
Surviving Ragnarok with Beast Contracts

Life was boring for Jay, the main protagonist. Until a big change happened to his world, all of the nearby buildings changed, as if the whole school transfered to another world. Filled with magic and monsters, Jay gained the Class Beast Contracter while his friend gained the Class Bard. Can Jay and his friend Louis survive the apocalypse with their new found powers?

llama_god · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 1: Disaster strikes

"I hope something exciting happens," thought Jay, as he struggled to keep himself conscious during math class as the teacher scribbled signs that Jay he didn't bother to learn. Unbeknownst to him, a storm was brewing that would change the whole world's fate.

At last, the bell rang, marking the end of the sleep-inducing lecture. Jay was a average high-school student whose grades were decent, but were not excellent due to the fact that he was

easily bored by the subjects that the school taught. He was somewhat good-looking but because of his lazy nature he refuses to put any effort to keep a neat and tidy appearance, therefore he looked like a sloppy guy with wavy black hair and crooked glasses that he was too lazy to replace. Although he was lazy, he was quiet athletic because he enjoyed competitive sports such as basketball and soccer.

After class, he lazily packed his bags and joined his best friend Louis. "Are we going to study or are you heading home?" asked Louis. "That math class already drained my daily quota of brain power," replied Jay with a yawn. Louis was a really charismatic guy, he was very good-looking and was always neat and tidy, his slightly feminine temperament paired with his looks managed to capture the hearts of many girls and even some boys.

As they walked towards their destination, they chatted about how lackluster school was. They parted ways as Louis arrived at the bus stop. "Don't miss me too much." said Jay with a smirk. "Like someone will miss such a narcissistic lazy boy," replied Louis, sighing. Jay continued to walk towards a hospital where his parents worked at. He bought a carton of juice from the vendor at the entrance, then took the elevator as he sipped his juice. As he arrived at the floor where his parents' office was at, he rummaged through his bag searching for the office's keys. He unlocked the door and planted face down into the small bed in the corner of the room.

At the same time, right outside Earth, there were two celestial beings hovering over the thick barrier of mana surrounding Earth. "This time, there will be no one that would help you puny mortals to survive this tribulation. Earth shall perish, and only those who are worthy can have the right to wield the gift of God's." The mysterious looking being sent a shockwave through Earth with a wave of its hand. At that moment, all living beings on Earth experienced a small discomfort on the back of their minds. Most of them shook it of, thinking it was just nothing major. But there were some beings who trembled in delight after sensing the foreign power wash over their bodies. "Finally, a world tribulation," a corpse looking man said as he licked his sharp fangs. Meanwhile,in a garden far far away located in Jerusalem, a voice can be heard echoing around, "My children, this time I can't be there to save you, I can't give you what you want, but I can give you the opportunity for you to do so."

The very next day as the students sat in class waiting for the teacher to come, a screen popped up in front of their eyes.

[God's Blessing Received]

[Finding Suitable Proffesion]

[Adapting Body to suit Ragnarok]

The school erupted into chaos, almost everyone was panicking, afraid of the unknown. Gradually, everyone calmed down. Jay was sitting in the corner of the classroom experimenting with his newfound abilities, he felt that he was a lot stronger than he was a second ago. He discovered that a status board can be opened when he concentrated on opening it.

[Name: Jay


Class: Beast Contracter


Stats: Vitality 10

Strength 10

Agility 10

Mana 10

Fortitude 15

Skills: (Active)

Telepathy Lv.1

Beast Contract Lv.1

Appraisal Lv.1

(Passive )

Tongue of Beasts Lv.Max

Available Skill points:0

Soul Weapon:(Locked)]

"I can understand the other stuff, but what is a soul weapon?" wondered Jay. He turned and scanned around the room, everyone seemed to have found out about the status board. Some were showing mixed emotions while others seemed to be stuck in their daydream. He then locked eyes with Louis, who seemed to be quite paranoid. "What do you think this means?" Lois asked. "Who knows, but I doubt it will be good," replied Jay. "By the way, what does your stats look like?" "My job is Bard, and my stats average about 15, is that high or low?" Louis asked. "I don't know, but my instinct tells me that we will find out soon enough," replied Jay looking at a bulky barbaric-looking classmate.

"Haha, I bet that my berserker class can wreck anyone of you, my stats add up to over a hundred, kneel before me you puny rats." Bill roared as smashed a wooden chair with his bare fists. The teacher, who was a old man, shivered and hid under the lectern after seeing Bill go haywire. " I'm kinda relieved that this is a all-boys high-school, he looks like the protagonist of novels who would have started raping women after gaining powers," mocked Jay under his breath. "Don't enrage him, he will beat you up black and blue," said Louis. Suddenly the steel door of the classroom shook, and started to cave in a little. Jay pulled Louis to the corner of the room, they both crouched beneath a desk to observe the situation. The door trembled as if something was trying to barge its way in, finally the door couldn't stand the pressure and busted open. In came a humanoid rat that was approximately two-meters tall, its grey fur had several bloodstains on it, subtly hinting of its earlier prey. "FOOD, FOOD, LOTS OF FOOD," screeched the monster. It reached out its ferocious looking paws at its nearest prey, who just happens to be Bill. Bill was frightened and instinctively threw a punch at the monster, the rat slided back and slammed into a wall, dust flew everywhere. "HOW DARE FOOD FIGHT BACK, FOOD IS FOOD, FOOD SHOULD BE EATEN," the monster yelled in a high-pitched voice. Right now everyone was backing away, except for Bill, who faced the rat arrogantly after realizing his prowess. Jay tried to cast Appraisal on the rat, and to his surprise it worked!

[Race: Reinigen (Ratmen)Lv.5

Rank: Commoner




Description: Behaves similar to a rat, not being picky about what they eat. Has the strength of a normal adult male, but with a sturdier body. If one loses its temper, will angrily lash out to anyone who dares to antagonize it.


Seeing that the results of Appraisal were quite well, Jay tried to use his other skill, Beast Contract. But when he casted his skill, a message appeared in front of his eyes.

[Contract failed: Reinigen is currently under control of Riesen-Ratte, the Rat King]

Seeing that his skill failed, he used his last skill, Telepathy on the rat. He successfully connected with the rodent's brain, he experienced a strong sense of hunger and killing intent. He quickly cut off the connection between the two minds. The rat was stunned for a split second because of a sudden mental discomfort. Seeing this as a opportunity to attack, Bill rushed over as he activated his skill. "BERSERK!", he yelled as his arm swelled with power. He delivered punch after punch, completely obliterating the monster. After throwing more than twenty punches, seeing that the rat has already been knocked out, Bill stopped to take a rest. His arm muscles shrank as the duration of the skill reached its end. A tab popped up in front of Bill and Jay's eyes.

Bill's tab read:

[ Successfully Slained Reinigen

Gained Exp 10

Acquired Item: Ratskin Shawl

Level Up: Strength +3

Level Up:Strength +1 Agility +1]

Jay's tab read:

[ Assited in Slaying Reinigen

Gained Exp 1

Acquired Item: Fang of Reinigen]

Jay casted Appraisal on the dagger-looking fang that magically appeared in his hands.

[Item: Fang of Reinigen

Rank: Fragmented Common


Description: a small dagger made from the teeth of reinigens, due to the species poor hygiene the dagger contains pathogens that act similar to poison. Any creatures it cuts has a small chance of being afflicted by weak stamina draining.


A sidekick of Bill saw Jay stare at his hands, and noticed the small dagger in his hands. He immediately reported this discovery to Bill, claiming that Jay stole some of his loot.