
Surviving with mutated powers

In a world consumed by an unexpected and devastating apocalypse, humanity awakens to a new reality where each individual possesses extraordinary superhuman abilities. As the initial confusion and chaos settle, people gradually come to terms with their newfound powers, discovering both the immense potential and grave responsibilities that accompany them. Amidst this post-apocalyptic landscape, alliances form, communities rebuild, and factions emerge – some seeking to use their powers for good and others driven by selfish motives. We witness the formation of a powerful group of individuals who come together to maintain order and provide aid to survivors, known as The Guardians the most power organization who took the role of the Major power being the government and the the birth of a certain individual Belle Lanes who was born many years after the Apocalypse, awakened with a lot power Belle wants nothing but to live a quiet life out from human problems and struggle, he don't care for the prophecy foreshadowing what they said will be the second human disaster, he just wants to be rich and give himself a good life while living a quiet life.

LaughingShadowDea · Urban
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37 Chs

How the world works

After eating, Belle walked out with Elizabeth, only to see a black limousine parked outside. "What did you think of it?" Elizabeth asked, seemingly proud of herself.

"Thought guardians warned against stuff like this," Belle said.

"Don't worry about that and enter first," Elizabeth said, causing Belle to only shake his head but board the car. Even he had been thinking it would be great to use most of the old Earth technology, seeing them and how they work in books back in Ethereal City made him wish most people could use it, not just a select few.

"Geez, this is cooler than carriages. The guardians should just let the masses use the old tech," Elizabeth said, as it was her first time using a car.

"Yeah, but it is dangerous," Belle said.

Hearing him, Elizabeth burst out laughing. "What do you know? There is nothing like alien tech that affects technology. The higher-ups are just using that to scare the masses and set classes. At the academy, you will see a lot of people with tech. Every divine rank upward knows this fact. The so-called good guardians you see are just on paper. Yes, most of them are good, but humans can't ever escape their desires to show themselves above others and to limit others. We are really miserable creatures," Elizabeth said, laughing.

Hearing her, Belle was a bit shocked. So she knows a lot, that's why she hates thinking about it. Yeah, he has noticed Elizabeth is not carefree all the time, but he has never heard her talk so seriously before. It has always been her making jokes and laughing most of the time.

"You know, Belle, I have really gone out of my way for you. I don't know why, maybe because I really took you as a little brother. You might find most of the things I do or say now unreasonable, but trust me, I have my reasons. In the academy, keep your divine rank a secret. Don't show that you have such a destructive power like the voice attack. I have survived this long because no one is willing to make a move openly. The world's greatest monsters are not the eternal sage spatial monsters. Hell, I don't even think they exist. The world's biggest monsters are humans," Elizabeth said.

"I will keep that in mind," Belle said.

"Anyway, it would have been great if you had an attack power that you could show to certify your position in the academy and show your value since you are not going to use the voice attack," Elizabeth said.

"Why do I need to certify my position and show my value?" Belle asked.

"You need it for the same reason why I bought the limousine and am going with you personally," Elizabeth said. "What reason is that?" Belle asked. "It is to prove to them that you are not just some disposable pawn, that you have a divine rank that might have somebody higher backing you up, and that your power is valuable enough for a divine rank to go out of her way if something were to happen to you," Elizabeth said.

Hearing her, Belle felt a bit emotional. Elizabeth had been really going out of her way for him. "Why are you doing so much for me?" Belle asked, looking down. He really wants to keep the list of favors he owes down, but he doesn't think he will have enough to repay Elizabeth.

"Like I said, I really feel like I've met a lost kin. Maybe it's because we both survived the spatial zone and lost our families. Besides, this is the first time I'm having a brother. I've always wanted one," Elizabeth said with a smile. Hearing her, Belle could only look at her, trying to see if there were lies in her words, but he couldn't find any. "I have a power to show," Belle said.

"That is great then," Elizabeth said.

"You're not angry I kept it from you?" Belle asked. "Why would I be? You need to have your own secret too. You've not known me for a long time," Elizabeth said.

"I really think I got a good big sis," Belle whispered, looking outside the window as if he wasn't talking to Elizabeth, making her smile.

Soon enough, the limousine arrived at a gate that towered high, almost reaching 20 feet. "Wow, the academy looks magnificent," Elizabeth said. She had never been here before. All the buildings that stretched as far as the eye could see looked classy.

Even Belle was awestruck. "I thought everything was destroyed. I thought humans are still trying to pick up after the spatial zone dealt the second damage after the apocalypse," Belle said. He knew a bit too, I mean, who doesn't know such stories that are written and circulated around. "That was some agenda a few humans pushed. "The world is way past the apocalypse and spatial zone devastated stage. Remember not to get caught up in their politics," Elizabeth said. 

"Okay big sis," Belle said, making Elizabeth's eyes twinkle. 

"It would be really great if you could call me 'big sis' like this a bit more. It makes me feel like I have a family," Elizabeth said. 

"I can," Belle said. 

"You can't, stupid. You are going to stay in the academy for half a year before break comes," Elizabeth said. 

Hearing her, Belle smiled. 

"We are finally there," Elizabeth said as the car finally came to a stop. It had actually driven for some time after crossing the gate. 

"It is massive," Belle said after stepping out and setting his eyes on the massive building before them. 

"Of course, that is how it should be. I will lead you through for registration," Elizabeth said, leading the way like she was familiar with the environment. 

"She must have used her ability," Belle said as he followed her, walking down into the building. It was finally here, the day of the academy entrance.