
Swallowed Star

Year 2056, in a city in the Yuan Jiang Su Jin area. On top of a ruined, shattered six story residential apartment sits a teenager wearing a combat vest, militaristic trousers, and alloyed battle boots. On his back is a hexagonal shield and equipped is a blood-shadow battle knife. He sits there silently on the edge of the roof. At this time, the sparkling sky was shining and there was a refreshing breath within the air that blew towards him. However, there was only silence within the ruined, deserted city, with an occasional howl that makes your heart skip a beat.

I Eat Tomatoes · Eastern
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1486 Chs

Deadly Situation

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

"The tendon of a ocelot monster's tail is worth quite a bit". With a "CHI" sound of Luo Feng's ghost blade, it drew across the tail and took out the transparent tendon. Luo Feng looked at Wei Tie beside him and laughed, "Brother Tie sure is strong. With that collision with the twin tailed ocelot just now, brother Tie was spitting out blood. It scared me, but it seems like brother Tie is perfectly fine now!"

"Are you stupid? Should I just force the blood back down instead of spitting it out? The damage will be even worse that way!" said Wei Tie jokingly as he laughed.

"Alright, let's get these one by one" laughed Chen Gu.

The six members of the fire hammer squad were in quite a good mood. Gao Feng squatted next to the twin tailed ocelot while dissecting it. Of course, the twin tailed ocelot's corpse was the hardest to dissect.

"Luo Feng brought luck to our squad. It's our first day and we killed two commander level monsters in a row" laughed Gao Feng as he dissected.