
Survivor’s Task

What do you do when your bored? I would think for most of you the answer would be reading or listening to music. Even going outside of the rare few but have you be so bored that you ended up in an zombie apocalypse. I hope not but you can’t know nowadays. In a zombie world I either survive or die trying. Either way I am no longer bored!

JumpKickSpin · Book&Literature
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Awaken To Horror

The smell of rot filled the cloudy sky, the gray clouds preventing even the slightest of light to shine down on the city below. New York City was in ruin; not because of a parade nor destruction weather but hordes of rotting bodies. The scene was overlooked by a man wearing a blue t-shirt and black sweatpants. On his face was an expression of shock but it was overcome by a face sliping grin. The man who was called Atom by those around now found himself in a city of zombies.

Groans filled the dark sky and Atom observed the masses of zombies with a large smile that contrasted to the horror of his environment.

'Damn, a zombie world; I was hoping for the classic fantasy isekai.' Atom thought to himself, still observing the streets around him, mentally mapping what he saw.

About two blocks away is a convenience store with less zombies around it. Another 3 blocks left was a pharmacy and the last place that caught his eye was a store with a hammer and nail sign above it.

'Mmmh … do I want to go to the convenience store or the hardware store,' Atom contemplated, completely ignoring the crowd below him. ' …Maybe the convenience store but I don't even know if the food will be expired.'

"The hardware store then." Atom turned towards the next building separated by an alley and he took his first steps towards his destination.

{_Line Break_}




Atom's footsteps broke the silence of the alley next to the hardware store. He looked to the door that connected to the store and braced himself then opened the door.


The sound of the door bounced around the store. The ear itching sound probably wakes up whatever dwelled in the space.

Atom quickly walked in, propping the door open slightly with a plank of work. Atom stepped forward and grabbed two more items. A metal rod the size of his arm and a small sledgehammer.

'Dual wielding hammers would be cool if they weren't so heavy!' Atom thought while trying to adjust his body to the new weight.


A chill ran down Atom's spine. He spun around and towards the counter of the shop stood a zombie. However instead of the usual gray skin of the zombie outside the one behind the counter had skin of forest green.

'Oh come on, Minecraft! Really?!'

The undead monster did give Atom another second of rest. Lunging over the counter and speeding towards him.

The creature draws back its arm and swag at Aotm. Before the attack could land he dodges to the left. Atom stopped his movement by stomping on the ground then swung the sledgehammer into the side of the zombie.


The undead let out a groan, however it still turned around and tried to grab the head of the hammer. Atom countered with a jab to the face with his second weapon. Causing the monster momentarily stopping its actions. Atom backs off making space between the creatures and himself.

'I knew those YouTube videos would be useful.' Atom stepped back widening his stance, the rod creating a defense and hammer ready behind it.

The zombie jolted forward and went for a tackle. Atom spun to the side before trying to pierce the undead with the rod. Unfortunately it made little progress to the monster's skin.

Atom was about to push off the undead to make space but the creature turned around and slammed into him.

Atom was almost launched halfway across the store, only stopping him himself by slamming the claw of this hammer into a shelf.

Atom was about to release a breath, however the zombie continued its pursuit. Atom quickly ratcheted the hammer from self and crouched low. The monster continued its attack seemingly going even faster. This time though Atom was ready he kicked with one leg intercepting the undead causing it to fall over.

Atom bolted up, dropping the hammer and to the metal rod in both hands before plunging down towards the creature's head.


The rod broke into the skull of the zombie causing it to stop its movement. Atom got off the monster and stuck it again in the head then pieces through its chest to the heart.

Atom collapsed to the floor exhausted and slightly injured. Sweat covered his forehead and his hands were shaky.

'Damn' Atom thought as he leaned against a shelf 'I should have gone to the convention store first.

{_Line Break_}

After taking 5 minutes to calm himself down Atom continued to scavenge the store. Atom collected things like rope, toolkits, nails, and other items. Even sucuring some weapons onto himself with a toolbelt. Atom placed the rest of the items into small bags that he moved onto his back.

Atom walked up to the building's roof and get another peek at his surroundings.

'Where to go next!' Atom narrowed his eyes towards the once popular city; a sense of excitement and curiosity growing within him as he looked to his new world.

Basically just a one-shot I reworked from a previous project. I may add more but I have nothing more to add to it.

JumpKickSpincreators' thoughts