
Chapter One

6 months before the escape...

The scent of flowers wafted through the air as I slowly regained my senses. This soft and fluffy place should be enough to pull me back to sleep, but the small movement of my thin sheets stirred me up. A ray of sunlight shone in my eyes as I opened them, taking my vision for a moment. Upon recovering from the temporary blindness, I lifted my gaze to scan the whole place.

In front of me was a shelf full of my grandmother's antique books and journals, the wooden material matching well with my beige-painted walls. Beside the shelf on the left, laid my desk together with my laptop and notebooks. Above the table, a mug of coffee was left and now became cold. Papers full of my sketches were scattered on the carpeted floor, while a few paintings were hung on the walls. On my right lie a door that leads to the terrace full of my plants that I cultivated on my own.

It was the usual sight... was what I'd like to say, but not today.

The image of my dorm faded and it was replaced by a different scenery.

Instead of beige walls, the room was adorned with a palette of white and gold colors. The bookshelf I once had was gone and replaced with a white wardrobe and golden accents. Instead of my notebooks and laptop, a vanity table full of jewelry was there. The sparkling, marbled floor made me shy to even step or look at it. Potted flowering plants were placed all around the room, from the corners to the ceilings. Even the bedside table was adorned with fresh flowers. On my right was a huge window covered with a thin white curtain. Sunlight seeped through the clear glass, indicating that it was already morning. A white door with a golden handle was on the left side, near the vanity table, probably leading outside.

A gasp escaped my mouth upon realizing that this place is nowhere near my room.

"Where am I?" I tried to get up but a pain in my belly stopped me, then I instinctively covered it with my hands and laid back to the bed. My vision also started to blur out with the sudden movement, so I went to a standstill. I used that time to assess my current situation.

I was wearing a smooth, white nightgown that felt so nice against the skin. Fair and soft hands and slender fingers with well-trimmed nails. Long, blonde hair that fell until my waist. Was this how I really looked like?

The excruciating pain from my belly also started to disappear, so I slowly moved to get away from the bed.

"It's cold." I muttered upon feeling the floor with my bare feet, but I proceeded to the vanity table where a life-sized mirror was placed beside it.

"An angel?" The words escaped from my mouth before I even realized it. A delicate figure was presented in front of me that looked like a little push would break it. Her small face fitted perfectly with her pinkish lips and proud nose. Round, green eyes that twinkled like emeralds paired with long and thick eyelashes stared back at me in the mirror. My knees lost strength upon realizing the person I was looking at.

It was me, at least my mind was, but not my body.

"Who is this?" Like an answer to my question, the door near me opened, then a young woman wearing a simple, black dress paired with a white apron entered the room. Her eyes widened upon meeting my gaze and immediately kneeled down the shiny floor.

"Your Grace, please forgive me for entering your quarters. However, you must prepare now. The duke is searching for you." I was taken aback by her actions and even thought of running away, but before I could even move, another group of girls who wore the same clothes as this one entered my room.

What in the world is happening?

They dragged me to the bath that was on the other corner of the room then took of my clothes without my permission. I attempted to cover my body but it was futile. Their grips on me were light, as if they were careful not to hurt me, but I felt disgusted. I tried to remove their hands from touching my body, to which I succeeded, then backed away.

"What do you think you're doing?" I can't help but raise my voice and they immediately lowered their heads. "Your Grace, please pardon us, but we need to prepare you--" The girl who first entered my room tried to answer, but I cut her words midway. "What do you mean? Where am I?" She lifted her head and a bewildered expression was etched on her face.

"Oh dear. What happened to you, your grace? Have you forgotten? Do I have to call the doctor?" Her shaking hands and unfocused gaze clearly reflected the panic in her voice. I also started to hear the murmurs of the other women and I massaged my head due to stress.

Okay, let's try to get the facts straight.

This body is not mine, and I don't know who owns it. I'm at another place, but I can't remember where I came from. I can't remember anything, both my past and this body's past. The only thing that I know was that I'm not supposed to be here, yet I also don't know the reason why I'm here.

While thinking, a mint scent started to waft in the air, probably a bath soap or something similar, and I felt nauseous. I covered my mouth with my hand and searched for a sink. Fortunately, there was one in the leftmost corner and I almost ran just to head there, not minding the other girls. The stinking smell replaced the mint one after I vomited. The excruciating pain in my belly went back again, more painful than the first one, and I can't help but cry in pain. My consciousness was slipping away and I lost my balance. I heard the girls' footsteps heading to my direction, but before they could reach me, a pair of strong arms prevented my body from directly hitting the ground.

"Shit." A deep, baritone voice enveloped my ears. For some reason, a mild scent of coffee calmed me down and I felt like sleeping again. Maybe due to lightheadedness, I felt like I was floating before the darkness swallowed my whole consciousness.

- - - - -

"...leaving her here." I groaned upon hearing a familiar voice. It was deep and strangely comforting. My brows furrowed upon noticing that a warm and big hand held mine.

I'm alone in my dorm, right?

I snapped my eyes open and a pair of jet-black eyes met mine. Not paying any attention to the person beside me, I immediately turned my head to look around and realization hit me once again. It was already dark outside and I'm still in this place.

"This is not my home." I whispered and tears welled up my eyes. Memories of what happened earlier rushed through my mind and I can't help but cry. The facade I was putting up earlier due to fear and lightheadedness started to melt away as I let the unfamiliarity of this place sink in.

No, this is not me! Where am I? What happened? Bring me back!

I escaped from the grasp of the person holding me and curled up on the bed as I sobbed harder. I flinched when someone tried to touch me. The memories of those girls undressing me came back and my body subconsciously shivered.

No! Don't touch me. Please...

"I want to go home." My voice was low and broken. A pair of strong hands held both of my shoulders, probably trying to calm me down or stop me from moving, but I tried to struggle away from it. Pushing the figure with all my strength, I was able to move away but I saw the person's face.

Dark red hair that was almost looked like it was in fire. Thick eyebrows, Greek nose, heart shaped lips and a sharp jawline that any man would envy. He was wearing a plain black, long-sleeved polo that matched well with his fair skin. For some reason, I smell the scent of coffee from him.

And his eyes... His jet-black eyes were blank, indifferent if I may add.

Who is he?

Ah. Before I even noticed it, I stopped crying while I was assessing him. I wiped the remnants of tears from my eyes and tried to pull myself together.

"Duchess..." He uttered and I looked at him with confusion. His thick eyebrows furrowed upon sensing my uncertainty. It took him a while before a scoff escaped from his lips.

"Did you really forget, or are you trying to pretend?" He asked me, clearly bewildered with my attitude. "What do you mean? Who am I? What's happening?" His mouth gaped upon hearing my questions and heaved a deep sigh.

"I don't know if you're acting, but if you are, then you're such a good actress." He mumbled but I was still able to hear it. I didn't talk anymore and simply stared at him, waiting for an answer. His face turned emotionless as his jet-black eyes met my tear-stricken orbs.

"You are Sylise Blanca Palancer. Duchess of the Palancer Duchy..." He cut his words and stared at my stomach before reaching out for my hands. "And I am your husband, the duke and the presumed father of that child in your womb."
