
Surviving As A Smith In An Apocalyptic World

Spudz_Gaming · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 6

"I told you already just call me Cameron Sarge, no need for any of this 'Sir' crap."Cameron said whilst pulling up a chair next to Sarge and pouring two glasses of scotch. Cameron glanced down at the book the Seargent was reading, it was 'The Shinning' a classic horror story by Stephen King." You're reading The Shinning I see I do like a little Stephen King." he said trying to spark up a conversation.

"Oh yes I'm loving it, I was just reading the part where he's chasing his wife and he goes he would never hurt her, but he would bash her brains out!" Sarge said then burst out laughing Cameron joined him in the laughter, they continued chatting and drinking and laughing until 3 Am when Cameron suddenly donned a serious tone and looked at Sarge with a grim expression on his face.

" Sarge I have something I need you to do." he said whilst debating how much to tell him. He came to a decision as Sarge answered,

"I will do anything in my power my friend" he said. Cameron then sighed before asking him,

"I need you to bring your family here to the compound, I will give you an apartment in the upper floors but you need to promise me something."

"Of course anything." he said looking attentively at Cameron, hanging onto his every syllable.

"When the time comes I need you to stay, I can't explain it all now but you will know what I mean when the time comes. I need you to stay and so will your family."Cameron explained.

" I don't fully understand but I can tell this is important so I will do my best to fulfill your wishes my friend." Sarge answered with a smile whilst extending his hand which was met with Cameron's firm grip, sealing the deal.


It was morning now and Sarge's family would be here within the week, Logan and Klay had arrived during the night and were told about the situation, they received the virus and went to lie in bed. Now the only people not inoculated now were Sarge's wife Francine and Lexie's husband Matt who would also be here within the week, luckily the Sarge's daughters had already been infected with the virus so they needed no inoculation and were ready for the apocalypse.

Declan had also arrived but he outright refused what we told him and went back to long beach. No matter how much Cameron hated his guts, they were still brothers and he didn't wish any harm to him so he let him go back to his gang (as he had already had the virus). There were only 8 days left until the apocalypse begins, on February 16th a government announcement would ring out on every device with a signal. This announcement will warn the world of the impending Doom, but people take it as a sign of martial law. The streets become unsafe looting and mugging become the norm and on the third day of havok the meteor strikes.

Cameron had placed trucks at the corners of each street where a shop was so that when havok does break out he can hoard everything and sell it off from within the compound. During the apocalypse him and his brothers Cole and Logan had used their skills to earn Metiorite crystals in order to evolve their points and become evolved humans. Logan used his medical expertise to treat wounded travellers, whilst Cameron and Cole would hunt Sterben and mutated beasts then use their hides and bones to make weapons and armour, which could then be sold off. It would be much easier to earn crystals and promote the ferrous brand if they monopolised every market they could right at the start. Now that everything was in place all that was left to do was wait in anticipation for the end of the world to come to pass.


February 26th came to pass and everyone had arrived at the compound. Sarge was on high alert as he knew that something was happening, he just didn't know what. All he knew was that an announcement was to be made and he was tasked with stopping the panic that would follow. Cameron however had sent people to each of the trucks he had layed out, he sent his family (other than Lexie Allyssa and Sharon, who was still bedridden due to the virus) and his most trusted friends who he had also told about the incoming apocalypse. There were 3 people per truck and there were 6 trucks, Cameron and Cole had their own truck and were parked outside of the convenience store at the end of the street. This was one of the two places on the list that they would have to rob, all of the other places were owned by the Ferrous company so they were allowed to do an 'emergency stock check' and evacuate the shops in order to take all of the merchandise.

The other place was being handled by Cole and Cameron's friends Zeno, Prince and George. The store was a mechanic's workshop and was the only other store on the row that didn't belong to them. Everyone was armed with a Barretta M9 and a suppressor in case of resistance or looters, although they would rather not use them.

The stores were needed for after the apocalypse started, road blocks and gates would be placed at every end of the streets and a safe area would be made around the compound. When the apocalypse came the Ferrous family would get a head start and would be able to live the high life during the end of the world.