
Survival Of The Hollow

Alexander_Rispoli · Horror
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May 15th 2020: Hollow D-Day

"Mr. Woodman your father left you you his cabin in Carbondale, Illinois. Your father, Alexander Woodman was an special forces operative during Vietnam and so he did have military equipment he licensed for you to have. I just need your John Hancock here, please." my father's lawyer Mr. Williams spoke softly, he handed me a pen while he passed me the paper work that needed my signature to finalize the ownership of property and finances. I signed the papers, I leaned back in the chair, I took a deep a breathe, I exhaled shortly after, I leaned forward I grab a pack of cigarettes from my left pocket inside the cellophane was a pack of matches, I pulled out the matches an a cigarette, I lit it an inhaled and shortly after that I exhaled. I got up from my seat an moved to the window, I opened it so the smoke would have a simple exit from the office out of respect for Mr. Williams, I stood there as cars spead by, I noticed in the cars were red hand prints, my heart began to race and just as I thought I was about to pass out, Mr. Williams spoke. I turned back to look at the window but the red hand prints were no longer there. I turned and faced Mr Williams.

"Here's the keys to his- I mean your property, the envelope has twenty-five thousand dollars inheritance, it also contains the deed to the property and here's a military bag for you. He said you would know what it meant from special forces operative to another. I'm sorry for your loss son." Mr. Williams gave me the keys, the envelope, the black military bag, he softly patted me on the shoulder and he left the room. I opened the black military bag inside I found only four items; my father's leather journal, a laptop, my father's 9 mm Beretta with a shoulder holster with had two additional fully loaded clips and a map with my grandfather's compass from the Korean War. I took my black zipper sweatshirt off, I put the shoulder strap on, I ejected the clip to make sure it was fully loaded, I put the clip back and I loaded the it up. I put the safety on before sliding the piatol back in the holster, I put the sweat shirt back on, zipped up the sweatshirt to conceal my gun, I put the envelope in the bag I zipped it closed, I swung the military bag over my left shoulder, I held my father's keys in my left hand and I put them in my left sweatshirt pocket. I made my way outside, I flicked the cigarette on the concrete, I laid my foot on it an twisted my foot from left to right, I got into my Salem SUV that had a custom 4 cylinder engine which has decent power and it's great on gas mileage. I put the military bag on the passenger side seat, I shut my door, I put my seat belt on, I started the suv and I started going to my father's cabin.

I had a relatively short drive to get my father's cabin, which it felt strange to say out loud 'my cabin' because to me it would always belong to my father. I was passing by a near by car dealership, I slowed down an turned into the parking lot to the car dealership, I parked the suv and immediately starting browsing for a motorcycle, something that could go off road or on road and something I could build on as time passed by. I saw that the dealership only had a few motorcycle, I saw about five from plain sight but the sixth was hiding underneath some dusty old clothes tarp, I yanked the tarp off, I saw an old beauty of motorcycle and I immediately wanted the bike. I was charcoal black paint job, with a decent leather seat, the engine seemed in working order, the body needed most of the work, but the tired were in prime condition.

"That's an old bike. That bike has been here longer than I've been alive." the skinny mechanic came in and immediately starting talking after he took notice in me staring at the motorcycle. He chuckled a bit as he was obviously yanking on my chain but I could tell that this motorcycle was unique for some reason.

"I'm just kidding this hear motorcycle belonged to my brother. I've tried to maintain it but as you can see I've neglected this once beautiful motorcycle. God help me." the skinny mechanic was obviously struck with emotion as he looked at the motorcycle.

"I'm sorry for your loss and I don't want to come off insensitive or anything but how much for the motorcycle?" I spoke truthfully, honestly and to the point but I was worried what his reaction might be though because you can never tell by talking or looking at a person.

"500 and the price in non-negotiable." the skinny mechanic responded quickly and coldly.

"Deal." I handed over the five hundred dollars, he went to the went into the office, a few moments later he came back with the pink slip with some other papers of ownership, we filled our the paper work and I even got a receipt which was proof of the transaction.

"How much do you want for the suv?" the mechanic looked at me for a few moments, I looked around at a few parts that might add character to the bike and I glanced at the mechanic one last time an smiled.

"I'll take what ever parts you got that I can add to the bike and let's add three hundred cash to go with that as well. If you agree to those terms than the suv is yours, but on side note I have a request if I can use a small area of your shop to fix my bike up. I will only need three hours tops."

I walked around my bike, looking at some of the other parts for the bike and there were a few parts worth salvaging here.

"Call me Tommy and you got yourself a deal. I'll set a nice selection from you to choose from. I'll pringe out some smaller engine that have nice kick of horse power, some body kits made from aluminum alloy, some head light an tail light options, some nice gas tank options, a few different designs of suspension some of my own design, sadly I only one exhaust for the bike but its extremely quite virtually undetectable." he immediately started to shuffle about picking up dusty boxes that were unopened, they were labeled with codes, he spoke to me directly but never once did he stop or pause to talk, he just started putting parts on the table and on the floor by the table.

"Take your pick and enjoy."