
Swallowed Star

Year 2056, in a city in the Yuan Jiang Su Jin area. On top of a ruined, shattered six story residential apartment sits a teenager wearing a combat vest, militaristic trousers, and alloyed battle boots. On his back is a hexagonal shield and equipped is a blood-shadow battle knife. He sits there silently on the edge of the roof. At this time, the sparkling sky was shining and there was a refreshing breath within the air that blew towards him. However, there was only silence within the ruined, deserted city, with an occasional howl that makes your heart skip a beat.

I Eat Tomatoes · Eastern
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1486 Chs

Exchanging within The Castle

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Volume 09 Chapter 35 - Exchanging within The Castle

The flowers and blades of grass were fluttering in the wind, and the large numbers of explorer groups around were heavily surrounding the thunder castle.

"So many people have surrounded the thunder castle?" Luo Feng looked from the distance, creasing his eyebrows.

The scene before them was an obvious sign...these large groups of people must have teamed up together to set up a security barrier before the castle. Even if one had thunderstones, with other parties blocking outside, what could one do?

"Big brother, second brother, I'm going to look for Lord Ming Yu." Luo Feng communicated via genetic energy.

"Alright." Hong and Thunder God nodded.

Luo Feng closed his eyes, swiftly connecting to the Virtual Universe Network.


Virtual Universe Network, Black Dragon Mountain Island, 9 Star Bay.