
Survivor in Danmachi

(got the cover image off of google, didn't have any credits, if its yours and you want me to remove it tell me and I will.) After waking up to find himself being bit by a zombie, everything quickly goes downhill for the main character, an average if slightly insane person, he barely manages to kill the zombie, and one other, before succumbing to his injuries, having managed to beat back the influence of the infection through sheer will alone, he now lay dying on the concrete floor, his body broken and damaged as he slowly dies. when his relaxing death is interrupted by an annoying rob, now what?

kokishorttail · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 16

It only takes about 20 minutes for my food to arrive, and I open my eyes to the sight of a disappointingly small serving, although truthfully, it's only small due to my warped perception as a result of my incredible energy requirements, considering that a portion about the volume of of a small child, to most people, would already be considered quite absurd, and I made sure to tell the nice elf waitress I wanted to order 3 tomahawk steaks, and another beer. -Not really enough to fill me anyway but I'll just go out and hunt for the rest.- Ignoring the dubious look I got in return, she simply walked away with a raised eyebrow after a while of staring and realizing I wouldn't back down, leaving with a sigh, and allowing me to finally dig into my meal.

It tasted divine, although lacking the perfection and perfect fit of ambrosia, it tasted better than anything I had eaten in distant memory, likely for no other reason than the sentimentality of finally eating something prepared by an actual chef in a settlement of other sapient creatures capable of communication. As I devoured the entire meal in a matter of minutes, before chugging the entire 1 liter beer mug, and releasing a satisfied sigh, smiling as I ignored the shock filled gazes of some of the other patrons, including a few passing around small bags of money. Looks like they were betting on whether or not I could actually finish my meal.

I didn't have to wait long before another plate landed on my table, and was just about to dig in when the bench across from me creaked slightly, and I looked up to see a massive woman sat at the other end, smiling down at me, a gesture I returned.

"You sure you can eat that kid?"

"Oh definitely, in fact, I could eat dozens of these before I feel full, this is actually me dieting!"

She laughed hard at that. Before fixing me an amused look.

"Now that would be a sight to see, hey how's about this? Let's have a little friendly contest, a bet, if you manage to eat as many meals as you say you can, and I'll pay for all your meals, but if you fail, you have to pay for everyone's meal."

The bar suddenly fell silent, all who heard the declaration, which was everyone considering the woman made a point of yelling the terms out as loud as possible, before everyone started barking out their support, all keen at the opportunity for, as they see it, a guaranteed free meal. I mean, who could have possibly considered that the lithe man could eat more than 20 times his volume before actually filling, the very Idea was absurd, although some of the smarter ones noticed the fact that the boys abdomen had stayed the same size despite the massive meal he had just finished, with a few even deciding to put up some small bets in his support, ones which their friends eagerly took. Although none were willing to bet much in his favor just in case.

"Sure, that sounds like fun, and who could give up the opportunity of a free meal. Hey waitress-san, 12 more tomahawks and beers!" I yell out, raising my new beer glass into the air as the inn erupted in cheers, and the green haired elf sighed in exasperation before dipping back into the kitchen to relay my order, as I chugged down my beer before cutting the nearest steak in half with my claws, and pulling one half to my mouth, and biting right through it, bone and all, all while continuously staring into the amused eyes of the woman before me. My immensely sharp teeth meaning I didn't even need to tear the chunk off, as I started to chew, the crunch of crushing bone beneath my molars filling the air, as a flicker of doubt crossed the woman's eyes.

(Mia pov)

The new customer was interesting. I had never seen them before, which wasn't anything strange, after all I didn't know everyone in Orario, but he emanated an aura of danger like I had only felt on ottar in recent memory. And I knew for a fact I knew every strong official adventurer in Orario, so either some high level adventurer came to Orario from somewhere else, or he was a criminal, although that possibility was incredibly unlikely.

But he caught my attention, especially the sheer amount of food he ordered, which at first I thought was simply him trying to impress Ryuu, after all it wasn't uncommon for adventurers to try and flaunt their wealth by ordering the most expensive items on the menu, it was hilarious watching their confidence collapse when presented the massive portions. This is exactly what I had expected to happen this time to, which was unfortunate considering he seemed both strong and handsome, so it was a shame he wanted to brag like this. So imagine how surprised I was when not only did he not look intimidated or surprised, but a bit, disappointed? Instantly ordering MORE dishes before devouring the entire plate, a serving almost the size of his chest! In minutes!

Now that was funny, so I went up to him to talk. Only to hear him brag about how much more he could eat, and I couldn't just pass up a good opportunity to make some money, so I made a bet with him.

In all honesty I didn't expect him to agree, but he did, making a show of it. Before lazily running his fingers over the length of the steak in front of him, his nails extending strangely, as he pulled away half of the steak, leaving behind an unnaturally clean cut, the bone perfectly separated to show the marrow within, before he opened his mouth wide, exposing teeth so sharp that their edges were invisible, like high quality glass, as they easily sank through flesh and bone, cutting so easily he didn't even need to pull at the meat, as the sickening crunch of bone filled the air, turned to powder beneath powerful jaws, so strong that their mouth closed as easily as it would empty.

I may have just lost the bet.

(an: sorry for being gone for so long, I have no excuse and dont care to make one, hope you enjoyed the chapter even if it's not the best quality.)