
Surviving The Last Of Us World

This book is fan fiction for the game "The Last of Us" and will include characters from other Apocalypse games. Currently joining: Game version of The Walking Dead, Metro Exodus. ....... I didn't write this ...... patreon.com/kibishi718

kibishi718 · Video Games
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73 Chs

Chapter 30 : Farewell

In the following days, Brian would take Sarah and Kelly for a morning run under the strange eyes of others.

Sometimes they would visit Arman's house. The old man was a medical soldier, and his daughter, June, was also a senior nurse. It happened that they could also ask them about first aid and nursing knowledge.

Brian was also embarrassed to take advantage of the other party, so he would bring some food every time he came, which could be regarded as another form of reward.

Every time he went for a morning jog, he would choose different people and neighborhoods to observe the pharmacies on this street, trying to find a way to sneak in without being discovered.

Once, they accidentally discovered an inconspicuous, small hole on the edge of a pharmacy. They were able to bypass the door guard and enter the pharmacy silently, but just when they planned to sneak in At that time, someone had discovered it in advance.

But later, he made some noise while stealing the medicine and was heard by the guard at the door. After searching inside, he was caught, and the entrance to the store was blocked. As for what happened to the man later, there is no news. People know it, but thinking about it, the end will not be much better.

When he passed the management office on a morning jog, Brian was surprised to find that the people lining up inside were almost crowded onto the road outside, and most of them were with children or were in a romantic relationship men and women.

It seems that many people have made up their minds and decided to take the initiative into their own hands. When the province is forced to be allocated, it will not be good if family members or close people are assigned to other isolation areas.

As for the rest of the time, apart from eating and resting, they all gathered around Osborne and listened to him explain the use and aiming methods of the pistol, shotgun, and assault rifle without bullets.

They even disassembled all the firearms into parts, teaching them the operation of each part, how to assemble the firearms step by step, and how to effectively maintain and replace parts.

A week later, the military radio announced that after all the information on citizens in Dallas had been collected, an internal lottery would be held to select citizens who could enter the quarantine area. After the lottery was completed, the list would be posted at the designated location by district.

When he heard the news, Brian couldn't help but roll his eyes. It turned out to be exactly as he expected. What about the internal lottery? Why not keep the outstanding talents first and then give away the rest? To other quarantine areas.

The waiting time is always extremely torturous. Ever since the announcement was made, the atmosphere in the entire city has instantly become extremely weird, and everyone has a sad look on their face.

When Brian was jogging in the morning, he could feel the nervous expressions and anxious moods of the people around him. Some people even clasped their hands and prayed for good luck to come to them. Even those who were calm all day long would lay in bed at night and toss and turn and couldn't sleep.

This kind of anxiety, for someone who has voluntarily gone to the quarantine zone in Atlanta, has no such feeling at all.

He still does his own thing every day. Occasionally, when he passes a certain bookstore, he will take some storybooks from it to read. When he feels bored, he will take them out to spice things up. Before the end of the world, there was a bookstore that no one paid much attention to. After the apocalypse, no one cared about it. Except for fuel for the fire, no one will run in there.


October 11, 2013

Another week after the broadcast announcement, the list of survivors who entered the Dallas quarantine zone was finally posted on the bulletin boards in various areas under the expectant eyes of everyone.

"Don't crowd; come one by one!"

"Give me no, no."

"Stop pushing forward; we're going to cross the red line!"

In front of the bulletin board, hundreds or thousands of people were crowded there. If it weren't for the soldiers guarding the area and the red circle limiting the area, I'm afraid these crowds coming up could overwhelm the bulletin board in an instant.

"Dad, we're up there!"

Kelly excitedly squeezed out of the crowd in front of the bulletin board, holding her ID card in her hand and saying so excitedly.

Although the tons of numbers and names on the list can be a bit dazzling you can easily find out whether you are on the list by matching the first and last characters on the ID card.

"Well, this is great." After hearing that both he and his daughter were on the list, a rare smile appeared on Osborne's face, and he touched Kelly's head, looking very happy.

Brian and Sarah listened to the news and looked at each other. They were also happy that the couple could enter the isolation area, and their anxious hearts slowly relaxed.

But some people are happy, and some are sad. Some people are lucky enough to enter the quarantine area in Dallas, and some will be immediately assigned to other nearby or further quarantine areas.

On the way there, Brian saw many people with depressed expressions on their faces. Although being assigned to other isolation areas did not make them cry, the anxiety and uneasiness in their hearts were still evident.

When they arrived at the RV, Osborne and Kelly began to pack their things. After the list was posted, the announcement began to notify all residents on the list to prepare their belongings, and arrangements would be made to gradually enter the quarantine area starting tomorrow.

Since the RV could not be driven into the quarantine area, firearms, and food had to be turned in, so they only picked some thicker clothes and took nothing else, leaving it to the two people who stayed behind.

"Antoine, aren't you going to look at the list?"

While Osborne and Kelly were rummaging around and packing things in the RV, Brian was sitting outside and asked curiously when he saw Antoine still drinking a bottle of wine with a comfortable look on his face.

"There's nothing to see." Antoine was sitting at the door of the car, his face flushed as usual. He glanced at Brian and said it nonchalantly.

Then he remembered something, and his face became gloomy. He stood up and was about to get to his car. Just as he was about to enter the car, he suddenly turned his head and said to the two of them, "Goodbye, little guys."

Sarah looked at the suddenly depressed Antoine with some inexplicable confusion and was a little confused about what was going on with him.

"What's up with him?"

"I don't know, maybe... he drank too much." Brian was also a little confused about his reaction. You must know that although Antoine loves to drink, he laughs and laughs all day long. He has never seen him like this. Looking like this, I can only guess.

That night, none of the four of them felt sleepy at all, and everyone had mixed feelings about the farewell tomorrow.

They put a lot of food on the table, ate big mouthfuls, told each other about the past, and laughed heartily from time to time, having the final reunion.

"Brian, listen carefully to what I'm going to say next." Just as the four of them were chatting happily, Osborne said with a serious face, "I know you are very smart; you don't look like an ordinary child, but since we are about to be separated, I will tell you my thoughts, which can be regarded as advice to you."

"Well, then tell me." Seeing Osborne suddenly become so serious, Brian put away his smile, nodded, and said it softly.

"The world has changed beyond recognition now. It's okay for us to have military guards inside the quarantine area, but you must be careful outside," Oslo said, taking a rare opportunity to open a bottle of beer and drink freely.

"You have never experienced the cruelty of war. You don't know how far a group of people's inner desires will expand if they survive in an unordered environment. This apocalyptic environment is hundreds of times worse than war. As the food outside becomes more and more The less and less they come, the more terrifying these people will become.

You are smart and calm; you may be able to deal with the infected."

Having said this, Osborne seemed to think of some bad memories. He squeezed the beer in his hand, took a big gulp, and said coldly, "But, sometimes, there are things more terrifying than those ferocious-looking monsters." ....It is often the human heart that has been freed from the shackles of morality!"

As soon as these words came out, the temperature in the RV seemed to drop suddenly. The icy chill penetrated through the clothes on the body, penetrated the pores on the skin, and penetrated everyone's hearts.

Kelly and Sarah were silent and pulled on their cotton-padded jackets involuntarily. These words seemed too heavy for them now.

"Well, I know this."

Brian, who is familiar with doomsday novels, has a lot of theoretical knowledge about these cruel principles of human nature.

But knowing is one thing, but when it happens in front of him, it is another thing. For someone who has not experienced it personally, no matter how many theories he can come up with, they are just castles in the air and unrealistic.

"I don't know if the end of the world is as cruel as I imagined, but... I think I will have my judgment on these things!"

Oscar stared deeply at Brian's face, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said, "I said, This is just my advice; as for what choice you want to make, that is your own business."


Brian also laughed and reached out to open a bottle of beer. Although people under the age are not allowed to drink, the world is like this now; who cares about these things? After taking a big sip, he raised the bottle, and in front of the other party, he said seriously, "Then... see you later."

Looking at the other party's actions with some surprise, Osborne's smile became more cheerful. He also raised his bottle and touched it lightly with the other party, making a clanking sound.

"Well, see you later!"


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