
Swallowed Star

Year 2056, in a city in the Yuan Jiang Su Jin area. On top of a ruined, shattered six story residential apartment sits a teenager wearing a combat vest, militaristic trousers, and alloyed battle boots. On his back is a hexagonal shield and equipped is a blood-shadow battle knife. He sits there silently on the edge of the roof. At this time, the sparkling sky was shining and there was a refreshing breath within the air that blew towards him. However, there was only silence within the ruined, deserted city, with an occasional howl that makes your heart skip a beat.

I Eat Tomatoes · Eastern
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1486 Chs

Big Trouble

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

"This, this..." Buluo Nuolan Shan, the black gorilla man, the green skinned woman and the other four explorers were all completely stunned. What was originally a weak and small aboriginal group in their minds, actually produced so many overpowering fighters in a flash!

"Star level 7 spirit readers?"

"Level 7?"

"There are three star level 7 spirit readers!!!"

Buluo and the others looked in fear at their mini computers, the screen displaying the figures for them. My god! The strongest among them was their captain and he was only a star level 6, and only a fighter at that! A Star level 7 spirit reader was more than enough to wipe out their entire team, much less three of them!

"Master." The blurred human silhouettes bowed respectfully towards Luo Feng on the balcony.