
Survivng ragnarok

Oliver Vigilanco, a 16-year-old Mexican boy, as he navigates the chaos unleashed by the Appearance of Norse god “Thor “ As the city grapples with the sudden onslaught of extreme weather and supernatural occurrences, Oliver discovers that he is at the center of an ancient prophecy foretelling the end of days—the legendary Ragnarok. -*******- -updates on Saturday and Sunday -

O_gon · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Red eyed cyclop

"We're fucked," Oliver muttered, his heart pounding in his chest. "I can't die. I can't let them die. It won't be like last time."

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, Oliver's mind raced with determination. He knew what he had to do. With a steely resolve, he turned to face the red-eyed cyclops that loomed before them, its single eye fixed on its prey.

As the cyclops closed in, Oliver dodged its grasp with lightning reflexes. But then, to his horror, he realized that the cyclops wasn't focused on him—it was targeting his friends.

In a flash of movement, Oliver dashed forward to intercept the looming threat. With a burst of speed, he reached Isabella and her brother just as they collapsed in fear, their bodies trembling with terror.

With strength born of desperation, Oliver seized them both and pulled them out of harm's way, narrowly escaping the cyclops's grasp. His heart hammered in his chest as he raced to safety, his every movement fueled by rage

As he raced through the chaos, the world seemed to blur around him. The screams of the dying, the roar of the cyclops, the pounding of his own heart—all merged into a cacophony of sound that threatened to overwhelm him. But through the chaos, one thought burned brightly in Oliver's mind: he would not let them die.

With each step, Oliver's determination only grew stronger. He could feel the eyes of the cyclops boring into his back, its rage palpable as it pursued its prey. But Oliver refused to falter. He would not let fear dictate his actions, not when the lives of his friends hung in the balance.

Finally, with a burst of speed, Oliver reached the relative safety of a nearby alleyway. Gently, he set Isabella and her brother down,

"We need to keep moving," Oliver said, his voice steady despite the turmoil raging within him. "We can't stay here. It's not safe."

Isabella woke up weakly, her eyes wide with fear. "Where are we . "

Oliver's mind raced with possibilities. He knew that they couldn't stay in one place for long, not with the cyclops seeking for them. They needed to find shelter, to regroup, to come up with a plan of action.

And then, as if in answer to his prayers, a voice echoed in his mind—the voice of the mysterious system that had granted him his abilities.

[Oliver Vigalinco,] the voice intoned, its words echoing in his mind like a distant whisper. [you've been chosen to save humanity. To save this world , this universe, to do so you must embrace this chao , you must not be afraid. ]

Oliver's eyes widened in surprise. He had heard the voice of the system before, but never had it spoken to him with such urgency.

[The gods were right to choose you . You're determined to protect those you care about , ] the voice continued. [Do not falter Oliver , you will save humanity, just don't let this power consume you in the end ,]

[Consume me ? What do you mean ??]

Confused by these words , Oliver closed his eyes and focused on where to take his friends , where to take them to a safe place , away from these monsters , but first Oliver needs to take care of business .

As Oliver rushed towards the red-eyed cyclops with murderous intent, he braced himself for the worst. But to his surprise, the cyclops did not respond with aggression. Instead, it simply sat down and regarded him with a curious expression.

"What the fuck," Oliver muttered to himself, his confusion mounting with each passing moment. He had expected the creature to attack him, to unleash its fury upon him and his friends. But now, faced with its unexpected passivity, he found himself at a loss for what to do next.

As Oliver stood before the seemingly passive cyclops, uncertainty gnawed at his gut. He couldn't afford to let his guard down, not when the fate of his friends—and perhaps all of humanity—hung in the balance. With cautious steps, he edged closer to the towering creature, his senses alert for any sign of danger.

But as he drew near, the cyclops remained eerily still, its red eye fixed upon him with an intensity that sent shivers down Oliver's spine. What was it waiting for? Why hadn't it attacked yet?

Frustration mingled with fear as Oliver grappled with the uncertainty of the situation. He needed to provoke the cyclops, to goad it into action before it decided to strike on its own terms.

With a calculated risk, Oliver reached for a nearby wooden bat lying abandoned on the ground. Gripping it tightly in his hands, he hurled the makeshift weapon towards the cyclops, aiming for its unblinking eye.

The bat sailed through the air with deadly accuracy, its trajectory honed by Oliver's determination. And then, with a sickening thud, it struck home, embedding itself deep within the cyclops's eye.

A guttural roar of pain ripped through the air as the cyclops reeled from the blow. Oliver's heart raced as he watched the creature's reaction, a mix of satisfaction and dread churning in his stomach.

But his victory was short-lived. In an instant, the cyclops's demeanor shifted, its previously passive facade replaced by one of unbridled fury. With a deafening roar, it lunged towards Oliver with murderous intent, its massive fists swinging in a frenzy of violence.

[Cyclop has entered an berserker rage ]

[caution : run run run run run run run ]

Adrenaline surged through Oliver's veins as he scrambled to evade the cyclops's relentless assault. He ducked and weaved, narrowly dodging each thunderous blow as he fought to stay one step ahead of the enraged beast.

But the cyclops was relentless, its berserker rage driving it forward with unstoppable force. Oliver knew that he couldn't keep this up forever. He needed to find a way to defeat the cyclops, to end this fight before it was too late.

With a strong resolve, Oliver drew upon every ounce of strength and courage within him. He would not back down, not when the lives of his friends are at streak

As the cyclops closed in for another devastating blow, Oliver prepared himself for the fight of his life. With determination burning in his eyes, he braced himself for whatever came next, ready to face his enemy head-on and emerge victorious, no matter the cost.