
Survival Of A Background Character

So, you think you've got life all figured out? Well, imagine waking up in the body of a third-rate villain from a novel you once scoffed at. That's exactly what happens to your not-so-average high school student turned reluctant anti-hero. Picture this: transmigrate into the body of a suspended student from school, banished from his noble family, and now trapped in a world where magic reigns supreme and destiny calls the shots. Oh, and did I mention he's got a one-way ticket back to reality? All he has to do is complete a series of tasks to fix the messed-up storyline. Easy, right? Hell no!! But hold on a second. This ain't your typical hero's journey. Chris isn't exactly the noble, tragic figure you'd expect. Nope, he's more of a sarcastic, self-aware protagonist who's not afraid to ask the real questions. Like, why bother with destiny when you can't even get your morning coffee right? Or how about facing your past mistakes when you can just blame it on the plot? And don't even get me started on trying to outsmart fate itself. As Chris stumbles through this twisted tale of magic and mayhem, he's forced to confront his own shortcomings, forge unlikely alliances, and maybe—just maybe—find a way back to the life he left behind. But with every sarcastic quip and sardonic remark, he's also asking you, the reader, to join him on this wild ride. So, buckle up, because in a world where reality is just a plot twist away, Chris Harrison is about to rewrite the rules and show destiny who's really in charge.

wondering_boson_04 · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Training Is Not Easy!

Huff. Huff.

"Hah!....I can't move anymore!"

Who would have thought that running for a few minutes would tire me out completely. 

Yesterday I made a deal of information exchange with Christiana and Harald. As the classes run from morning to nearly 5 at afternoon, I think she would come here after that.

Cecille also said that she would resume teaching me on medicines from today at that time too, as she is also a faculty member and remains at the academy till classes are over. Maybe some other healing magic user takes over after her.

As for me, on top of waiting for the info, I have started my own training. But due to this fragile body, I can't do any stamina training properly. Just how did I went on walking for 2 days with only healing potions to drink?

In my previous life, although I was not of athletic level, due to working part-time, I was fit at least.

No, this won't do any good. A strong mindset to keep going on is the first and foremost requirement in work out. So I should keep it up for a bit more.

Moreover, this damn system has become a lot more active since yesterday. And for some reason, it talks with me like a normal human being.

[Are you insulting me?]

Ah. I forgot that you can read my thoughts too. Anyway, that was not an insult, I was praising you. Most of the systems depicted in web novels are quite robotic. Besides, I am here in this forest alone. So talking with someone puts my mind at ease.

Coming back to this terrorist arc at academy, usually, it took a long time for them to prepare because of various factors like waiting for a suitable time, taking care of the guards, and creating a huge barrier covering the whole academy.

But, this time, if Emmeline is involved in this matter, then it might happen within this month itself. It hasn't even been a week since I reincarnated into this world. So, I should create a full fledged plan for countering the attack and completing the task.

But, why should I help Kevin and others in this arc, you ask? The task only talks about saving Emmeline, nothing more than that. So why should I make a plan for these things?

Well, there are various reasons for it. First is that I want to make sure MC & Co. succeeds in this mission, but there are simply too many variations from the original story that there is no guarantee they would. Then why do I want MC to win? That's because even if suspended I am still a student at this academy. I would have to spend here another 3 years. On top of that I am a background character. So if any other unforeseen danger falls on me, I can use his team for my safety.

Secondly, I want to see with my own eyes what caused this variation in storyline. Its definitely not me because even before my reincarnation, it was already distorted. Right? 

It's not me right? 

Well, whatever.

Then comes the crucial part. How would I ensure complete victory?

If that ritual man was a terrorist, then there might be others having same amount of power. Well, fighting is not my cup of tea. So, the only option for combat is strengthening other team members like Christiana and Harald. Other than that, there is a lengthy way, but I would try that as well.

At last, the surefire way is to just stop the terrorist attack from ever happening. That sounds like the best plan, but not only I would not be able to complete my task but also Kevin would not be able to awaken his mana absorbing power. Its more like suicidal for me, as the only power I have now is information and that would go disarray.

For now, let's train myself, and wait for more data from Christiana.

By the way, about food, I have sorted things out. I had already sold some of the mana crystals at a suitable price and obtained 5 silver coins! Yay!

Now, I wouldn't have to worry about a meal at daytime for some more days. Cecille had warned me not to take out all the crystals due to her research. And, the mana particles they emit also help in keeping most of the bugs and insects away from the surrounding area.

For nighttime, I would cook for both of us. So that's a free meal for me as long as I am her apprentice. 

My hut is quite sturdy, and I would modify it everyday, so that it would be able to survive in heavy rain too. 

In that case, another problem for now is clothing, perhaps.

I have a pair of academy uniforms from which, one is stained with blood. Still, that is wearable, so I don't need to invest in that field.

And at long last, what do I do for my fees? Even if the Royal Magic Academy is fully funded by the Empire, students have to pay for tuition fees at bare minimum. Being suspended doesn't mean I don't have to pay for the fees.

However, my family have already abandoned me, and the management knows that well. So how do they expect a teenager to pay such large amount of money. No, I would have to approve it as just dumb luck.

Anyway, getting a scholarship would be a huge gain for me. I still don't know how that system works, so I would ask Cecille more about that.

That means, it all leaves me with learning magic usage. Well, I don't mean to brag, but I have already become quite adept in that field. Mastery in anything has two important factors. One is someone's interest in that field and the other one is experimenting.

I always had interest in being able to use magic, although it was just a fantasy of a high school boy. But now it is different. Magic is real here.

Secondly, I have conducted multiple experiments and tried to understand how does this mana thing works. But this much is not enough.

That reminds me, I had some books on that topic which I was using as pillow till today. Time to use them as well. 

Still, I hate to say this, but training is not as easy as I had thought.
