
Surviving in the apocalypse

The world changed because of a meteor shower that rained down on earth, this story is about the strange happening in the world after the meteor shower.

Emmaony22 · Fantasy
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27 Chs


If someone opens the door to where our 20-year-old main character John lives you would see him sleeping in front of the door like he just came home drunk but if you look close, you would see some slight twitches from his body and that his whole body is red in color like he is being cooked alive, but from the inside.

I woke up really hungry wondering why I was this hungry before the memories of what happened came flushing in and how I stupidly fought a zombie as soon as a worldwide crisis happened but putting that aside I could feel the amount of strength and energy flowing through my body and I was thinking maybe this is what those that take steroids feels like because it feels amazing.

I got up from where I was and went to the kitchen to fill up my empty stomach while thinking about the changes in my body and I then remembered that I swallowed a black crystal from the zombie I killed when that thought came to I immediately got over the depressing thought that this was just going to be the normal walking dead.

I wanted to test my new strength but I didn't because I needed to refill, I went over to the stove to turn it on and when I did nothing happened which surprised me, I went over to switch on the light blub and nothing happened which confirmed my thought that earth won't be having electricity for a while because the meteor fell everywhere and it may have affected the place that produces electricity.

I went to the fridge and brought out the frozen meat there while bringing out my small-sized grill and everything I needed to fire it up, I found a seat and sat down while waiting for my meat to be done but at the meantime, I was looking outside my apparent which has no walls and looking at the roaming zombies and new monsters that appeared when I was sleeping, I got a close look at the new monster which looked like the zombies but much bulkier and hulk sized also this one also looked more intelligent.

I was looking at the monster when one of the zombies roared while looking at the apartment building in front of mine and I looked over to see a kid holding a stone in his hand getting ready to throw it at the zombies but a panicked woman ran over to pick the child up because all the zombies were now looking at where they were even the new zombie.

"They are done" was the thought that came to me when I saw their situation and judging from the expression of everyone peeking from out from what is left in there house, they also thought the same and that was what happened because of the new zombie that jump to the second floor where they were and just grabbed both mother and child before eating them up.

The meat was in my mouth my I saw what happened and, to be honest, I was ready to run as soon I make a puking sound but surprisingly I didn't and continued gobbling up the meat before I felt full and I was thinking about how scary that hunger was because it was the first time I got so hungry, I just hope this doesn't happen every time I swallow the black crystal.

Someone wasn't lucky as I was cause they brought out their face to puke from the gore they just saw and that was the last line for those zombies cause they started rushing over to the five-story building. The big zombie also heard the sound so it bashed through the wall on the second floor while looking for a way to get up to where it heard the sound.

After seeing what the big zombie did, I knew I had to be out there and gather those crystals if I want to survive and get strong so I won't be scared of making a sound just because I'm scared that making a sound will get me killed also making the meat was a big gamble cause if they smelt it I would be in danger.

I wanted to call my cousin to see how he was doing but remembered that nothing with electricity is working but I wasn't so worried because he's a fellow otaku like me and quite realistic too so my goal now Is to go over to him since he lives close to me and we can then figure out what we plan to do because I doubt that zombies will be the only thing we will worry about with this portal like things everywhere.