
Surviving Fallout with Essence

Dropped in the post apocalypse of the Fallout Universe with the Essence of Scholar and Crafter but has little to no skills in combat.

Damon_Jager · Video Games
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21 Chs

Entry 7 [non cannon]

———Month 2, Day 5————-

I think I have begun to go insane but only slightly, I have not spoken to another human for almost a month and half now as I have dived head first into my research on making a stable plant crop.

Once I had my stable grass crop I knew that I needed human or more advanced Ai companionship so the universe (ROB) decided that he would drop non other than Taylor Hebert the Queen of Escalation.


I was directing my bots on building a wall and other defensive positions. One of my scrapper bot teams that was disassembling the many crashed planes alerted me to an anomaly that a woman had suddenly appeared and was in shock and covered in some kind of muck.

That tickled something in my mind so I ordered the bots to give her Stimpacks and stabilize her while I made my way to the medical bay at the base.

By the time I reached the medical bay the Auto Docks and Miss Handys Theybahd already began cleaning her and attached a number of I.Vs and other medical equipment and began monitoring her condition.

She looked familiar but it was like trying to remember a friend you had in Kindergarten you could see their face but not the name. Then one of the bots handed me her bag and I began to look through it trying to find something as she not a wastlander as she looked way to healthy.

Then I found A student I.D for Winslow Academy and given to one Taylor Hebert. I ordered the bots to preform a Brain scan which didn't show a weird growth in her Brain, I breathed a sigh of relief at that then I began to panic she wasn't a Parahuman which meant that an entire branch of the multiverse was going to be destroyed.

She wouldn't awake for a day at least so I left her to the bots while I began to figure out how I was going to deal with this.

——————————POV Taylor———————-———

Everything was blurry, her eye and her mind like she was experiencing the world through some water. She then heard a British accent speaking to her.

?-"Miss Hebert it's good to see you awake, now you have been through a traumatic situation so please do not make sudden movements, now your throat must be dry your glasses and a glass of water is beside you. Now please rest here while I alert the Director."

She heard a door slide open then close, and she began to try and find her glasses on her bed side table. When she finally found her glasses she greedily gulped down the water and finally looked around her room.

She wasn't in a regular hospital, the equipment looked to advanced and their were no windows in her room but their was a radio that was in the corner which suddenly turned on.

"It's Diamond city radio, here with uuuh news. Their has been some crazy construction down at the Boston airport. A fleet of robots has been seen building a wall and fixing the buildings in the area. News here's End of the World by Skeeter Davis, it's well, I think it's a little melodramatic there Skeets, but uhh, that's juts me."

So, I'm in Boston maybe they had to transport me up here, okay no need to panic the Trio must have done some major damage. Also, WTF is the radio host and music it must be from the 50s or something.

?-"It is from the 50s, but Travis is a nice guy he tried his hardest." She jumped slightly as a man wearing a button up shirt and jeans, he must be the Director.

Milo-"Hello I'm the Director Milo, you must be Taylor Hebert correct." A flying Robot then entered the room and began looking over the machines In The room. Maybe a local Hero donated it yeah that.

Taylor-"…..Yes Sir, where is my Dad why did I have to come to Boston." The Directors shoulders stumped at my answer and raised his arm and began to type something on his arm computer(?).

Milo-"That is complicated to answer Miss Hebert but it will be easier to show you." Another bot entered the room this one was bipedal with claw hand but was pushed a wheel chair. "Here let me take you out side and explain." She was in no position argue and he and one of the bots made their way out of the room into the greater facility.

It reminded her of an Endbringer shelter which made her panic internally, had the city been attacked but that passed as she noticed it was to nice and futuristic.

The passed multiple hallways, and at the tops were names of different departments like "Hydroponics" and "Animal enclosures" till the reached an elevator which they were in for what felt like 15 minutes till the exited on top of a large building.

Milo-"Miss Hebert, I am sorry to say you are no longer on your Earth." He then motioned for her to look out at the sky line, and it was horrifying it looked like an Endbringer attack collapsed builds and broken landscapes but they all looked wrong the style was different and to the west of her was a giant green cloud.

Taylor-"....no" she then passed out from shock.


This up for change a as I'm not happy with it