
Surviving the Apocalypse in the Multiverse

All of it started on the Earth. The most Isolated planet in the entire Multiverse. Saying it was tragic would be a big understatement for the beings, named humans, on this planet. Well, maybe it was except for one, who only cared for himself and the closest beings to him... We don't know how, or why, he became like he did, and accomplished what he did. All we know, all the Multiverse knows, is that he didn't care for anything and wouldn't help anyone unless there was something in it for him. That is unless he felt like helping you or caring about something... but that came at a cost. Some say that you had to sell your soul to him, others say you became his loyal servant through black magic. What is fact and what is fiction, many don't know... about him who goes by the name of Dark King by some and Ruthless Adventurer by others. That is unless you are me, who sees him as someone else and by another name... And that is... I see him as a kind person to those he takes in as friends and a ruthless monster to his enemies. He is known to me by the name his parents gave him... the name Abel. --------------------------------------------------- This is my first novel, so pleeeease take it easy on me. I hope that you can give me positive feedback, like telling me what you would like to see more of in the novel and what you think I can change. Other than that, I hope you enjoy the book, and anything you gift me so that I can do this full-time would make me appreciate you a lot.

MooingNymph · Fantasy
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30 Chs


[Day 1]

In a certain private school filled with a bunch of entitled, posh pricks, a black-haired teenage boy was having a hard time. With a chubby body and small frame, someone who is a bully would drool at the thought of turning into a punching bag.

After shifting slightly, he opened his abyss-like obsidian eyes, finding himself lying in the school infirmary's bed.

Looking around in confusion, he tried standing, which caused him to become dizzy. Shaking his head, he played it off, reasoning that he had stood up too fast.

Suddenly, like a dam wall breaking during a heavy storm, he felt like his head had been smashed into a puddle of brain goop. He got a headache that felt similar to what one would experience after a night out with friends that had force-fed you alcohol from the beginning to the end of the night—a mega hangover, if you will.

"What the fuck is happening, argh?!" The boy cried out in extreme pain.

Like a tidal wave of acid, memories started flooding into his mind, causing him pain that felt like something was burning the inside of his skull along with its contents.

Flashes of events passed through his mind too fast to see, but what he could make out made him feel like he was abducted by aliens and probed without consent.

Visions of a metal table and medical instruments that had thin, translucent, tentacle-like tubes that were able to move around and were razor sharp pierced his body and injected a mysterious black liquid into it.

In others, he was ridiculed by a man and woman while a white-haired little girl stood behind them weeping.

Along with those visions came basic information like a name for the body he was currently occupying and the fact that the man and woman in his vision were supposed to be his parents, while the little girl was supposed to be his sister.

As the pain began to subside, he soon learned from the memories that his parents were the ones who conducted the experiments on him like he was some fucking science project, fusing the very same mysterious black liquid into the very cells of his body.

Needless to say, the process caused excruciating pain for Abel, and in the end, the experiment failed, causing Abel to stop growing and to pick up weight.

When they found out that the experiments had failed, they moved on to his little sister and threw him away to a private boarding school, the seventeen-year-old was no longer useful in their eyes.

The same private school where he got bullied nearly every day by the same group of delinquents

Which is how he came to be in an infirmary bed. He was just minding his own business when those scumbags had demanded money from the poorest person in the school, knowing that he didn't have any for them. It was just an excuse for them to resort to letting out their anger on him, beating him like one would beat a watermelon with a baseball bat.

This ended up with the original Abel getting beaten to the point of having brain damage, which, luckily for our new Abel, was not picked up by the nurse.

Sliding down to the tile floor like a wet noodle, Abel sat with black lines covering his face as he assessed his situation. It left him with a mixture of emotions equivalent to chili and alcohol mixing to make the worst party in a toilet.

After assimilating all of the memories and knowledge he had access to, the new Abel was angry at the parents of this body, already having accepted his new life and identified it as his own. He was also worried about his little sister, not knowing where or how she was and feeling the need to search for her while taking revenge on his parents.

Calming down for the time being, he looked at all the knowledge of his current situation, like which world he was in and what the name of the country or continent he was on was.

To his utter delight, he found that he was still on Earth, but instead of America, he was in England. He knew fucking nothing, as he was never a person to look at different countries and their cities in his past life.

The previous owner only knew the name of his country and that he was in some backward, remote private boarding school named Blackthorne. Other than that, he knew nothing because he had been locked up like a lab rat and not been let out. Along with him getting sent off to boarding school without having a chance to learn anything because he spent most of his time in the Infirmary when he got there from getting beat on a daily basis.

"Well, at least I'm still on Earth, not that I have anyone to look for." These were Abel's thoughts before he heard a curtain being drawn open, making him look in the direction of the area where there was an opening in the curtain that was around his bed.

Standing there was the most beautiful redhead, who, while Abel stared at her, walked up to him with a face full of worry and asked, "Abel, is everything okay? Why are you talking to yourself?"

The redhead, who was wearing a doctor's coat, tilted her head to the side and looked at Abel with curiosity, her beautiful sky-blue eyes gleaming with interest as to what he was doing.

Abel, who heard this, was lost in a stupor upon seeing this beautiful woman that appeared in front of him.

It didn't help that he was a shut-in in his previous life, causing him not to know how to talk to her, or any girl for that matter.

"Is everything alright, Abel? You didn't get a brain injury from getting beaten up again, did you?" The redhead asked in worry.

As she spoke, she opened his eyes with her index finger and thumb and shone a light in them, causing him to flinch and wake up from his daze.

"Ah! Sorry, Ms. Emberwing, I just got a bit dizzy, haha." Abel answered awkwardly.

Ms. Emberwing nodded her head in understanding as she continued to do a general checkup on Abel to make sure he was okay.

'I'm going to have to think of a way to get revenge on those scum.' Abel thought to himself as Ms. Emberwing put her torch away, the checkup done.

While Abel was thinking of ways to torture the people who killed the past owner of his body, Ms. Emberwing thought to herself, 'Why is Abel spacing out so much? I've already checked if he has a concussion or if there is any sign of brain damage, but there isn't. Maybe it's just because he just woke up. Yes, that should be the reason.' She affirmed this by nodding to herself.

"Abel, seeing that you're fine other than a few superficial wounds, I think you can go and rest in the boys' dormitory. I'll let your teachers know that you aren't fit to go to class this week so that you can recover fully." Ms. Emberwing said as she smiled.

When Abel saw Ms. Emberwing smiling at him, his mind went blank once again, showcasing the fact that he was a total virgin, as she had one of the most beautiful smiles he had ever seen.

Her smile highlighted the dimples on her cheeks, which added an immature aesthetic to her mature beauty.


The sound of Ms. Emberwing yelling his name suddenly brought the young man out of his daze.

After realizing that he had been caught staring at her, his face became red, as he was not used to being around beautiful women, let alone women in general, in his past or present life.

Thinking that she was mad at him because of her red face, Abel quickly apologized with a stutter, "I'm so... sorry, Ms. Emberwing, I never meant to stare at you."

Seeing that Abel was trying to apologize to her, Ms. Emberwing realized that he was just a teenager with raging hormones and probably didn't mean anything by doing so, although what she didn't know was that the Abel before her had the same mental age as a 35-year-old shut-in gamer.

When she saw his sincere expression, she stopped blushing and said to Abel, "It's fine, Abel. You're a teenager, so it's only natural for you to experience these types of feelings. Why don't you go to the dorm now and rest up? And take this ointment to disinfect your wounds at least once a day after washing them."

Hearing her words, Abel responded while blushing, "Alright, Ms. Emberwing, thank you for looking after me while I was unconscious."

After that, Abel bowed to Ms. Emberwing and left the Infirmary.


Standing in the corridor after leaving the infirmary, Abel paused for a while, thinking of what brought him to this body and why he was brought among thousands, if not millions, of other souls.

Especially with what he had been through in his previous life and what he had done with it.

Shaking his head, knowing that he wouldn't get any answers by thinking about it, Abel decided to just go to his room in the boys' dormitories to rest and treat his wounds like Ms. Emberwing suggested.

As Abel was walking down the corridor, he heard shouts coming from behind him.

Turning around, he saw a group of boys walking towards him while the one in front was calling out his name with contempt visible within his eyes, "Hey Abel! Didn't we tell you not to think about walking around without giving us our money?"


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