

It was another normal day in japan. A boring normal day, everyone was living there life like a pattern. Nothing was out of the ordinary.

Well...until a certain boy and his father from had moved to the island a few years ago.

"were here" a young man said, he then looked at the bundle in his arm. He moved the blanket aside to glance at a sleeping baby boy.

The young man sighed "I'll make sure that you have a normal life" he said.

-18 years latter-

Location: yokota highschool- the principal's office

"I'm telling you that this kid is not normal! Nobody could harm someone the way he did!" one teacher yelled as he pointed at the student in front of him.

The student was Ross hikatori. Ross had his arms crossed and his left leg over his right, he had semi short orange hair that covered his right eye, his build was average, and his eyes were brown. Ross sighed as his father was sitting next to him rubbed the sides of his head in frustration.

"do you have any proof that he harmed you?" ross's father said to the teacher, the teacher then showed him the huge scar on his arm.

"just look at it! This was made by him!" the teacher shouted, Ross smirked "nice scar, I wish I had one that cool" he said. The teacher glared at him, ross's father took note of the scar and sighed.

'not again' he thought.

The principal on the other hand just shook his head "mr. hikatori, you do know that a student hurting a teacher is-" he was cut off as the teacher slammed his fist on the desk "he didn't use his hands! Nor did he use a weapon to give me this!" he said, everyone looked at him "oh? Then how did he give you that scar then?" the principal asked.

The teacher then glared at Ross "he...he used l-lighting..." he said in a low tone at the end.

The principal raised his eyebrow at him "I'm sorry, what was that? I must have misheard you" he said in a sarcastic tone. The teacher gritted his teeth, he knew that no one would believe his story but he was determined. "he used lighting!" he shouted "that brat used pure lighting from his hand and gave me this!", he then walked over to the boy and Leaned right in front of his face "go on! Do it again! Try and give me another scar!" he said.

Everyone just looked at the man as if he was crazy, Ross on the other hand just laughed "hahah! Are you for real? You really think that someone could do that? Magically make lighting come from there hand? I think someone hit there head too hard" he said. The teacher then grabbed the boy by the collar "I know you did it! I saw it for myself!" he said. principal then placed his hands on the teachers arms "enough! This had gone on long enough!" he said as he made him lose his grip on Ross.

The principal then looked at the boy "Ross, you are hear by expelled for assaulting a teacher" the principal said as he looked at the man "really now, lighting coming from his hands? How old are you to think such things". The principal then lead Ross and his father out of the building, the two of them walked to the car and drove off.

The drive was quiet to say the least, ross's father decided to start up a conversation with his son "so, how was school?" he asked.

Ross was looking out the window as his eyes tried to stay open "it was ok dad" he said "well besides the part that I'm expelled".

Ross's father then had a serious "you used your gift on that teacher didn't you Ross?" he asked, ross's eyes then shot open the moment he heard that. He turned to his father who sighed as he placed his hand on his son "this is now the second highschool that you have been expelled from, the first time you were expelled for causing the whole school to blackout, and now you attack a teacher". Ross looked away from his father "he kept picking on me because I was different, then has the nerve to give me detention and make me do other crap. And when I finally put my foot down he tries to attack me, so I did what I had to do.

Ross then looked at his hand as a blue spark surged from his finger "besides, no one will believe him".

"that may be true Ross, but I thought that we agreed that we wouldn't be using our gift to cause trouble or harm. Just because you were born with such abilities doesn't mean that you should abuse them".

"fine..." Ross then let the blue spark from his finger increase as more sparks appeared, he sighed as the sparks then became stronger. Soon he then formed a ball of pure lighting in his hand.

"funny how I didn't use my lighting volt" Ross said, ross's father then frowned at him "I thought we agreed to not use our powers in the car" he said with a stern voice, Ross quickly nodded as he powered down the ball of lightning. The two of them then stopped at there destination, Ross quickly got out of the car and took off his school shirt and Burned it to shreds with a bit of his lighting as it was now no longer blue but red.

"well I guess that will have to find another school huh?" he asked his father, his father nodded as he rubbed his beard "unfortunately" he said. Ross lowered his head in shame, he didn't mean to cause so much stress on his father ever since he got his 'gift' the day he was born. But at the same he couldn't help it, it was so much fun to be born with the kind of gift that he had, he had tried and tried to keep it under control. But that plan had always failed when it came to bullies that picked on him or teachers giving him a hard time. Or the typical prank.

Ross then walked inside the house as his father followed suit.

"I'll look up another school, hopefully there not full" Ross's father said, Ross nodded as he went upstairs to his room but stopped half way.

"dad..." Ross said.

"hm? What is it Ross?".

Ross sighed "I'm sorry for making your life a living hell" he then walked up the stairs and went to his room. His father just looked at the stairs as he shook his head "it's not your fault, not at all" he said to himself as he walked into the other room.

'that fault mostly goes to your mother'.

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