother. Just alot taller and he was more muscular. There were tattoos covering both of his arms and he had a lip and nose piercing. He gave off a dangerous vibe but his attractiveness overruled that. Maybe I could get him to go back with me also..?

Somehow I think I would have to fly before that happened.

'He would be happy to see you' he said with a grin.. But the person infront of me said otherwise. He looked more annoyed than anything. Did his brother force him to get me or something? Cause he looked anything but happy.

I laugh nervously tightening the hold on my bag straps. I felt as if I would have to run away any moment. Not that I would get far considering his long legs. He probably would leave me to run away then tell his brother he didn't see me. Yup, that sounds more like him.

"Are you Jonas?" I question nervously after building up enough courage to talk. He just nods curtly before taking my bag from my hands and walks away.

I follow behind him finding it hard to keep up with his pace. He was taking long strides and I was jogging. It felt as if he was walking quickly on purpose. Or maybe I was just unfit?

"Geez can you slow down flash?" I joke trying to get him to chat with me. I know I probably sounded desperate, but spending time with insects anr rodents does that to a person. I would talk to anyone.

He comes to a halt all of a sudden, making me bump into his back with a thud. I rub my nose and look down at my shoes as he turns around to glare at me. If looks could kill I would be six feet under already. What was stick so far up his bumb that had him behaving like that. If anyone should be upset it would be me. After all he arrived late.

He stops infront of an old black station wagon and tosses my bag to the back seat and hops into the front seat, immediately starting the truck. The engine coughs uncontrollably, letting black smoke dance in the air as it comes to life.

He turns to look at me impatiently as I stand there frozen. Quickly understanding the look, I run to the car and hop and in, worried that he would leave me behind if I remained a second later in that spot. I wouldn't put it past him. He seemed very unpredictable..

Before I could even close my door and put on my seat belt he presses his foot hard against the gas pedal and starts driving. I scowl turning towards him after I shut my door. Remember Geneive he's doing you a favour by picking you up. You only need to tolerate him for a few hours. I chant to myself as I tried to catch my breath. Well this is going to be fun.

Sorry if there might be some misspelt words.

Ploppyreads_creators' thoughts