
My life is peace- they're starting to bother me.

Well after that child left has pass some time, I have seen some humans wandering around from time to time, some I hear them when I hear them nearby I quickly hide in the water, it is certain that the child gave his description of me but since he is a child the adults will be very alert and attentive, besides they will not believe everything he said exaggerating surely some parts they will not believe them but they will be attentive to any to any strange animal, I wonder if they will give up or just forget about it.

Although these days I haven't felt it has been relaxing it's a bit like playing "where's wally?" but with the small change of more times being interrupted sometimes or I get caught but I didn't notice something on the wall.

Now I am underwater and i start to feel cold, i need to warm my blood, I wouldn't be very well if i dont do it, I'll see who it was this time that came.

I peeked my head out of the water and saw a girl accompanied by another strange animal, it looked like a mixture of a camel body with the legs of a horse and the face of a deer, but it looked strong, something tells me that for now it is not a good idea to mess with this kind of animals, the girl on the other hand only spoke a language I did not understand, She looked more like a farmer with that animal and for the lack of armor and a weapon or I could be wrong about the wepon, she has brown hair like mud, a toasted skin, I think green eyes, she looks like a treant woman or a dryad by appearance, but still her aperience is human and not from the other species.

They have been there for half an hour, half a fucking hour, I'm freezing, I started to swim a little fast to the river coast, the girl and the animal noticed my presence in the water, I just swam and got out of the water, the animal stood in front of the girl as if trying to protect her, I ignored it and moved to the part with less shadow and when I got to about 20 meters distance between us, I started to sunbathe to warm my blood, first with my snout closed, to not look so intimidating and to rise my temperature a little more quick, but my body is not warming up as fast as I want, the girl and the animal just looked at me.

After a while I decided to open my jaw and started to breathe through it, the animal I think it feels that I am threatening it because it is hitting the floor with one of its hooves trying to threaten me, I ignored its threat and continued with my thing but I kept my eye on it in case it got too close to me with bad intentions, he still continue for awhileand is starting to be anoying, i was going to give it back to it with the same coin to tech him what was a real treath from a crocodile.

Curiously the girl calmed the animal before it got completely out of control, the animal continued to look at me with distrust, I just continued to do my thing, my body was not completely warm but it was better than a few minutes ago, I could see how the girl talked to the animal, I did not understand anything of what she said, maybe she was like a hability totalk to animals or is one of thouse people who talk to their pets to calm them down or just to get something out, I remember that there are many types of therapy animals, now i think about it, does this world have that?

After a while the girl began to approach me calmly and slowly, although from the side, don't you know the basics of crocodiles or whatever my parents were, they always have to approach from behind to prevent me from biting and killing them, although I am not hungry, the animal I ate a while ago is still digesting, I still feel my stomach heavy, there should be bones, antlers and maybe some meat left, so I will not attack it, maybe just a scare.

As she got closer I thought I would have to scare her, but she stopped halfway, I could hear her but I did not understand anything she said, I looked behind her and the animal was close to her at least close enough to jump to attack me if it saw me attacking her, I just kept in the same position, my blood was almost at the point where it is pass from warmer to hot and I would have to get into the water.

The girl kept talking but I did not understand her, but strangely enough I could slightly catch her intentions, I do not know why but something told me that she was looking for an answer to a question, but I do not know what question so I closed my muzzle and returned to the water ignoring what the girl said, the animal jumped to her side as soon as I moved but I ignored it and returned to the water and I submerged until I waited for them to leave, in fact it will be good to see the rest of the river and my territory.

I swam for a while without camouflage to warm my blood while swimming, I found several flying animals from some reptiles and something that looked like a mouse with a flying squirrel, but what was more were birds some small among the trees, one or another fish that hid or swam faster when they saw me, several of these animals were small, some medium and others of a considerable height or size, all would be good prey now, but I have to keep moving.

After a few hours I arrived to a plain with a deeper and more open river, it looked like where they show the documentaries when the herds cross a river to get to greener lands and it turns out to be a feast for carnivores, well now I could experience that first hand as the carnivore.

I saw that it was already getting dark so I'd better get back to my territory before it gets late.

*a few hours later*.

I had reached my territory, there was no other male in it so everything is fine, the girl was already gone and I didn't feel anything nearby, I stayed awake for a few extra minutes pretending to sleep, but since I didn't feel anything I decided to go to sleep.

*The next morning*

I woke up and I was right where I had fallen asleep and I moved to warm my blood.

When I'm already at the peak of my temperature I get into the water, it's time to hunt and eat to keep growing and increase my crocodile power, I don't want to be captured so easy.

I moved along the river, after a while I managed to catch 3 medium sized animals, they were not very filling but something is worse than nothing, I noticed that a big bird in height was bathing in the river, it looked meaty, so I decided to eat it, I dived and approached slowly, and when I was at the right distance, I jumped on its neck, but the bird reacted fast and I could only grab one wing, I needed to incapacitate it fast so it couldn't escape, but it started trying to peck my face, I stopped it but it gave me a few good pecks on the sides, so I did the death spin, we were fighting but it escaped, but I took part of its wing, so I swallowed it and kept looking for prey, hungry I looked for anything, I ate some unsuspecting fish, although it was not easy to corner them or catch them in one bite, I decided to look for a big meal and I found some floating corpses, there were 3 parts of some animal and the other two were human bodies, an adult man and an adult woman, well nothing will happen to me for eating them, thanks to whoever threw them away.

I found it a little disturbing to eat some human corpses, but my survival depends on this and feed on what I find, grow and protect my territory and hopefully some female arrives and have offspring maybe, in the end it was my goal, to live the normal life of any animal and when something kills me and eats me, it is the circle of life and it is inevitable, everything lives and everything dies at some point.

I finished eating the carcasses that filled me up almost completely so I went back to my territory to digest the food.

When I arrived I could see again the same girl of the afternoon with the same animal, I went back to the same distance, they saw me arrive, but I ignored them and I put myself in my previous place, to my bad luck the girl went back to the same distance as the previous time and again began to talk to me, I understood the basis of what she said now to understand the question itself and to answer was something totally different, obviously I could not and I was not going to try.

*after 3 hours*.

I wonder how she didn't get bored talking to me, well that girl really doesn't give up easily, but before I could move quietly to the water I heard some screams and I looked back just to see a human, I neglected, most of my attention I neglected my surroundings and an adult already saw me I gave an annoyed look to the girl and I threw myself into the water running.

Now it is certain that they know of my existence I will have to be on the lookout for traps or hunters or a surprise attack at night, this will be complicated, I will go somewhere else to make a cave to hide when necessary, now i am gona have to be more carefull in my own terretory, and posible abounty hunter or somthing like that, this is my home and my first territory and i not gona leave it whitout a fight.

I really dont want to go and search or fight for another territory i posibly loose my brothers and sisters if are more crocodiles like them or more powerfull i am not gona last if i found some of the more old specimens, and that just the perfect recepy to be dead in less than 15 minutes whit insane luck.