

I walk toward the forest edge and look inside the forest. I do mental preparation before going inside the forest.

I look around searching for something that might help me inside the forest.

'Oh! I found something~ This length, this thickness, this is perfect'

"Legendary equipment get!" I can't help but jokes about this.

I swing it around, 'Oh, as expected from Hero's first weapon… It is easy to swing around.'

What I hold in my hand is a stick. Well, I don't think this is from Cypress, but it still counted as a legendary equipment, right?

With the stick in my hand, I started to walk. My goal, for now, is fresh water and fruit. If there is a forest here, there must be a freshwater source, right? And because this is beach shouldn't there be coconut trees around? Maybe on the other side of this island…

I walk between the trees while clearing the path from trees branch and twigs. Because I don't have any knife or something to break the twigs, I forcefully snap those twigs. I also planted those twigs for marking the path that I have walked.

I also looking around while walking. I spotted a group of banana trees not far from the place I am standing now. Too bad there are no fruits in that group. I walked there hoping to see another group of banana trees near that one. And sure, there is another group of banana trees nearby.

I noticed there are ripe bananas hanging from this one tree. Some bananas have been eaten in half, looks like it is eaten by birds. I pick one that looks okay and peels the banana.

'Oh~ This one is still in good condition… I wonder if there are other that is still in good condition.'

I open another one and found out that there are worms inside.

'Ah, there are worms inside… Looks like I'm not only competing with birds, but also with bugs.'

I picked some more banana that still looks ok from the outside.

'If I have a machete or something like that, I can harvest more. Well, I can't transport that much banana to the cave though. So breakfast and lunch secured, now I need fresh water… Where can I get that? Is there a river near here? There must be, right? But, I think it is better to go back and store my banana first before continuing searching for water.'

With that in mind, I walk back using the path that I used to come here.


Reaching the room I eat some banana for restoring my energy that is used for walking inside the forest.

'It is a mistake for eating a banana without a water prepared, my throat is dry and is now uncomfortable because of the banana.'

I store the other banana and walk out of the room. I take a look around the cave. The cave is located around the edge of the forest. It is facing the ocean with the distance to the water is around 25 meters.

The cave sits at the bottom of the hill. I don't know if it is only my imagination, but it looks really unnatural. Usually, caves sit in rocky cliff, or maybe high in the mountain… right? I don't know much about cave so I never heard something like this.

Well, leave that aside… The sun rises from the ocean in front of the cave, so the cave is facing east. From that information, I can deduce that I get the banana from the forest north of this cave.

Now for the water, maybe I try to search for it in the south. I have an intuition that I might get water in the forest south of this cave. I don't know why I feel like this, but for now, I will follow it, I hope this feeling can help me survive.

"Well let's get moving. I need this water as fast as possible."

After saying that, I started walking along the beach toward the direction that I believe as south.