
Surviving in the apocalypse

The world changed because of a meteor shower that rained down on earth, this story is about the strange happening in the world after the meteor shower.

Emmaony22 · Fantasy
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27 Chs


Continuation of the conversation in the last chapter

John: That is a good plan but I think that it will be hard to convince someone we saved to come with us.

Bernard: You don't have to worry about that, just take me with you and leave all the talking to me, all you need to do is show off your overpowering strength to make the convincing easier.

John: Should we start today or do you still want to take time to rest.

Bernard: I think we can take it easy today and just focus on planning out which streets we want to start from also I'm sure that you have met a lot of people while clearing your streets so I need you to tell me where you met.

I told him about all the people I have met while fighting zombies and because I wasn't planning on having anyone else besides me, I just saved them and went on my way, My cousin said the same thing that I said and all we got was a speechless Bernard looking at us.

I looked at him and asked him if anything was the problem, he shook his head and said " No, I was just thinking that you guys seem to just do things on the whim without planning"

John: I can't argue with that but it's just easier to act than just think, I hate complicating things.

Bernard: Well at least that gives me an idea of what the people you guys are.

I just shrugged when he said that, we were talking when a cleaned up Haru came over looking disturbed before finally gathering the courage to ask

Haru: I have been feeling disoriented for a while now like I can't control my body.

Daniel: You don't need to worry that is what happens when you improve too much at once.

John: You just need to wait for a while for your body to get comfortable with the changes and then everything can go back to normal.

Haru: Oh that's great because I broke the bathroom door handle and my toothbrush. I thought I would just keep breaking things.

Daniel: Hahaha, you lucky the world doesn't care about something that minuscule anymore unless I will have your ass pay for everything you broke.

John: Hahaha, if you want to get used to it faster then all you have to do is use your body for something like fighting.

Haru: so you mean if I fight or move my body a lot then I will get used to the changes faster.

John: Exactly.

Haru: Why don't I take this chance to learn how to fight, will you teach me?

John: Nah, you can ask my cousin, he's the one investing in you.

He asked my cousin to help him and my cousin agreed to it before they both went outside, I figured that I should at least give him some advice so I called out before he went out the door " Haru" he looked at me before I continued " There is no fancy move that will help you in a fight but the only thing that can help you is to stay calm and think" He looked confused so I asked him " what is your first reaction when someones throw a punch at you"

Haru: I move back or just punch him back.

John: But what do you think will happen when you are calm and think effectively.

He still looked confused when my cousin answered for him " A calm person can think about grabbing the arm or kicking towards the opponent stomach since he is wide open and the leg gives you more reach so when his punch connects and with you kicking him, The power from the punch will lessen when he's is in the pain of getting kicked in the stomach or rib"

John: That or you move to the side, duck or go back so that the punch can't reach you and when he misses you move in and give him one, the reason you can get one hit in is that he will be surprised by the fact that the punch didn't connect and get flustered and will try to get you with the other punch but if you are calm you can use that chance when he misses getting a hit in and you will see to your surprise that he will get on his knee. The reason for that is because Unexpected punches do more damage.

I told him that being calm sounds easy but it is the hardest thing to do with all the adrenaline pumping through your body. You will find it very hard to stay calm and control yourself, I waved for him to go on since I already said what I wanted to.