
Survival with my werewolf system

A world very much like are own but with a tiny difference it has mass isekai within it will are main character survive this and will I be able to make a ok story people actually like with good continuity let’s find out together

riser_7877 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The new world/ chapter 3

John is now in this new land, this new world!!!, let's see what happens and let's also have a look at this so called beginning place or whatever it was called.

"What was that, that was awful… do I really have a broken system, also what kind of beginning city is this. there is literally nothing except this red sand like ground and a couple trees like what is this man" John says out loud to know one.

The surrounding of John are like this an endless amount of land covered in this red sand, a red sky full of some sort of embers, mountains as tall as sky scrapers in the distance and what looks like 2 black suns in the sky one larger then the other, the area would make anyone sweat instantaneously when entering here, the smell of soot surround this area, the taste is dry, dry enough to make you cough, it's silent with the ground grainy to the touch because of the sand.

Bing! a loud bing sound was made by his system causing him to jump, then a screen with 3 classes appear these classes being warrior( a man in heavy gear and a great sword) mage( a good looking women in robes and a staff with light coming from it)and rouge( a male in leather with a bow on his back and a dagger in his other hand)

"Oh well that's something, it seems like my system works fine for now, so let's think about this. my usual play style would be a warrior buuuut I will go with mage this time, my reasoning I really do not want to be holding, lugging and swinging any type of sword or armour, also being able to attack from afar will be very useful" John says again and he selects the mage class, but it seems that he can't as a red box appear in fort of that class with the word{ error 001 unavailable) "well that's great" John thinks. He then selects the rouge class, as if it's like other game the rouge is useful with range stealth and speed, the same red box appear with the same error code "are you serious, can I even select a class" John now slowly select the warrior class anticipating another Red box to appear.

{ which weapon would you like to select .ps the selected weapon will effect stats as it would be

Ike you were training with this weapon to at least be able to use the weapon correctly a couple time } { a spear, a hand axe, a great sword, a long sword, a short sword, a shield}

"Well I need a weapon so no go for shield, as it seems I can only pick one weapon… umm a spear then {error 001} well then, never mind, a short sword then {error 001} sigh… a hand axe { error 001} lon{error001} oh my god really sigh gre{ great sword selected} man, finally, you know though, it would be good to have hand protection something like gauntlet { selected gauntlets and greaves, you have unlocked a new class variant, brawler, this class is a variant of warrior and is more melee oriented it can use other weapons as it's apart of the warrior class, because this class is melee orientated it has higher speed and power. to read on the proper stat increases go into status while wearing/having equipped the weapon of choice.}

"Well that's… amazing I have a new entire class I can use, let's go, I have a head start it seems. Oh it also seems like I have a status screen nice let's look at it"


Stats, inventory, skills, magic, shop

John selects stats


Name Johnathan Johnson

Race calculating

Class warrior, brawler

Level 1

Health 10/10

Strength 15

Dexterity 10

Constitution 5

Will calculating

Intelligence calculating

Wisdom calculating

Charisma calculating

Spirit N/A

"Well that's concerning why is it calculating so much and why my race. I'm human. so that a bit weird well, let's try and see what stat does what I guess" John presses the words strength.his hand goes through it" well then maybe I focus on it then" as John does this he suddenly see a description it says

{strength the amount of force/power you have and it effect how strong you are and how much damage you do with physical weapons} { dexterity this determine how fast you are and how good your reactions are} {constitution this determines how much health you have and how well you can resist things like poison and how well you can hold your breath or resist pain and so on ,really most thing that effect physical things except strength} { Will, effects the amount of aura you body can use and handle before breaking down but assists and is the main thing that help against resisting certain thing like magic effects and also help with resisting poison and the likes} { intelligence this determine the amount of mana you can use and manipulate but also help in learning and remembering thing as well as other things like knowledge} { wisdom this determine your ability to regenerate mana and can help with learning certain things and it also help with thinking outside the box and other things} {charisma this determines how good you are at talking, buying and selling things} {spirit this determine how connected to spirits you are and how much they trust you, it can also assist with some thing from the will, intelligence and wisdom stats mainly magic effects}

"Well that was a bit of info quite quickly but at least it told me that, so I don't see why this is a broken system it work fine most of the time, until it doesn't anyway" John said with confidence.

{the system has finished calculating you race, as you have been put into different dimension then you should be because of your system, you are now classes as a resident of this place and will have a safe zone made for you, safe zone make it so the chosen one are able to stay healthy to a certain extent meaning you don't need to eat as much, sleep as much, heal faster and do not age when in here and will not rapidly age when leaving Either also it makes it so only certain mods spawn here for the chosen one to kill and improve them self .}

After this message "ahhhhhhhhhhh"John screamed a blood curdling scream of pain as a sudden and intense pain spreads through this body. so Intense it felt like his soul was being ripped apart and if you were to look at John, you would be able to see red cracks beginning to form all over his body. his skin started to burn while also seeing a dark purple energy start to enter the cracks, his face distorts in pain as his hair start to fall out and his bones start to break, snap, Twist, distort, new joins can be seen being made then breaking again his body deforms then repair just to break again and again after a round 10 second of this John soon passed out.

A day later

John slowly and groggily opens his eyes, his eyes have a hint of purple in them but still mainly blue, his blond hair is now more darker shade of blond and seems to be longer, his skin seems to be tanned and he seem's to be taller and more muscular but the lean kind and if you when into his body to look as his bones they would be stronger and more compact with lines of purple around them as well as his organs having this purple line with them. his clothes are surprisingly very intact for what he has been through.

John start to slowly get onto his knees " that hurt a lot, everything hurts,even things I didn't know that could hurt, hurts, what happened" John says groggily. When John stands up " What am I standing on?" And indeed as stated before he is taller he is now around 6,4ft or 195 cm instead of his 5,11ft or 180 cm before his sudden growth and as he looks down he sees his skin colour and that he is actually not standing on anything but he does see an enormous amount of blood, way to much blood, like something exploded, amount of blood, all around him. "Well that a lot of blood I have to say " John says concerningly then after that a sudden burst of announcements bombard his senses.

{Now to your race as stated before you are now a resident of this dimension so you are now a demonic human this provides you the ability's to live in this dimension and the reason why you became a demonic human is because of the demonic energy surround you when your race was being calculated. you also have been provided with new skills because of this, these skills are called pain resistance, mental fortitude, enhanced senses, adaptation, demonic stomach, demonic energy resistance , weak magic resistance, heat resistances, holy energy weakness, disease resistance, demonic energy manipulation, demonic body, ???, 2 time exp }

"WHAT IS THIS, WHAT IS ALL THIS" John shouts and it seems John has had some improvements to himself, now doesn't it … "status, stats"

{ stats }

Name Johnathan Johnson

Race demonic human

Class warrior, brawler

Level 1

Health 50/50

Strength 75

Dexterity 50

Constitution 25

Will 40

Intelligence 25

Wisdom 30

Charisma 10

Spirit N/A

"That's a really good increase around five time I believe … geez and I'm still only level 1 that amazing.

Ummm I guess I will look at the skills I don't really understand or want more clarification on, most are understandable still, so let's see I guess I will look at adaptation, demonic stomach, demonic energy manipulation, demon body and ???.

{ adaptation this make it so you can adapt to environments easier and also get resistances easier and skills level up quicker, it also will help provide extra stats with every level up.} {demonic stomach make it so you can eat most things and not be effect by negative effects, it also make it so you can gain mana and aura back by eating as well as health.} { demonic energy manipulation, this let you manipulate the demonic energy around you, letting you make water, fire, and some other basic elements for survival and letting you get the grasp on demonic magic if you practise enough.} {demonic body makes it so you have a demonic body, so you are stronger then most creature naturally but it also lets you consume demonic energy and absorb it to enhance your body for a small amount of time.}. {??? Let's you ???}

"Well these ability are extremely useful, and I will assume the ??? Is also really good ability that why I don't know what it can do. anyway, so now I got a ok understanding of what these skills are I guess I need to now look for shelter and find a source of food. also I need figure out how to manipulate the demonic energy so I can get water. " John said to him self also while he was thinking this he selected the shop from his status { The shop is unavailable to people in this dimension also need to be level 5 to access it} "well great so the system made the shop impossible to get into because it put me here, great, well I guess I will start to walk in a random direction until I find something I could use a shelter…. Also I am thinking quite normally I guess the mental fortitude is helping more then I thought.

So John wandered in a random direction looking for shelter and hopefully some food what shall he find in this adventure tune in ext time for the next episode of survival with my werewolf system dudududu

Ayyy I was almost able to make a normal length novel chapter let’s go me

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