
Swallowed Star: Signing in for 30,000 years

Our main character traverses to the Swallowed star universe and got a sign-in system. Tragically, he descended into the core area of the Beast universe when he first arrived. But thanks to his first sign-in, he was able to strip his soul and reincarnate into a human boy who is also named Zhou Hao and belongs to the same time range as the original protagonist, with his progress being faster than anyone on the planet. He cultivates this clone as his main body. hey guys I am just posting here so I can listen to it while I do things. I got it from Novelhi/com The original author of this fanfic according to that website is Xi Ai Chi Huang Gua

smart999time · Anime & Comics
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270 Chs

chapter 46

Around the lake, many forces from all over the world were stationed.

Many staff members stared at the life detector screen nervously.

"This powerhouse is so fast!"

"The underground river doesn't seem to be able to stop him."

"He's definitely a councilor-level spirit reader. Could it be India's Easter?"

Looking at the red dot represented by Zhou Hao rapidly approaching the light dot represented by the shrimp beast emperor through the underground river, many staff members were discussing in surprise. The number of telekinesis masters in the world was already small, and those who could break through to the councilor level could be counted on one hand. Most of the staff members guessed that this strong man was the number one telekinesis master in India.

"The beast emperor is moving!"

Someone couldn't help but yell out in shock. Dozens of light tentacles appeared on the screen and attacked the red dot at an extremely fast speed. Many wargods and staff members were worried for Zhou Hao.

This was a beast emperor level monster!

Once attacked, even a councilor-level powerhouse would be seriously injured. After two or three attacks, even a councilor-level powerhouse would die.

Because of this, other than Hong and Thor, no councilor-level powerhouse dared to fight the beast emperor. The risk was too high.

But soon, their eyes were filled with disbelief.

On the screen, a large number of light tentacles disappeared after touching the red dot as if they were swallowed by a snake.

This meant that a large number of the beast emperor's tentacles were broken.

No one thought that this unknown spirit reader councilor-level powerhouse could injure the beast emperor in one move.

"Quick, look, the beast emperor is escaping!!!"

"The beast emperor is scared!"

"Not good, the beast emperor is going to rush out of the water. Quick, everyone retreat!"

When they saw the huge light spot on the screen moving rapidly toward the surface of the lake, roars of terror could be heard from all the bases.

Then, one figure after another, like birds startled by the twang of a bow, frantically fled from the base.

Luckily, they were all wargods. With their strength, they weren't slow at all.


In just a few seconds, a hundred meter tall wave appeared on the lake. The water was boiling and the wilderness was trembling.

On the screen that no one was looking at, it showed that the tentacles around the huge light dot were quickly disappearing.

Inside the lake.

Zhou Hao's face was calm and emotionless, but the four transparent miniature planets in his sea of consciousness were spinning crazily, and waves of powerful spiritual power were surging.

The demonic dragon form condensed by the advanced version of the Soaring Shuttle was like a storm raging in the lake, tearing apart a large number of the shrimp-type Beast Emperor's tentacles. Broken tentacles and minced meat spread along with a large amount of blood, dyeing most of the lake red.

The shrimp-shelled monster let out a series of ear-piercing screeches as its thousand-meter-long body frantically flipped around. Its remaining tentacles stirred the surface of the lake, causing it to move faster and faster. In the blink of an eye, it leaped out of the lake. Originally, it had the advantage in the lake and the underground waterway, but its body was too big, making it difficult for it to flip around.

Especially after a large number of its tentacles were broken, the Shrimp Beast Emperor had lost its main means of attack. It could only rush out of the water and fight Zhou Hao with its spatial body.


The three-thousand-meter-long shrimp beast emperor was like a small island. The moment it rushed out of the water, the lake water formed waves that spread to the surroundings.

A large number of staff members stationed at the base had yet to escape the safety zone. When they saw the huge monster, their faces turned pale.

Just the shockwaves from a battle between Beast Emperors could severely injure or even kill them.

But at this moment.

A figure rushed out of the water and at the same time, suddenly increased its speed and caught up with the Beast Emperor in an instant.

All the staff members saw a scene that they would never forget for the rest of their lives. In the shadow of the Beast Emperor's huge body, a golden light suddenly gathered. Then, the golden light was like a peacock spreading its tail, forming a semicircular golden fan shape.

Xiu xiu xiu.

Soon, a sharp piercing sound could be heard.

Countless beams of golden light shot toward the stone-like skin of the shrimp beast emperor.

Puff puff puff puff!

The rock-like skin that couldn't be broken by the full-force attack of an ordinary planetary state was easily penetrated by the golden rain formed by the golden light.


Before the Shrimp Beast Emperor died, it let out an ear-piercing sound that tore through the sky. Then, its life force quickly faded, and its cold eyes gradually lost their color as it fell heavily toward the lake.


The lake water kept churning, and the wilderness trembled.

All the staff members who were running away breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that their lives were saved. But when they came back to their senses, they all looked at the figure in the Black God suit floating above the lake in shock.

This was a Beast Emperor!

Even the world's strongest, Hong, couldn't do anything to it. He could only injure its tentacles but couldn't kill it.

But now, he was killed by such a strange spirit reader master.

Everyone felt extremely shocked in their hearts.

At the same time, they understood that the world's first councilor-level fighter who successfully killed a Beast Emperor was born!

On the auto jets that were rushing toward the Misty Island.

The councilor-level fighters of many forces around the world were relatively calm. After all, they knew that the Beast Emperor wasn't that easy to kill.

This unknown fighter who rushed into the lake recklessly would probably escape from the bottom of the lake in less than a few minutes. This was if the situation was slightly better. If the situation was worse, then this unknown fighter would very likely escape with serious injuries. And the worst thing would be that he angered the Beast Emperor. If he couldn't resist it, he would eventually die under its attacks.

Inside the Dojo of Limits' Hong's auto jet.

Hong, Iceberg Enchanting, and the other guards sat silently.

"How much longer do we need to get there?" Hong's low voice sounded.

The AI system quickly replied, "Two Xiii minutes until we reach the Misty Island."

Hong frowned, "Increase the speed."


The auto jet trembled slightly and increased its speed.

Hong looked at Iceberg, "Who's in charge of the base?"

Iceberg hurriedly said, "It's examiner Xue, who was just replaced from the Northeast headquarter city."

"Call him and ask about the situation."

"Yes, Head."

Iceberg immediately used his watch to make a call.

Beep beep ~

The call quickly connected.

Before he could ask, examiner Xue's shocked voice came from the other side, "Bing, councilor Iceberg, the Beast Emperor, the Beast Emperor is dead!"

Swish swish.

Everyone's eyes focused on Iceberg.

Iceberg hurriedly asked, "Examiner Xue, what did you say? The Beast Emperor is dead? "

"Yes, the Beast Emperor was killed by this unknown spirit reader master master. Right now, the Beast Emperor's body has just been dragged to the shore. This news should be known by all the other forces. Councilor Iceberg, please immediately inform the Head to come out and fight for the Beast Emperor's body!" Examiner Xue's voice sounded through the watch in the auto jet.

Hong's low voice sounded, "I understand."

The auto jet quickly became silent again, but everyone's breathing became chaotic.

Hong was no exception. He faintly guessed who this unknown strong person was, but his heart was even more shocked. He had personally fought with this shrimp type Beast Emperor, so he naturally knew how strong it was.

It could be said.

Even if the Cloud Contact Vine cooperated well with him and increased his strength by 50%, he only had a 30% chance of killing the Beast Emperor.