
Surviving in Monster Girl world as a Slave.

Mature Content~~ Living in a world where everything is boring but peaceful while there maybe incidents some times but other than that peaceful, but who the fuck would have that that world become like this. Novels, light novel, the one we read as a kid and even now as adult for entertainment and enjoyment, where monsters, magic, other races and many other things. Now that fantasy world has become reality, where other world has merged with ours making things more evolve and now seeing things like magic in daily tv episodes and talk about other races. While that may look like some fantastic world but don’t be mistaken, it isn’t. I was struggling to get a job in this age and day, when I find the job I was very happy that now I will become successful and live very beautiful life but that thought too like that wasn’t for too long. Because the job was very different from the one I thought, though I am not complaining who would or can reject a fantastic job like this where I can enjoy the day and night with very beautiful girls and Monster sexy beautiful girls from other worlds. “So tell me, How does my Pussy looks.” “Don’t just stand there and look at me chest, it is very embarrassing.” “Yes… yes that is the spot.” This is the story of my job with Beautiful girls and Monster girls.

subaru_oni · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 16: So you just want retirement

Seated across from me was none other than Lilith, one of the legendary twenty-two heroes whose enigmatic actions had left an indelible mark on our world. Her gaze bore into mine, unwavering and inscrutable.

"Shall I be completely candid with you?" Her voice took on a weighty tone, sending a shiver down my spine. In this pivotal moment, I couldn't help but wonder if I was on the verge of uncovering secrets previously unknown to mankind, or perhaps unraveling the astonishing truth of my own origins, a narrative as fantastical as being a displaced royal from a parallel dimension.

I steadied my racing heart. "Yes, please. I seek nothing but the truth."

Lilith's countenance underwent a profound transformation. The usual playful glint in her eyes faded, replaced by a solemn and almost severe expression. "To put it bluntly, my ambition is to step away from the grand stage in the not-so-distant future and spend my days leisurely savoring the nectar of life."

Her revelation hung in the air like an ethereal tapestry, weaving a new understanding into the room. It was astounding to fathom that Lilith, a being of immeasurable power and influence, desired nothing more than the simple, earthly pleasure of a life immersed in sweetness. Her investment in me wasn't driven by complex machinations or hidden agendas; it was simply because she found favor in me and envisioned in my existence a pathway to her idyllic retirement.

My astonishment was palpable. "So, you're suggesting that I place my trust in this revelation? In you?" My voice bore the weight of skepticism, struggling to reconcile the enormity of this unexpected confession.

She leaned in closer, her unwavering gaze holding me in its thrall. "You sought honesty, and I have laid it bare before you. If you find it difficult to believe, then what more can I do?"

"And if I choose to believe you, does that alter the course of events? Are there intricate schemes set in motion?" I grasped for clarity, attempting to decipher the intricate web of her intentions.

Lilith shrugged, a touch of melancholy clouding the depths of her eyes. "Consider this: how would you feel if you were left behind, battling the daily grind while your peers luxuriated in retirement? It's no trifling matter, being the sole survivor in the grand scheme of things."

"So, your grand scheme boils down to what exactly? Snagging a position that guarantees the lengthiest retirement benefits?" The irony laced my words, my mind struggling to grapple with the sheer absurdity of it all.

In response, her once-resolute countenance crumbled, replaced by an expression tinged with disappointment and an unexpected vulnerability.

"You know," I continued, my gaze locked with Lilith's, my scrutiny seeking out any trace of deception, "I can envision it vividly now. As you and your illustrious compatriots bask in the comforts of your homes, witnessing your children's milestones, and luxuriating in your early retirements, I'll still be out there, toiling away. I'll be in the trenches, grinding out a living. In ancient customs, filial devotion often hinges on financial support, and likewise, a dignified and comfortable old age often hinges on a lifetime of prudent financial planning."

Lilith held my gaze, as if contemplating the gravity of my words. She then cleared her throat decisively, her demeanor shifting from contemplative to assertive. "But what if my fellow 'heroes,' those self-proclaimed legends, aren't merely living a life of luxury? What if they're reveling in luxury, sustained by generous government pensions that flow into their bank accounts month after month? How might that alter the equation for you?"

I raised my eyebrows and chuckled dryly. "Well, then I'd consider them the luckiest of thieves, beneficiaries of a flawed system that often fails its average citizens."

It was only then that Lilith seemed genuinely satisfied. Her face brightened as she responded, "You see? There's the cycle for you. One day you'll be among those fortunate 'thieves,' collecting the fruits of your hard labor in old age. And I, well, I'd like to simply retire and live a life steeped in the sweetness of honey. Is that so much to ask?"

"No, of course not," I said, relaxing my stance a bit. "But here's where I'm puzzled. You, who could afford to give me an elixir worth an astronomical 1.5 billion won just based on the ingredient cost alone, still feel the need to continue working. Unlike the other twenty-two heroes, you could simply hang up your cape right now and live comfortably off your accrued pension."

She clicked her tongue in a mix of irritation and regret. "You see, most of those 'heroes' managed to find successors, individuals to pass on their mantle, their responsibilities. But not me. And did you notice how a certain subset of women looked at you when you entered the room?"

I hesitated, my mind flickering back to the array of faces—women from different races and backgrounds, all fixated on me with a hunger that felt almost predatory.

"Yes, I noticed," I finally admitted. "After learning that my role here involves distribution of some sort, it dawned on me why they were so intensely interested."

Lilith leaned forward, eyes narrowing. "Do you want to know the brutal truth behind their fixation? It's because those women are insatiable, practically in a state of perpetual heat all year round. If I had been even a minute late, you'd have been sucked dry of your life essence, turned into a husk."

My eyes widened, the blood draining from my face. "Is that what would've actually happened?"

"Let's set the record straight," Lilith began, stretching back comfortably in her elaborately carved chair. Her smirk held an enigmatic blend of amusement and underlying gravity, an indication that the conversation was entering dangerous territory. "You weren't a distributor at the time we're discussing. But what about your role now? If you're itching with curiosity, why not venture into that world yourself? I'll give you my word—should it appear that you're on the brink of meeting your maker, I'll intervene. Rest assured."

Lilith's mention of the elixir triggered a sudden realization within me. My eyes darted to the intricately designed bottle now bereft of its liquid contents, which had once promised longevity and health. My throat tightened as I swallowed hard, each gulp accompanied by an uneasy understanding of the potion's extraordinary importance.