
Swaggering in the Apocalypse

What will happen if a teen who had always lived his past life in the hospital and without worldly experience is transmigrated into an apocalyptic world? Is he going to rise or fall? Witness as Adam, a wimp and scaredy-cat was thrown into the apocalypse, being carried by the system in his journey in becoming the World's top existence, the [Lord]. Note: This is my first time writing and please don't expect much. The mc is very op so if you are one of those guys who like those weak to strong ones, this book will probably not suit your taste. But if you want, you can still try reading it.

Broken_Stone · Sci-fi
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52 Chs

Chapter 1: I'm at the apocalypse

In a dark room, a teen looking like 16 years old is lying on the floor barely breathing. His clothes are torn and some areas of his body is full of scratches and tears making his blood made a puddle.


" System initializing...

Verifying location...

Location locked. Planet Tran, City B....

Scanning for viable host..



Viable host detected...

Calculating fusion success rate..

Success rate reached 98.7%, viable host found..

Automatic binding with the [ Supreme Lord System].


binding complete...

Modifying host's physical attributes..


host is detected at critical health.."

Where am I?..

Am I dead?..

" Due to extreme blood lost and virus infection, the system overrule the power of the host and activates [ heal].

Host had been stabilized...

All physical injuries are treated..

acquiring rewards..

Congratulation host for acquiring [heal]: ability to generate power to heal injuries of the host and people targeted, by completing the hidden task ( Event: Near Death Experience ).

Congratulation for acquiring bloodline skill [ Greater Human ] (passive): all human physical abilities multiplied by 5.

Congratulation for opening [ storage ] : spatial space measuring 100 cubic meters. Expands from host level ups."

It's noisy..

Can you just let me pass in peace..

Can't you see that a person is grieving here? You're cruel...

" It's been detected that the host's current world is at the start of an apocalypse.

Host gain the title [ survivor ] : passive luck to survive in the apocalypse ..

Generating a dimensional home for the host to serve as base...generating..

Congratulation for acquiring the space [ Garden of the King ]...

Generating newbie gift pack..

congratulation for acquiring 3 tokens.."


I'm not dead?!!!

the hell!!!

What's all those year where I'm being held by the hospital bed for years for?!!

It'ss all gone for nothing!!!

" It's been detected that the host is experiencing abnormal mental condition.

Generating solution....

Host acquires passive skills [ Brave ] : stabilizes host heart. Immune to all deterrant and control skill."

After hearing the mechanical voice, Adam's was suddenly subjected to a pale white light coating and stabilizes his mind.

Holy sh*t.

I've got a system!

Adam the paused for a moment and was able to take in his current state.

My name is Adam a sickly person suffering leukemia in my previous life. Since I was 8 years old, I had only been to home and hospital. Both parent's are workaholic and can be considered to have a bleak childhood. It only change a little when I started to have leukemia that they render their time to me. But that time is quite late for me to create greater memories before my death. Due to my condition, I failed to experience the beauty of growing up and was stuck at the hospital for the consequent years. It was on my sixteenth year that my body finally gave up and passed away.


" The creation of the host body is finalized. Please open the host's [ Status ] and check it for yourself "

Suddenly a light blue screen appeared in front of Adam bringing him back to his present situation.

I passed through!!!

And at an apocalyptic world at that!

But instead of staying shock for a long time, Adam felt a force that suddenly soothes him and accept reality.

So it is [ Brave].. very convenient.

Quite acceptable ability for someone who had no worldly experience and only read novels and book like me.

" System, show my status "



Host: Adam Wiles

Title: [Survivor]

Passive Skill : [greater human], [brave]

Active skill: [ heal ]


Tokens: 3

[ Garden of the King]

Specie: Human ( average base attributes:5)

Strenth: 5.0 (x5)

Agility: 5:0 (x5)

Spirit : [brave]

Mental: 5.0

After scanning his [status], Adam then focus in his sorrounding.

He is currently in a very dark place, most probably a basement. Adam had no idea where he was because unlike some traverser who have inherited some memories, he have none.

After sorting his thoughts, he then tried to examine his current condition.

I was modified by the system and there should be some benefit right?

Adam then tried to experiment on his body.

Hands.. pretty strong?

Hearing... very sharp.

Smell... What rotten stench am I smelling?!!

Focusing his amplified hearing ability outside the room, adam can hear some low growls and some distant screaming sounds.

" It really is as the apocalypse as shown in novels."

This is cliche! Can't you make the plot way more obvious than this?

Adam who had been an avid reader on his past life suddenly lits up his eyes but suddenly shuddered.

This is the apocalypse..

There are zombies outside and other man eating creature...

They like to eat human..

I am human..

I am human..?

Then won't I be eaten here?!!!!!

