
Surviving in a Fantasy Jungle full of Magical Beasts

Brad was a jobless 24 year old guy who lives alone living of the money he had won in the Lottery, many would say he is quite the lucky person but Brad doesn't think so. Besides winning this lottery, all he had in life was ridicule and disdain from people he knew. They only showed smiles when he had struck rich, this made him quite averse towards human interaction. An orphan who was known to be quite a smart one but a very lazy person. He felt that life was dull even if you work hard so he spent his days alone by himself watch tv and videos in social media to pass his time. Until an unfortunate accident happened in a nearby hidden secret facility. A wormhole appeared and swallowed Brad along with his bed and half of his closet. Follow Brad as he awakens towards the real harshness in life in a brand new world of Fantasy where he would discover many new things and find himself a changed man. Note: Cover picture is not mine, if the creator of this picture wants it to be taken down just message me. (Author's warning; This novel might be quite graphic in words as I would use curse words without mellowing it down. Possible R-18 in the future with some degenerate stuff too and a little bit of gory bits too so if this is not your cup of tea then don't read this. Might do also include Fan fic elements but we'll see how I develope this.)

Eledian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs

Escape of the Slaves

"What are you all gawking around for? This is our chance! Let's go!" She immediately pulled one of the younger girls that had not yet been touched by those dirty creeps. The rest of the slaves felt confused as they were not sure of what to do but since another slave took the lead they followed her. The Slave girl ran outside the sex dungeon these young nobles that brought them here and was greeted by a scene of a hellish scape.

"AARRGGHHH!!! HELP ME!!" A man who they remembered to be the trainer that tortured them day and night is currently in the jaws of a large 5 meter tall lion. The slave girl and the rest watched as the fat man that held the whip towards them day and night chewed into pieces. They could hear the sickening crunch that ensued as the screams for help vanished.

The lion then looked at the new snacks that came out of the building, it was quite upset that there was that food that escaped by running towards an enslaved Beast Lord. He could feel the difference in the taste when it had eaten a shiny skinned human earlier so he developed a taste for the fair looking ones. It didn't see any shiny humans but a snack is a snack.

But before it could walk a step a large shadow loomed over the lion, looked up and saw large hoof smack at it's face. Blood splattered all over as the lion burst into pieces as the hoof landed right on top of it. A 30 meter tall Ram had backed over as it was fighting a 30 meter tall Rhino looking monster. There were people on top of them fighting with swords and magic. Chaos was what the slaves could say about what was in front of them.

The leading slave girl woke up from her stupor as she looked at places where there are smaller battles. She pulled the young slave girl with her as she picked up a spear dropped by some soldiers that panicked. The rest of the slaves followed her lead as they too picked up broken pieces of wood and weapons they come across. Everywhere they go beast and men kill and kill and kill.

Everything was dyed red as thunderous sounds were heard from the sky and the deafening screeches of the Eagle Lord along with every flying beast fighting in the sky. Soon another reverberating sounds were heard as trumpets signal of another group of people joining the chaotic battle. Large beast falling from the sky, blood and guts raining down. The slaves ran and ran while some trip on the way and was trampled by straw hooves or paws.

The slave girl ran faster until she took the young girl on her back to carry her faster. She looked back and saw the hope and fear in the eyes of the slaves, she felt that a burden has been put on her shoulders but she ran towards the direction where battle was scares. Even then there would be stray arrows and ballistas flying overhead.

They were ignored completely by the beast because their instincts tell them these group of humans are no threat and they seem to be heading towards the forest. So they didn't mind and kept hunting the stronger humans. Many slaves were freed cause the ones holding their contracts has died and the contracts either burned or were shredded in the midst of battle. As the slaves ran they saw they slave crest disappear.

They were not used with the strong ones as they were all commoners or simple soldiers captured and brought here for the entertainment of these twisted nobles. The slave girl ran with the young one on her back and tens of others behind her, because of her swift actions these lost souls deemed her as their leader. They didn't know what to do but they all felt they should follow this young girl deep within.

As their small group vanished in the trees, various other slaves escaped in many directions as the battle was mostly between the Large Beast Lords, the Enslaved of the Slavers as well as their soldiers and the Alliance of Kingdoms along with the befriended Beast Lords. It became a three way battle due to some Beast Lords on the Eagle Lord's side had feuds with some of the Allied Beast Lords' side.

It made the battle more chaotic but the one getting the most attention is the Slavers as they are now feeling the pressure. The coldness of winter had receded from this place as hell took over and showed purgatory to the sinful souls of these depraved people of the slavers. But the fight started to come into a boil as the first Beast Lord fell at the hands of the Eagle Lord Himself.



Everybody looked at the decapitated head of the Mantis Lord that still seemed responsive but they knew he is done for as his body was shown no mercy by the Eagle Lord's subordinates. The Mantis' Lords remaining subordinates tried to help him but when they reach the body only half remained and the neck part had vanished thoroughly. Manta Lord went berserk as he too felt the taste of death approaching to him.

[In the southern part of Slaver's Beach]

"Faster you useless maggots? Don't you know who I am?! I'll have you fed to the Beast Lord if you don't hurry up!!" The fat dude spouted out his go-to threat forgetting that the Beast Lord of his is getting pummeled left and right by the attackers. His guards' eyes rolled thinking how stupid their young master is but they helped the slaves in packing up his valuables in a ship.

Soon sounds of fighting were heard in the port as flags of various members of the Allied Nations stormed the pier. One particular flag deviated and went straight to the ship the fat dude was preparing. A group of five went ahead as they ran directly in front while their soldiers fought the slaver's guards.

"YOU FAT TRASH COME HERE AND TASTE MY BLADE!!!" A furious sweet sounding voice was heard in the as a delicate looking maiden ran in front to swing her longsword towards the fat dude.

"You Sinclair Bitch!! I Fancied you so you should have been honored!! Stupid bitch!!" the fat dude panicked but he still found ways to agitate the woman.

"I'm gonna cut your balls off you piece of scum!!!" Lady Sinclair waved her sword but was blocked by one of the personal guards of the fat dude.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that miss." the guard said.

"Fuck off!!" Such foul language coming out of a very pretty face was quite ironic but Lady Sinclair didn't care as she was almost violated by this trash in front of her. She vowed to kill this useless bastard with her own hands and she will follow through with it.

"I'm your opponent! Adventurer Harold at your service!" Harold went to engage with the guard.

She showed her talents as the Young miss of the Sinclair Clan with her wonderful sword play while the Fat Noble was struggling as he had spent his time on whores that he was only strong in using the magic he had in bullying the weak. He never had any experience in fight anyone as strong as him in a serious manner and now Young Miss Sinclair's rage was too much for him.