
Joke Chapter or not?

A Story of the Near Future? (a Hint after Alex return from the Starship troopers, time travel Shenanigans involved)

During the Fall of Cadia, As Abaddon the Despoiler Headed to Planet Catachan, He send a Strike Force From his 13th Black Crusade to a World, He didn't bother about the type of forces, whether it is a Night lord, Iron Warriors, Thousand Sons, the Plague Marines as the Chaos as a whole decided the fate of one Planet... with Promises of Greater Power Whispered in his ears, Destroy or Corrupt the tree is all that matters to Abaddon...

Trantem... A Civilized World That Housed One of Yggdrasil Trees, a Planet that was in the boundary of Three Segmentum, Pacificus, Solar, Obscurus

And it serves as a Communications Center to sectors that able to Counter effect of the Warp storm as Psykers that was placed under the Tree able to process the Truth from the lies, the whispers were nonexistent, thus the imperium were able to coordinate most of the fleets that were in the surround Sectors Thus Repelling the Orks a Few Years ago... and its Faith and willpower was Tested by the Malice and Madness of the Black Crusade

At the Base of the Tree a Firefight broke out between the defenders and the Chaos Align forces...

As the last Guardsmen Fell, The Heretics Swarmed the People inside and used the Blood and Bodies of the Corpses and Slain to their dark rituals to Corrupt the Tree..

Warband Comprised of Thousand Sons, Plague Marines, Night Lord, Iron Warriors and Knornate Warriors were task to oversee the ritual....

A Golden Light Emanated From the Tree and Flooded the Area ....

To The Heretics that their Minds created from born in the Warp, to worship for the Warp, Didn't know the Effect.... it Has more Subtle effect of the Chaos Marines.....

It Took the Lies and the Blessings of the Warp away from them...

One of the Plague Marines Saw what they Have Become... and Saw What the Corrupted Human about to Corrupt the Tree... and Saw that Carving of the Emperor Engraved in the tree... as if the Carving of the Emperor give a Message only they knew....

He Grabbed his Now Rusted Chainblade... not Maintain for a Millennia, no longer bound by the Warp Magic... and Slash at the Closest Heretic....

"Why? Why are you attacking us? You Traitor!" Cried the Heretics Around him...

"Traitor? Perhaps I am...No Amount of Redemption would be waiting for me..." The Plague Marines calmly Spoke, despite that His Organs is Failing as He Went to the Next Heretic, while his Brothers Suffering from the Vision... something that was In their Geneseed, A Memory of their GeneFathers... A Promise from the Past...

They Took Up Arms and Join the Plague Marine and Killed the Heretics... Whose Blood Ran Deep soaked on the floor... Night Lord Flayed their Victims... Thousand Son Send Warp Bolts to their enemy and Send them Dust... World Eaters Despite the Butcher Nails Digging Ever so deeper into their Skulls, Killing some of them in the process, Swung their Axes Till they See no more...

After they Have done...

The Plague Marine that First last out against the Heretic... Propped Up By His Brothers.. Wept From his Pus Filled Eyes as he Stared at the Emperor Statue... Dying Slowly...

"Emperor... I had long Disavow my vows... Forgotten my duty, Your vision of Humanity, the reason why I Picked my Bolter and dorn the Armor, to follow my GeneFather to the Stars...To serve and protect Humanity, to save those that were Weak... To my Brothers that held the line, I Sacrifice My Brothers to Get even a Glimpse of Power... to Bless the Lands with the darkness filth...What Powers I had, Gifted by the Chaos, I Became Weak... Weak not by your light, but by The Dark Gods Used me... My Pride... My Hubris...I have Committed more Sins that the dead will drown me, Look at me... Look at me.... Emperor.... I am weak..

Because I Rejected your Light... There is no redemption for the rest of us, Hear my Plea one Last Time...Forgive us.... and Forget us..." as the Words spoke from the rusted Vox Grill, His Spark of Life slowly Dying....

"You Shan't be Forgiven... But You Shan't be Forgotten... Brother Sleous, But The Path of Redemption is a Long long way...." As a Guardsman Entered the Sanctum

"Brother Hyde? Is that You? I thought you died?" the Death Guard Softly Spoken... Trying to open his eyes to see the figure , that knew his name from a Millennia ago... along some of the Rest of them... Knew the Man that stood among their GeneFathers From A Millennia ago.... now Stood in Flesh and Among them...

"In death Duty ends... But How Can I Die, when I unable to save you? It's been a Long time Brother..." as Alex Slowly Removed Sleous Helmet seeing The Death Guard Face... Scarred from all the Illness and Toxins scarred the Marine face... And Healed his Face...

"Come Along with me Brothers... It's time to earn another Chance of life....." As A small hand Held out... Giving the Chaos Marines a different Choice... For another path of Redemption...

Later Adeptus Sororitas And Pilgrims that survive the assault Fought back against the Chaos Human Defenders... and enter the Sanctum and all they see is a Corpses of Chaos Heretics on the floor... and Chaos Marines Stood where they stand.... The Sororitas Fired Bolter after Bolter... into the Chaos Marines... they didn't cried out in rage or Fought back.... they simply fell down by the force of the Shells... as One Rage filled Sister of Battle Ripped helmet from the Body, It Filled Her With Frustration and Rage... as the Chaos Marines held not a Face with wrath, but with a Sense... of...peace, The Canonness ordered their body to be burned, Piles and Piles of Chaos Marines Bodies gathered in one place... a Sister Blasted the Corpses with Heavy Flamers, as The ashes and flames reached to the Skies, a Figure Holding a case from one of the Towers... looked at the Burning corpses sadly and Disappeared....

Abaddon heard of the Failed Assault an Raged in his Flagship... and Commence his Usual Plans...

In a Laboratory that Cawl Given to him, Another Army is Building....

My Brothers....

Soon... You will be the Reborn....

No amount of Redemption of words will save you.... No Amount of Forgiveness Would be earned.... Your Sins Piled to a ocean that can drag any mortal man insane


There is always a Chance of Forgiveness...

Among the Seas of the Dammed and Despair, there is always a Lighthouse of Hope...

When you are Awake....

You can serve the Imperium once more...

I will Carry your burdens...

I Vowed to the Emperor bring your Fathers back...

until then....

sleep well....

When the time is Right...

I will need you again...

If Possible.... we will walk under the Sun once more....

Alex looked at the Sleous Pod and at Countless of Pods once held Primaris Marines now being used... the Batch of Primordial Marines is being Created... a Creation of Space Marines that have Humanity and Embrace it.... only the Souls That Freed themselves from Chaos were inserted into them, untainted by those who corrode them...They would once again heed the call to the Imperium... in its desperate times....

"Time to get More back into the Fold I guess" Alex Left the Facility, once more to search for his Former Brothers to be saved.... and His Mission from The Emperor

(Is it Canon in this book? dunno? I just wrote this while I listen to a Lamenter Audiobook book "Don't Go")