
Surviving the Story!

"No, you can't end the story like this! You can't just kill off everyone and let Beleth win!" "Then, why don't you change it?"

Antenz · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

A new beginning!



Name: Alex Winter

Class: Psion

Level: 5

Strength: 3


Stamina: 3

Intelligence: 15

Free stat points: 0

Mana: 75/75

Skills: [Telekinesis]

Talents: [Mana control - Rank 1]


'This... is actually happening...'

Having just read the letter left for me on the desk placed inside the small apartment where I woke up, I had desperately tried to deny reality. Until now. Because no matter how hard I try, I couldn't deny the existence of the blue panel in front of my eyes.

A status panel where all my stats were neatly recorded, proving the fact that I was now stuck in the novel of which I had been the publisher. The novel that would end with everyone dying...

Turning my eyes back to the parchment filled with loathsome words, telling me that if I thought the ending was so bad, then I should change it myself. All the while emphasizing the fact that I was not allowed to tell anyone who I actually was, or I would die. It even stated that I wasn't allowed to share any of my knowledge about the future of the story with anyone, or I would, as you might guess, die.

Adding on to that, he emphasized the fact that because I was now part of this world, I couldn't trust things to work out unless I took part in the story. In other words, he wanted to make sure I became involved with the hero and his friends, working actively to make sure they didn't just fall over and die.


"You... stupid, piece of shit! What do you mean change it myself?!"

Insane was too mild of a word to explain this shitty situation.

In essence, he had somehow put me into this world without my permission, now telling me that I was supposed to become part of it, or everyone would die. Including me.

'Fuck! It's not like I actually cared about the story! I just wanted to keep making money off of it!'

Forcing myself to calm down, I tried my best to collect my thoughts, trying to assemble the pieces of information that I had. Which was... not much, to be honest.

Honestly, I didn't know much about the story of the novel other than the large, overhanging story. In the novel, the reader got to follow George Bright, the tragic hero whose parents died at the hands of the demonkind.

First, he would start by growing stronger at the Stellar Academy, only to then venture out with his friends to find artifacts he could use to grow stronger and defeat the evil god, Beleth.

'But he will ultimately lose and everyone will die...'

Truly, the future didn't look so bright. But I was not about to despair just yet. Okay, I did despair a bit, but as I wasn't too keen on dying yet, I at least decided to try my best. The only problem was that I had no idea what I was supposed to do.


Suddenly, another blue panel showed up in front of me, and although it was similar to my status panel, the contents were completely different.


[Act 1, chapter 1: A new beginning!]

New mission!

- Save the hero who will be ambushed by monsters on his way to the academy!

Timer: 1hr 32min 22s




22, 21, 20, 19...

The timer kept going as I stared at the panel in front of me, as it took me well over a minute to understand what was happening. This was the author's way of forcing me into the story.

The Stellar Academy was located outside of the capital called Esta, the capital of the nation of Estaria, and because of that, it was surrounded by wilderness. From my memories, I wanted to say it was because it made it possible for students to have an easily accessible area full of monsters to train.

As most students who attended the academy were of noble blood, they were almost always sent here with an escort, which meant that fact had never caused any trouble. Most people wouldn't ever think of traversing the distance between the academy and the capital by foot, not just due to the monsters roaming around, but also because of the sheer distance.

'Come to think of it, that letter never mentioned if I was a noble here or not? I should probably try...'

A sudden realization came to me as I thought about just how little that letter had actually told me about this world and who the man known as Alex Winter was supposed to be.

Timer: 1hr 29min 45s


Dashing out of my apartment, into the cold air of the night, I finally understood what was happening. The hero would die unless I went out to save him.


Following the map that was part of the panel that kept following me around, it didn't take long until I was now hiding in a bush next to a large dirt road. Right here was where the hero was supposed to get attacked by monsters, the place where I would have to somehow save him.

The only problem was... I had no idea how I was supposed to do that.

It was fortunate that my newfound body was already dressed for success, as I was wearing a hoodie that I could cover my face with, but I was still clueless as to how I was going to save him. All I knew was that I absolutely didn't want to reveal my existence to him.

How was I supposed to explain that I was waiting here because I needed to save him without making him suspicious?

Timer: 0hr 5min 12s

There were only five minutes left until I would have to spring into action. And by that, I meant that I would somehow use the large rock that I was now holding in my hand in some way.

'Let's hope this works...'

I wasn't sure how or why, but a part of me already knew exactly how to use my new abilities, of which I had exactly one. Telekinesis. The ability to move objects with one's mind. That was the ability that I would have to use in some way or another to save the hero.

Focusing on the rock in my hand, I wasn't even surprised when my mind connected to it, making it hover above my now open palm. Up and down, left to right. It was almost as if it had become a new part of my body, a limb that I could control however I wanted to.

Yet, I also knew that there were severe limitations to this ability. Or at least, my body appeared to know that. A body that lacked any remarkable features other than my ability to use telekinesis.

On the way here, I had gotten to see a short glimpse of it in one of the windows of the academy, a reflection made possible thanks to the light of the moon coming from above. More or less, I looked like a very normal youth with dark hair and a lanky stature. The only redeeming feature I had was my red eyes.

Timer: 0hr 1min 38s

Adrenaline started surging through my body when I looked at the timer.

'Calm down... I have to calm down...'

Nothing good would come from getting agitated. All I could do was wait.

And, then I could hear the sound of someone walking. Turning my head, I finally got to see him.

With weary steps, the one I assumed was the hero of the story was pacing forward, his direction obviously being the academy. Even in the dark, it wasn't hard to notice his blonde hair, and it was also impossible to miss his sturdy body, built through endless hours of training.

The clothes he was wearing looked just as weary as he, wearing a shabby pair of black pants and a white shirt soiled with dirt. Despite that, his back was still straight as an oak, and his feet didn't stop moving.

That was until...


Out of nowhere, a large wolf emerged from the darkness, quickly circling its oblivious prey who, in turn, quickly drew the sword that was hanging from his hip. Raising it, he quickly readied himself for battle.

'Shit, shit, shit, shit...!'

Unlike the hero, who looked as calm and composed as ever, my heart was now beating so fast I almost thought it might explode. Then, the wolf lunged forward, opening its mouth to devour the young man.


However, he quickly took a step back, dodging the wolf's attack, and instead raised his sword even higher. At this point, there was not a single doubt in my mind that he was going to end the life of the wolf right there and then, without me even having to do anything.

Suddenly, the hero stumbled, and the sword that was about to claim the life of his enemy missed its target completely, creating an opening that the wolf absolutely wouldn't miss.

The eyes of the hero opened up as he could probably see his life flash before his eyes, as the wolf was just about to tear his throat with its sharp fangs.


Using as much mana as possible, I willed the rock in my hand to do something. And something, it did.


With the force of a bullet, the rock launched itself forward, quickly finding a home in the wolf's eye, making it fall to the side in pain. Not missing his chance to win the fight, George raised his sword once again and pierces the monster's throat.

All while I was busy running away, hoping that I had done enough to save the hero who would someday save me.