
Surviving The Novel

Get ready to be hooked into a captivating journey with Mark, a young man in his mid-twenties who has a life-changing encounter. During a fight in the evening, Mark's world is violently shattered when a truck collides with him, setting the stage for an extraordinary tale. But that's just the beginning. As he slips into unconsciousness, a profound realization dawns upon him—he has not deleted his browsing history (just kidding). In all seriousness, he reflects on the feeling of wasting his life. However, as he awakens, he discovers that he has been reborn as a baby, retaining every memory from his past existence. As Mark grows up in this new realm, he gradually unravels the astonishing truth: he has transmigrated into the world of a novel called "Portal of Destiny," one that he had previously read and commented on. Brace yourself for a dark and treacherous world, teeming with enigmatic creatures, potent magic, and treacherous political landscapes. Gifted with a second chance, Mark resolves to utilize his knowledge of the novel's plot and his memories of his past life to navigate the perils that lie ahead and alter his own destiny. . . . Prepare for immersive chapters, each comprising more than 1500 words, as this captivating tale unfolds. While updates will aim for daily releases, the author humbly requests your understanding, considering their commitments as an 18-year-old university student. But fear not, as a minimum of three chapters per week is guaranteed. A quick disclaimer: The cover image is not the author's original creation; it has been upscaled. If you are the talented artist behind it, please kindly reach out, and the appropriate action will be taken. Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure where destiny awaits. Welcome to Mark's extraordinary new reality! P.S - Everything sucks... just bear with it. [Shiroi]

Shiroi_kage · Fantasy
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74 Chs

The Clan! (1)

As the sun began its descent behind the majestic mountains, casting a golden hue across the horizon, Auric and his sister soared through the skies on the back of a mighty wyvern. The cool evening breeze carried the whispers of adventure, and anticipation stirred within their hearts as they approached the capital city of Pyrothorn.

From their elevated vantage point, the siblings gazed upon a breathtaking sight. The towering mountains stretched their peaks towards the heavens, their snow-capped summits shimmering like diamonds in the fading light. A river wound its way through the valleys, reflecting the colors of the setting sun like a flowing tapestry of gold and crimson.

As the wyvern soared higher, Auric and his sister could make out the sprawling city of Dragonborn in the distance. The city's silhouette emerged gradually, contrasting against the fiery sky. The flickering lights of the city danced like stars, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that beckoned them closer.

The keen eyes of Magnus, detected a distinctive feature that signified their proximity to the capital. "Young master, young miss, look," he exclaimed, pointing towards the distance. "See the flickering lights? Those are the lampposts that line the outskirts of Pyrothorn. We are nearing our destination."

Auric and his sister peered intently, their excitement growing. The lampposts, like sentinels of the city, dotted the landscape, their warm glow casting an ethereal ambiance. The twinkling lights seemed to guide them like beacons, promising warmth, safety, and the embrace of a bustling metropolis.

As they drew nearer, the sounds of the city reached their ears. The distant clamor of market vendors, the echoes of dragonborn laughter, and the melodious notes of street musicians intertwined into a harmonious symphony. It was the melody of life itself, pulsating through the veins of Pyrothorn.

Auric couldn't help but feel a as surge of excitement the wyvern glided closer, descending towards the city. The enchantment of Pyrothorn became more tangible with each passing moment.

The sun sank below the mountains, painting the sky in hues of deep purple and orange, as Auric, his sister, and Magnus descended upon city of Pyrothorn. Their hearts brimming with anticipation, they prepared to embark on a new chapter of their lives, guided by the flickering lights and the promise of endless possibilities.

Descending from the skies, Auric, his sister, and Magnus approached the bustling heart of Drakoria, the grand capital city of Pyrothorn. The city sprawled out before them, its vastness evident in the sea of rooftops that stretched as far as the eye could see. Towers pierced the sky, each one representing the influence and power of a different noble family or clan.

As their wyvern gracefully descended towards a landing area, Auric and his sister caught glimpses of other wyverns, their riders disembarking and tending to their mounts. The air was filled with the reverberating beats of mighty wings and the resonating calls of dragon-like creatures in the distance.

With a gentle thud, the wyvern landed, its claws touching the ground of the sprawling estate that belonged to the Emberclaw clan. The estate itself was a marvel, with intricate stonework, grand archways, and sprawling gardens that were meticulously maintained. It emanated an aura of strength and nobility, befitting the legacy of the Emberclaw clan.

"We have arrived," Magnus stated calmly. His demeanor had somewhat changed, and Auric noticed it, thinking that perhaps Magnus, being just a man serving the clan, had no real influence in the family politics, and any kind of mishap might create problems. Understanding this, Auric remained calm.

As they dismounted, Auric and his sister took a moment to appreciate the grandeur surrounding them. The courtyard was adorned with statues depicting ancient dragonborn heroes, their noble expressions frozen in stone. Lush vegetation, vibrant flowers, and the soothing sound of water from nearby fountains created an atmosphere of tranquility amidst the city's vibrant energy.

As Auric, his sister, and Magnus disembarked from the wyvern, two armored guards swiftly approached them, their steps echoing with purpose. With a deep bow, one of the guards exclaimed, "Commander Magnus!" Their voices held a tone of respect and reverence.

Recognizing Magnus, the guards' eyes then fell upon the two children standing beside him. Inquisitive gazes met Magnus's steady nod, and without further questioning, the guards understood the presence of Auric and his sister.

"We have been awaiting your arrival, Commander Magnus," one of the guards stated, his voice filled with anticipation. "The clan head and the family council request your presence."

The other guard added, "Please allow us to guide you to the main hall."

With a gesture, the guards signaled for Auric, his sister, and Magnus to follow them.

As Auric, his sister, and Magnus followed the guards through the sprawling estate, they were surrounded by a world of opulence and history. Servants went about their duties, casting respectful bows, perhaps more towards only Magnus, but to Auric, a modern man, it mattered little. Meanwhile, Ellie was super nervous and embarrassed with the looks directed towards her.

After the maids passed, the maids instinctively carried their female traits— 'Gossiping'.

"Are those the kids of Lady Evangeline?" Maid 1 exclaimed, questioning.

"Huh? Are you crazy? Don't you know that she was banished from the clan? How could her child even set foot here?" Maid 2 responded.

"Tsk! You are the one who is crazy? Haven't you heard that Sir Magnus found Lady Evangeline's kid?" Maid 1 refuted.

"Ah...I was absent the last few days due to some problems at home. I just rejoined today," Maid 2 replied.

"Aigoo, that's why," Maid 3 joined them. "But I heard that her child is the boy... is it that the other child his servant?"

"Tch, tch, fools! Only spreading unknown truths and lies! The boy is Lady Evangeline's only son, and the little girl is Lady Lumina's child! Well, that's what I heard..." Maid 4 exclaimed.

"Oooohhh," all of them said in unison at Maid 4's comment.

Suddenly, Maid 1 interjected and whispered, "Oh, by the way, do you know my neighbor cheated on his wife with his other neighbor?"


The halls were adorned with a captivating array of artifacts, showcasing the rich heritage of the Emberclaw clan.

Auric and his sister's eyes widened in awe as they took in the remarkable sights around them. Intricately carved monster heads, each a testament to the Emberclaw clan's triumphs, adorned the walls. The preserved remains exuded an air of power and reverence, while tales of the battles they had won echoed silently within the halls.

Paintings adorned the walls, depicting epic scenes from dragonborn history. Courageous warriors stood resolute against formidable foes, capturing the essence of bravery and resilience. The masterful brushstrokes brought the stories to life, leaving Auric and his sister mesmerized by the legends that unfolded before their very eyes.

'Wow... the descriptions in the novel hardly do justice to the grandeur of this place,' Auric thought to himself. 'Just how wealthy is this clan? Even the frames seem to be crafted from precious jewels and metals. And those paintings! I doubt even Melon Mask from my previous world could compare to this level of lavishness. Well, it's to be expected from one of the top clans in the entire world...'

[These paintings are worth far more than you can imagine. Just one of them could buy a small city in Gaia.]

{A/N: Gaia is the dominant human land... more about it will be explained in the upcoming chapters.}

"Fu- Ahem," Auric cleared his throat, catching himself in a slip of language.

"Hm? Young master, is something wrong?" Maguns raised an eyebrow, observing the awkward kid.

"Ah, n-no, everything's alright. I just... I don't know what suddenly happened, but it's alright," Auric stammered, recovering his composure.

"If you say so..."

Meanwhile, Ellie looked at him with a worried expression, and Auric responded with a weak smile.

'You scared the living shit out of me! Where the hell have you been these past few days? Suddenly giving me a heart attack!' Auric thought to himself, irritated by the sudden appearance of the system notification.

{A/N: The sound of the system notification and the system voice is different!}

[Sorry about that. I'm just trying not to disturb you. I'll only appear when necessary or when you call me... But it saddens me when you forget about me.]

'Well, shit happened, and you know it.'

[Alright then. Ciao.]

As they continued to follow the guards, Auric's attention was snatched by something that sparked his curiosity—an intense desire to possess it. It was the walls adorned with weapons and artifacts, an overwhelming display.

Weapons, polished to perfection, were displayed with unabashed pride. Gleaming blades, ornate armor, and intricate weaponry showcased the unparalleled skill and craftsmanship of the Emberclaw clan. Each weapon told a story, passed down through generations, embodying the strength and honor of those who had wielded them in the past.

'Fuck, I want them!' Auric's inner voice exclaimed, unable to contain his yearning.

While Ellie observed Auric's face, with a mixture of confusion at the sudden change in his demeanor at the sight of the weapons.




{A/N: So, this chapter is like an epic episode, you feel me? We're diving into the new background our dear main character is gonna be living in... or something rad like that.

Listen up, I need a little boost from y'all. Gift me some gifts, show some love with votes, and drop those comments like there's no tomorrow! Let's get this party started and engage with everyone in this incredible community. Your support is like fuel to my writing engine, seriously! 'Cause truth be told, there are times when I lose that writing mojo and end up on a week-long pause, and we don't want that, right?

But hey, I know you cool cats understand. We all have those moments when motivation goes on a little vacay. Am I right?

Oh, and here's the juicy scoop! Brace yourselves 'cause we got some new characters comin' at ya! Friends, rivals, enemies... and who knows? Maybe even a potential love interest? It's gonna be a rollercoaster of emotions, so stay tuned and keep the gifts rollin' in! (Okay, it may sound a bit like begging, but hey, a writer's gotta do what a writer's gotta do, right?)

Hope you had a blast reading this chapter, just like hangin' out with friends and having a chill time. Thanks for keepin' it real!

Much love,


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