
Survive for Tommorow

In the year 2020, a pandemic spreads widely known as C***d - **. People all around the world suffered from the deaths their loved ones, friends and families. It was horrible. It was one big tragedy. As the year is almost at it's end and the deaths from the pandemic is slightly controlled. The sudden appearance of Radioactive waves scattered around the world spreads. It's miraculous effect on the virus was known. The pandemic patients who are still alive were 'cured' and everyone in the world rejoiced. But. Should they be really happy? When after 3 months, a bigger tragedy will happen? When after the pandemic, an Apocalypse will happen? ******************* The story started with two brothers, who survived the first day with 1/4 of the world's population. The brother's who'll experience a new different level of emotions and strength with their new found family. Be ready to picture and imagine the brother's who'll Survive For Tommorow.

Yoo_Aera · Sci-fi
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16 Chs

Possibilities and Additions (3)

' It's getting more dangerous '

" That's no possibility. That's already a fact because all of you saw it. Around your base and on the way here. " Cedric's statement was loud and clear. It was no longer a possibility but a scary fact that may endanger their lives more.

Everyone in the living room know that it's true so they became quite again.

Adrien who had an idea about these events happening already had something in mind. It was a scary idea, so he began shaking again.

" Adrien? " Adrien flinched at Cedric's voice. He knew what question will be asked and he can answer it, but it was too crazy. It was something that may only happen in the books. " You have an idea, right? "

He wished he hadn't but his brain already had one, so Adrien nodded at the thrown question.

" Tell us. "

With those words. The good and bad possibilities that were in his mind was released.

" The reason why this Apocalypse happened is because of the virus that was mutated by the Radioactive waves all around the world. With the revealed facts and informations we got from Claire and also the practice that we had done yesterday, we can easily say that the humans who doesn't have the virus are evolving too. " There was a moment of silence to let everyone understand the words he just said. After seeing their reactions he continued. " There is a possibility that the zombies are evolving because the Radioactive waves are still well active or on. The fact that the Zombies are evolving meaning we can also evolve. "

" So it's an advantage for us? " Uriel asked

" Yes, and No. If the zombies evolve more into intelligence, they can strategize their way through us. And if strength is added in their evolvement, maybe in the future even bullets can't kill them anymore. "

" But we can still fight more of them because we can also evolve. We can also still use melee weapons if bullets can't penetrate. " Allison reasoned, not liking where this discussion was headed. For her it was too negative.

" Yes. We can evolve but they can outnumber us anytime. They can spread their virus and become a United group while we humans aren't even that United because of our different thoughts and goals. The example of that thought is your splitted group . Like you just said, they use human shields and they are from the fucking government. " Adrien sighed before continuing. " And do you really think that there are plenty of usable melee weapons around here for us to use? "

" One human can already kill a ton of zombies, especially an evolved one. It's an advantage. So before they can evolve more maybe we just need to kill all of them, right? " she was persistent. She wants more advantages for them to survive.

" Yes. In smaller group of zombies, it is quite an advantage. But in bigger ones, it can already be called a suicide attempt. " Adrien stared at Allison's persistent blue eyes. She needs to know the cruel possibility he had in mind. " With zombies becoming more intelligent, they can trick us or outsmart us in a battle. Maybe we can see that if humanity isn't doomed in the future. " His dark eyes never straying away from Allison's blue ones. " And Yes, we can also use the idea to kill all of the zombies before they evolve. But do you even know how many zombies are there? Can we really kill all of them? "

The question made Allison quite. She knew there were plenty and it was impossible to eradicate them all like it was nothing.

Cedric who noticed everyone's eyes beginning to lose hope, spoke up the fact that these people forgot when they heard Adrien words.

" But that is all a possibility, right? "

" Yes, it is all a possibility and maybe these will never happen or maybe it will. But I think it's much better to do some Precautions or preparations. We need to be more stronger to be sure that this Apocalypse will never become humanity's end. "

The eyes that lose hoped several times before and after the Apocalypse began, were now gaining more hope.

They forgot that it was all possibilities, so they still have chance that it was wrong, and if it was really right then they can prepare for it.

" So what do you guys think? " Knowing that there is still something Cedric wanted to add, they waited. Cedric smiled at this actions before continuing. " Do the preparations tomorrow or never? "

" Do it! "

" Let's prepare! "

" Ok then! Cyrus bring the additions to their new rooms. Adrien contact Claire. Yule put Zoe to my room, It's now your room too. Stay in your rooms until it's lunch or dinner. Let's just rest for today because tomorrow we'll be busy for survival "