
Chapter 1: Unknown Place

Mar wakes up in a strange place full of lightly shimmering rocks. He is barely able to see in the dimly lit area as he slowly rises to his feet. Mar runs his hand through his hair and stands tall. Cold air rushes against his slashed clothes and envelops his skin in a stiff coldness. Mar doesn't remember how his clothing had been slashed but the presence of such cuts could only mean that something tried to attack him.

The only personal memory that Mar still retains is his name. He remembers where he came from and the world he is a part of. It is called Earth and it is a technologically advanced world in the year 2042. Mar looks at his surroundings and sees a rocky tunnel stretching farther than his eyes can see in this limited light. Mar decides to start walking forward through the tunnel. With every step he takes, the more confident he becomes about his situation.

The rocks that make up the tunnel are oddly round and form an almost cobblestone-looking pathway beneath Mar. The rock look ornate like someone had spent a great deal of time making them look the way they do. They feel soft under Mar's feet as if they were created through unordinary means. Mar walks for several minutes until he sees the tunnel noticeably brighten. His eyes widen slightly and his pace quickens. The tunnel opens up into a huge cavern full of light.

Mar tentatively walks up to the entrance of the new area he has found. A forested cavern of big trees, luscious green grass, and speckled huge boulders that are easily twice Mar's height. The trees envelop the area in shade and shield anything hiding in the forest from the light. Mar walks cautiously into the forest looking for any signs of life. It is then that Mar quietly hides behind a tree, he had spotted an enemy: a wolf.

Through the trees and rocks, Mar spots a singular wolf. Mar eyes it while contemplating what to do, he doesn't have any weapons nor does he have any protective armor. A fight with a wolf without equipment would turn out poorly. Mar slowly walks away from the wolf and ends up near one of the huge boulders nearby. Mar tries to look for anything that could help defend himself if he is forced to fight the wolf. Mar looks at the ground after seeing something pointy. He finds a sharp rock that could be used as a dagger.

With this weapon collected, Mar makes his way around the forested area trying his best to avoid the wolf, centered in the middle of the cavern. Mar looks to the other end of the cavern and spots the exit to the cavern. It is on the opposite side of the tunnel that he entered from. Mar is forced to either go around the wolf and make his way to the exit or face the wolf head-on and go through the forest. Mar slows his breathing and gets a hold of himself. He calms down and begins walking with quiet steps, making his way towards the exit of this cavern and the subsequent entrance of another. He decided to go around the forest to not fight the wolf, picking an unnecessary fight in this situation is pointless. A sudden growl rouses Mar out of his thinking and he is face to face with the wolf he had been attempting to avoid.

Mar realizes that the wolf had been following in his footsteps. Since there is a lack of wind in the cavern Mar's scent was easily traceable and now he was face to face with the wolf. Mar immediately readies his makeshift dagger as the wolf bares its teeth and readies itself to pounce. Mar slowly backs away from the wolf, knowing this is not a fight he can easily win. The wolf slowly stalks him keeping low to the ground to pounce on Mar whenever it spots a weakness. Mar keeps backing up and suddenly trips on a rock that was behind him, he tries to scamper to his feet but before he can, the wolf attacks.

Mar rolls to his side and the wolf's teeth sink into his shirt barely missing his shoulder. The wolf rips a piece of Mar's shirt off and before it can ready itself for another attack, Mar takes the dagger he has and stabs it into the wolf's neck. The wolf yelps in pain and it starts to bleed. The wolf becomes desperate as it keeps attempting to attack Mar. Mar decides to keep dodging until another opportunity presents itself. The wolf's movements start to slow down and Mar punctures another wound into the neck of the wolf finishing it off.

Mar doesn't let his guard down as there could be more wolves than just the one he fought. After scouting around the forest he finally relaxes as he knows he is alone. While he was looking for any potential enemies he stumbled upon a chest. It was a wooden chest with a stone latch. It looked slightly run down and easy to open. In the present, Mar slowly approaches the chest with his stone dagger held at the ready. He didn't know what could be in the chest but he wanted to be prepared in case it was dangerous. Mar places a hand on the chest and slowly lifts open the stone latch.

Inside the chest is a bow and arrow; steel dagger; leather quiver and eight arrows. Mar eagerly lifts the bow out of the chest and he picks up an arrow to use with it. The bow felt strong and it beckoned for Mar to channel a feeling of unknown power. Mar channeled this mysterious power that was within himself and willed it into his bow, he told himself, "this arrow will destroy that tree", as he fired his arrow into his target. The tree blew apart in a magnificent show of destruction. fragments of bark shot in all directions and embedded themselves in whatever they hit. This once magnificent tree had been toppled as the arrow severed the tree in half. The strength of the arrow had almost become comparable to that of a tank shell. Mar stares at the blown-apart tree in awe, the only feeling that was left inside of him was one of yearning. A yearning for this power.

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