
Surviving Eridelos

Waking up in a world unknown with memories that can only be considered fuzzy, a man with no name, no idea of his past, and no knowledge of what is going on, only one thought, very clearly that resounds through his being. "Survive, take no shortcuts.''

SyberisLevoca · Action
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2 Chs

Excited Changeling

As the bunny finally came to a stop, it focused on the wall, and slowly the scratches that were there slowly vanished like a clean slate, earth moving to make the wall smooth again before it began to use its horn to scratch once more.

"Can you talk?''

Talking? Speaking out loud right? I guess I haven't tried yet.

"Can I? Oh, seems I can.'' To his surprise, he definitely could. His voice was smooth and dreamy, it was strange, a deep husky undertone as he rumbled, as if tasting his words.

''It's strange, I feel like I've been talking all my life, but this is the first time I've heard my voice.''

The rabbit began to move again. ''It's because you have amnesia.''

"Amnesia? Memory loss, but how do you know that?''

More movement. "I have a magic that allows me to view basic information about people, along with their general health."

"Ah, that's neat, does it show my name?''

The rabbit shook its head before it began to scratch once more with its horn. ''It only shows question marks where your name would be."

The man began to chuckle, a strange feeling to do so. ''Even magic doesn't know my name, good to know.''

He then began to ask the rabbit as many questions as he could, trying to get as much information as he could, turns out the rabbit knew as much as him, more experience than him of course, the rabbit, turning out to be a she rabbit said she has been here for a year or so.

When he asked about her ability to transform, she said it was one of the magics she found, she had originally been just worm, and through a very long journey, as she was finally able to change into these things, she said she needed to eventually eat enough flesh to be able to 'unlock the form' as she put it.

When he asked her if she had to eat it all at once, or slowly over time she said they both work to her testing.

He offered to start feeding her his flesh but she seemed horrified to the thought, quickly writing that even if she needed to do something like that she would rather they find some way to heal him afterward so he doesn't get harmed in the long run.

It was then they talked about his magical knife, how he felt oddly familiar with the weapon. When asked to demonstrate a few 'stances' he was told that apparently, he is a master at the knife. Saying that her ability allowed her to learn things if she observed them long enough, it said while he was practicing she was being educated by a master of the art.

They aren't sure if him being a Master of the art of 'knife' wielding is a good or bad thing, but for now it's helpful.

It came to the point where the bunny said it needed something to call him, since it would bother her mentally to just say 'Him' or 'You.'

Isn't that what he's doing? Another thought pushed to the side.

He didn't have a name, but she had a name. 'Rose' a simple, yet beautiful name. As He spoke it outloud a few times, it felt... familiar to him maybe? He wasn't sure.

After some time it was decided he would be called 'Garth' He liked the name and she said that when he decided on it, his name was now ????????? (Garth.) So for now, he would need to find if he had a true name?

It was during this time his stomach rumbled and he heard it, that voice again.


Rose offered to help him prepare the fish they got with a spell of hers. Again he heard the voice

𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐜𝐮𝐭

"Sorry, I need to do it myself, nothing against you... I think it's my instincts.''

Rose seemed to understand, he wasn't sure of it but she seemed to get a bit distant when he said instincts, a bad memory perhaps?

He easily began to prepare the fish, catching a few more as well so he had a full meal. Finding some berries, herbs, mushrooms and roots. He learned that whatever this ability was allowed him to sense if something was edible.

When he got near a poisoned berry bush he felt a warning go off. He could just... 'Tell.' something was wrong.

It was Rose who told him it was poisonous, but as they hunted for food she did help him by storing it, much like how he stored his weapon.

When they got back to the shelter he prepped the fish rather easily. Strangely as he prepped the fish, he felt something move more in his body before suddenly bursting out. Rose came hopping in a hurry as she began to look at him all over, making sure he was okay.

He felt fine, actually... He felt better? He began to pat at himself, there was no change physically as far as he noticed, wait.

He pulled up his shirt and pulled his pants down. The action causing Rose to fumble and turn around sharply as he examined the skin fit under garment from before. Now it was down around his legs as well like a very short pair of shorts, or swimming trunks. But still skin tight.

"I think I... grew?"

Rose was slow to at first, but understanding the intent behind his meaning, and his mind she turned around to look at him when she seen the skin tight suit she hopped closer. Before scratching into the ground next to her.

~The skintight suit is apparently magical armor, gets stronger as you do.~

He learned that there is a way to 'Grow' stronger, but only if you do certain tasks, when Garth heard this he began to think about it, he did feel stronger. Actually had more knowledge, as he watched the fire that was cooking the fish he could now 'feel' when it was the best time to pull them off the fire. This was interesting, it was actually when he went to cut the fish into smaller pieces for Rose did he notice something else.

When he went to pull out his knife, he felt something else available, and when he pulled it out, it was a leather bracer the appeared over his left arm while his right hand held the knife.

He could pull more then just his knife out? But it worked the same way, thinking of stowing just the bracer and it vanished, leaving the knife in his hand. He focused on the apparent armor he wore beneath his clothing and sure enough, it vanished. Before appearing back on him when he willed it.

It wasn't uncomfortable at all, and it seemed to clean itself. Along with it being additional armor he seen no reason not to have it equipped for now.