
Surviving The Last Of Us World

This book is fan fiction for the game "The Last of Us" and will include characters from other Apocalypse games. Currently joining: Game version of The Walking Dead, Metro Exodus. ....... I didn't write this ...... patreon.com/kibishi718

kibishi718 · Video Games
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73 Chs

Chapter 55

Enduring the biting cold wind and snow, Brian stepped into the passenger car, feeling a rush of warmth engulfing him as he settled in. It was a comforting sensation, though he knew it was merely an illusion. In reality, the temperature inside the car was still quite low, just slightly warmer compared to the frigid conditions outside. Nonetheless, as he adjusted to the temperature inside, he would soon feel the chill once again.

Inside the car, everyone huddled together, trying to generate warmth by exhaling hot breaths into their hands, already red and stiff from the cold. Some even embraced each other for warmth, sharing body heat.

Even Tracy, the soldier in charge, was struggling with the harsh weather. Though she continued to monitor the situation inside the car, her body couldn't help but shiver incessantly.

Brian made his way deeper into the car, where he found Sarah, Alan, Anna, Sylvia, and Wilfred. Over the past week, they had formed a small group, as isolating oneself was inconvenient. Instead, they had decided to stick together, offering each other some comfort and occasional conversation.

"Here, have some chocolate to keep warm," Brian said softly, offering a few pieces from his backpack to those nearby. His voice barely carried, audible only to those close to him.

The others accepted without hesitation, careful to eat the chocolate discreetly. They tore open the packaging, quickly consuming the chocolate and disposing of the wrappers to avoid attracting attention.

They had learned from previous incidents where individuals flaunted their food openly, only to be robbed later. When soldiers investigated, they found no leads, leaving the victims feeling helpless.

Alan, seated in the rear with a pile of handgun parts, struggled to assemble the gun with his hands already numb and stiff from the cold. Brian and Sarah had been training Alan in physical fitness and firearm usage over the past few days, following Osborne's instructions meticulously.

While they hadn't had the opportunity to use these skills yet, Alan remained enthusiastic, diligently practicing even amid the harsh conditions.

Observing Alan's eagerness to practice assembling the gun, Brian sighed softly, placing the chocolate beside him. "Alan, take your time. There's no need to rush."

"Thanks," Alan replied, glancing briefly at the chocolate before returning his focus to assembling the gun, his movements awkward and slow.

Since witnessing his mother's tragic death, Alan had undergone a drastic transformation, initially consumed by pain and despair. Brian's presence, though reserved, provided him with a sense of brotherly care. Alan also cherished the moments spent playing with Sarah, even though he didn't particularly enjoy it. He felt happy, knowing he had to become brave and strong to protect them, despite their older age.

"Sarah, take a look. Is this correct?" Alan asked, handing the assembled handgun to Sarah for inspection.

Sarah, who had been observing silently, accepted the gun, weighing and examining it before nodding approvingly, giving Alan a reassuring look.

"You two are really amazing. It's only been a couple of days since you started training with firearms, and you can already assemble them independently," Sylvia commented from her seat, reclining with a smile on her face, looking towards Brian in the adjacent seat.

Sylvia's injuries had improved significantly, and she could now walk on her own, albeit with lingering discomfort. Wilfred and Anna had assisted her during their journey through the blizzard, without whom she wouldn't have been able to endure.

Turning her gaze towards the snow-covered hospital outside, Sylvia's expression turned somber. "I can't help but feel that something is off."

"I agree. It's strange that we haven't encountered a single infected person since entering the city. Could they be hiding from the snowstorm?" Anna chimed in, voicing her concerns.

Brian shook his head in disagreement. "We've encountered blizzards before, but infected individuals still appeared. This silence is unsettling. Atlanta and its surroundings should be infested with infected. Something must have happened here..."

As Brian muttered to himself, the others fell silent, pondering the unsettling situation. The news of the danger surrounding Atlanta had caused quite a stir and anxiety among them. However, with no other options but to proceed, they couldn't afford to dwell on it. Instead, they focused on resting and preparing for any potential threats that lay ahead, leaving strategic planning to the military command.

Wilfred broke the silence with a pragmatic reminder. "Let's not dwell on what we can't understand. Our priority now is to rest and conserve our energy, ready to face any challenges that may arise. Let the military handle the rest."

With Wilfred's words, the tension in the car eased slightly. Everyone leaned back, hands tucked into their pockets, closing their eyes to rest, albeit remaining alert to the situation outside.

Even Alan, who had wanted to continue disassembling and assembling firearms, reluctantly put away the handgun, focusing on resting and recuperating his strength and energy.

As the atmosphere in the rear of the car fell into a quiet lull, drawing some curious glances from others, they paid it no mind, exchanging hushed whispers as they kept an eye on the hospital outside.


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