
Surviving The Last Of Us World

This book is fan fiction for the game "The Last of Us" and will include characters from other Apocalypse games. Currently joining: Game version of The Walking Dead, Metro Exodus. ....... I didn't write this ...... patreon.com/kibishi718

kibishi718 · Video Games
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73 Chs

Chapter 47

Sylvia was a college student attending a police academy. When the disaster first broke out, there were riots of infected people in her city. If she hadn't been lucky and happened to meet someone willing to take her, she might have already been there. He died in that city.

She came to Dallas, where the army was stationed, and then came a series of doomsday news stories, which made her extremely upset and deeply confused.

However, when Sylvia learned that she could voluntarily choose to go to the quarantine zone, she did not hesitate to choose the Atlanta quarantine zone, which was the last to leave but also the most dangerous, because her only family was there.

Immediately after the convoy left Dallas, she experienced what she thought was the worst day and was attacked by a large number of infected people.

If she had just been attacked by an infected person, Sylvia wouldn't be surprised at all, because that's how the world is now. What makes her sick are those people who are working so hard, but he is a person who stabs you in the back.

She looked at the tall and thin man in front of her, who shot the woman without hesitation. Her eyes widened in disbelief. She, who had always had a sense of justice, clutched the dagger she had hidden, and suddenly something happened. She had the urge to rush forward and subdue the other person, but she resisted it in the end.

Because this tall and thin man had already focused his attention on the crowd, if she rushed up to him at this time, she would be shot by the opponent before she even got halfway.

It was at this time that Sylvia saw the dead woman's child running out. Listening to the crying, she felt very uncomfortable.

Then she heard the tall and thin man say that if he could repeat what he just said, he would give the child a life and ask him to leave and tell the army.

What happened next made Sylvia extremely angry. The child clearly repeated what he just said word for word, but when the child turned around, the tall and thin man raised his gun again. Toward his back.

Only then did she realize that the other party was just teasing the child, and she could no longer sit idly by.

Taking advantage of the tall and thin man's attention being focused on the child, Sylvia rushed out of the crowd and threw herself behind him. The tip of the dagger was aimed at his neck. She wanted to kill this Damn scum!


With the pistol aimed at Allen's head, Joseph waited for the other party to open the door. He could imagine the horrified expressions of the soldiers after the child died at the door.

At the same time, it can also increase the bargaining chips with these government troops later and tell them that he is not joking. Thinking of this, his smile became more ferocious, and his mood became particularly happy.

But at this moment, Joseph suddenly heard a rush of footsteps coming from the side, and out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a figure rushing towards him. He was suddenly startled and was about to turn his gun.

Before he could make a move, the figure was already at his side. The bright dagger emitted a faint, cold light and stabbed straight towards his fragile throat.

Although Joseph was caught off guard, his reaction was not weak. He quickly took a few steps back, narrowly dodging the stabbing dagger. The gun in his hand had also changed its direction, and he was about to Pull the trigger.

Studying at the police academy was not useless. Seeing that she had missed a single hit, Sylvia knew that she had to fight in close combat with the tall and thin man in front of her, but the other man still had a pistol in his hand.

Thinking of this, she no longer hesitated to make a decision immediately. The straight dagger in her hand swung down and slashed hard towards the opponent's palm holding the gun.

Seeing the dagger drawn by the woman in front of him, Joseph immediately began to weigh his interests. He still hoped to escape.

Even if he could forcefully shoot the bitch in front of him, if such a sharp dagger were to scratch his hand hard, the wound would inevitably bleed profusely. He lacked medicine, so he would definitely die if he lost too much blood.

Even though he was unwilling to give in, Joseph retracted his hand resolutely and watched helplessly as the sharp dagger slashed at the pistol, directly cutting off a large piece of the barrel of the pistol.

He took several steps back. He looked at the scrappy pistol in his hand in shock. While he was shocked by the sharpness of the dagger, he was also angry in his heart. He had never been forced to do this by a woman, and she was the one he despised the most. 

"You bitch, I'll fuck you to death!"

After throwing away the pistol and seeing that the distance had been drawn, Joseph picked up the rifle that had been hanging on his chest and was about to shoot at the woman on the other side.

Sylvia could not let him shoot, so she threw the dagger in her hand toward the opponent's face without hesitation, and at the same time, she sprinted forward quickly.

Looking at the flying dagger, Joseph's pupils shrank sharply, and he quickly lowered his head to avoid the dagger. His eyes also saw the woman's legs rushing over. He squatted down, held the rifle horizontally, and pointed it towards the opponent. 

Sylvia was inexperienced after all, and she was not good at close-quarters combat. She did not expect that the other party would act like this, and she was hit in the leg by the rifle that swept over.


Feeling the excruciating pain coming from her legs, she screamed out in agony. Reason told her that she couldn't just fall like this; otherwise, she would definitely die.

It was a matter of life and death. Sylvia jumped up and threw herself directly on Joseph's back. She grabbed the opponent's throat with both hands, trying to make him unconscious in this way.

Joseph didn't expect this woman to be so difficult to deal with. Feeling the restraint coming from his throat, he suddenly couldn't lift his breath. He quickly put down the rifle and grabbed those two damn arms.

The people around them were dumbfounded by the scene in front of them, wondering why things suddenly took such a turn.

Looking at the two people fighting together, Brian was immediately speechless. His plan had suddenly turned unexpectedly. He originally thought of using a shotgun sneak attack to solve the problem, but he didn't expect that a god would actually come from the sky. 

He also found out, strangely, that this guy obviously didn't need a gun anymore, so why didn't he capture him with a group of people? Are you guys watching the show?


But at this moment, someone in the crowd shouted, and everyone woke up and ran towards the gate in a swarm, with no intention of coming to help.

"Holy shit, does your backward life matter?"

Seeing the crowd pouring out of the house, Brian couldn't help but sigh at the coldness of human nature. It's not that easy to be a hero. Then he realized that the woman seemed to be unable to hold on any longer, so he quickly moved toward the two fighting people. There, he wanted to help the other party.

It's not that he doesn't want to escape with the crowd, but Sarah is still hiding inside. There is no way he can leave her and run away alone. He was so smart that he was mistaken. If he didn't let Sarah hide there, maybe they should also be part of the fleeing army at this moment.

"Get down here!"

On the other side, Joseph tugged hard on the arms that bound his throat. Although this made his discomfort slightly lessened, he couldn't open those damn arms. His face was as red as blood, and his arms were gradually losing strength.

Realizing that his condition was getting worse, he knew that he had to find a way. He simply ignored the arms between his throat and grabbed the bitch's hair with his own hands, pulling her outwards crazily and pulling her back. 

Sylvia tightly wrapped her hands around the opponent's throat, resisting the severe pain from her scalp, and still refused to let go. Instead, her strength increased, and she was determined to subdue this scumbag.

But then she suddenly felt the other person's figure retreat. There happened to be a small ornament on the wall behind her, and then her back hit it hard.

Extremely strong pain swept through her whole body. Sylvia bowed slightly, bared her teeth, and howled miserably. Even the strength in her hands suddenly weakened a lot.

But everything was not over yet. Joseph hit the wall behind him heavily. He also realized that the other party seemed to be reaching its limit. A cruel smile appeared on his face. He grabbed the other party's hair with both hands and jerked down. He wanted the other party to be down directly.

Sylvia's consciousness has become a little blurry from the constant pain. She also knows that she will definitely be left behind by the other party this time, but she is not willing to do so. She does not want to die here; she wants to live and do what she wants. 

she also suddenly showed a fierce look in her eyes. Even if she was going to die, she would make the opponent pay the price. Then the head suddenly moved forward and bit the opponent's ear hard.


Joseph didn't expect that he would encounter a female madman today. The heartbreaking pain coming from his ears made him fall to his knees on the ground. He didn't dare to pull the head of this bitch, no. His ear will definitely be bitten off.

So he casually got up from the ground and hit the opponent's head hard with the scrapped pistol he had just discarded!


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