

The person whom the world is focused on The sliver knight who saves the world by defeating the villain and steal's the women's heart That is protagonist And u ask about me ? I am a third-rate villain who is a stepping stone for the protagonist in my favorite novel U heard it correctly i reincarnated in to my favorite novel so what shall i do shall i be third rated villain or a character who helps the main character's One thing i am clear that i am not going to involve with the main character's I will lead my life as an ordinary mob in the novel Because i don't wanna be the hero , who sacrifice his life to save the world Because i am very selfish person

The_Unknown_007 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 005: Mount Hua (2)

As soon I exited my room and was going to the training hall, I saw the sect and only one word to describe it which was beautiful. Mount Hua is located near the Himalayas ranges which majority of the time is covered with snow, but you can't see a snow inside the sect you can only see snow on the trees near the training hall, and it was actually so beautiful first time in life I even seen anything like this, in my life.

As I was going to training hall, I am currently in 2nd floor where the inner disciples stay. And core disciple stays in 3rd floor which are luxury, and the inner disciples stay in 1st floor which is actually the worst compared to the other floor talk about discrimination once it reminded me that in this world only power matter.

In Mount Hua the disciple stays in a separate building on the right side of the main hall. On the left side of the hall the teacher resides. In the middle you have the Main training hall and the front of the training hall you have the main building were the sect leader and other important figures stays and martial arts manual are kept.

There many training grounds and rooms available in the sect, which are mainly given to the core and inner disciple which is behind the main building. I went down and exited the building and went behind the main building were all the disciples were told to be present.

I went saw more than 400 students were present in the training hall, who were wearing different colored training belts. Disciples were currently wearing three different types of training belts which indicated their status. The core disciple had the purple belts, the inner disciples had the black belt and finally the outer disciple who were wearing the white belts. And what I saw was that they were disciples who are around my age. Soon I went stood in training hall and then a man who had a white hair and a black eye came and stood on the stage of the training hall.

"I see that all the disciples are present, I know that most of you know why you all were called" said the man, but I really don't know why I was called but I can't say it loud, then man continued " for the people who don't know why you were called it's because of the Astra academy's entrance exam will begin and i know there is still 15 months before the entrance exam, but according to the tradition in Mount Hua we will be conducting a completion among u guys " oh its new to me because the novel didn't say anything about this and why would they even tell us this, when the novel is based on development of protagonist not the side character and mob's.

"As the tradition there will be a completion which will be held on 30&31st December. Where the top 8 disciple will be awarded with the rewards, and there will be different rewards for the semi-finalist and the finalist." Wow holy cow they are so generous, seriously the Mount Hua is best [#boot licking LOL] I didn't even expect this he Hehe.

"In this competition the winner will get a martial manual of a Lvl.4 which is in mid realm and runner up will get a Lvl.4 manual which is in the lower realm and the third place will get a Lvl.3 peak realm manual and for the rest of top 8 disciples will get a Lvl.3 low realm manuals of their choosing, additional the winner will get a D rank sword as the price." OMG! they are really giving this really; I couldn't believe this because the Lvl.3 or higher manuals are given free they are very rare.

"But not all of the 400 disciples will get chance to participate in this completion there will be preliminary rounds in which there will be only 64 out of the 400 will get a chance to participate and the preliminary will start on November 1st week and of course tis will not include the core disciple as they will directly participate in the main tournament. The selected 64 will meet another 64-core disciple in the competition so work hard as you will get 2 months' time to prepare as this month will end today further information will be sent to your smart watches". Man, again discrimination we have to work our ass off and these guys will get a free pass, it can't be helped so I will get 2 months' time to prepare myself for the completion I have prepare from now only.

" Any question" " No sensei" all the students relied. " So, to give time we will not be conducting any classes and you guys are free to do whatever you want and remember this your future will be in your hands only". What guys thought this is a martial arts sect they will only teach you related to practical not theory then? You guys mistaken no matter where you leave you have to study; this can't be helped even if you are reincarnated to another world.

"So, what are you waiting for go and prepare and all the best for the completion" " Yes sensei" the disciples left the hall one by one, and I also went back to my room to prepare for the completion.


Thank you for reading. If there is anything I have to improve you guys can tell me, I will improve.

Ok Bye