
Survival: Building a Shelter in the Fog

James wakes up to find herself in a world shrouded in dangerous fog. Cold, hunger, wild beasts, and heavy rain become the main theme of everyone"s life. Working from sunrise to sunset has become the living state for all!

DaoistQlvdHJ · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 21: Relocating the Shelter

Due to regular exercise, James clearly felt an improvement in his physical fitness and mental energy. 


He discovered that after eating a good-quality steak, if he didn't exercise, it took a long time to digest and had little benefit to his body. However, if he exercised immediately after eating, the energy from the steak was fully utilized, significantly boosting his physical condition.


James had verified this discovery with Luke, who agreed that good-quality steak contained abundant energy that was hard to digest quickly without sufficient exercise. It was absorbed entirely only with adequate physical activity.


The food in the Misty World, especially those above good quality, contained a special power greatly beneficial to the human body. According to the system, this was likely the so-called spiritual energy. Just half an hour of exercise relieved James of his fullness, rejuvenating his spirit and leaving him in great condition.


As dawn broke, the weather forecast indicated a sunny day, ideal for gathering supplies. The daylight would last six hours, with temperatures between 6-10°C. However, a cold wave was approaching, urging the collection of sufficient resources for winter and warm clothing.


Despite the sunny weather, temperatures were dropping below 10 degrees.


James had prepared for today's six-hour outing, planning to head straight to the southern forest. The other three directions were barren, offering no resources.


Only in the south did he find an extensive area of good-quality white fir trees. Deeper into the forest, he heard birdsong and wild animal roars, indicating it wasn't barren land. Since many creatures lived there, it must have the resources necessary for survival.


James knew staying in one place without enough resources would slow his progress. He had to relocate his shelter!


He prepared his machete, axe, and hoe and set off lightly towards the south.


The ground was covered in frozen grass, crunching underfoot. He had walked this path several times but remained cautious. In the perilous Misty World, one could never be too careful.


It took him over ten minutes to reach the white fir forest, where he saw traces of his previous day's chopping.


However, today, he didn't start by cutting down trees but decided to explore the forest first. He wanted to find out what lay beyond the white fir forest and whether there were more abundant resources.


If so, he would look for a suitable place to relocate. If it was still barren, he'd have to consider exploring further.


Passing through the white fir forest, the vegetation grew denser, with tall conifers and lush shrubs. The primal forest carried a fresh scent of grass and earth. Despite its beauty, James remained vigilant, aware that if not for survival, this environment would be perfect for a peaceful life—beautiful, unpolluted, and secluded.


As he delved deeper, the fog thickened, dimming his vision amid the deep green foliage. "Am I nearing the edge of the mist zone?" he wondered. The lush vegetation and animal life indicated the presence of a water source. His goal was to find water and suitable land for relocation.


Observing the terrain, he noticed the ground to the east was lower and moister, despite the overall dry soil due to the cold temperature. James headed east, and after fifteen minutes, he knew he was on the right track when he saw a squirrel and found earthworms in the soil. The increasing wildlife meant a nearby water source.


Another fifteen minutes led him deep into the mist zone. He gripped his machete tightly, extra cautious. Then, he faintly heard the sound of flowing water. "A stream!" he thought, stopping to listen. It had to be a river!


His heart raced with excitement at finding one of the essential elements for survival—fresh water. In the wilderness, four elements were crucial: fresh water, fire, food, and shelter. Fire and shelter were provided by the system, so his primary focus was finding fresh water and food.


With an exhilarated heart, James moved forward and soon, a clear stream appeared before him. About two meters wide, the stream flowed gently, its water so clear that the riverbed was visible. Small fish, no bigger than a finger, swam in the water. Given the stream's modest flow, it was natural for the fish to be small.


This place was a paradise compared to his current shelter location, where stepping outside meant encountering nothing but bare weeds for miles. James followed the stream upstream, noticing it slightly widened and the terrain on both sides flattened. More stones began to appear nearby.


"Good, the water source seems stable; it won't dry up suddenly," James nodded in satisfaction.


Continuing along, he realized he was now deep in the mist zone, closer to the dense fog area than he had ever ventured before. But he wasn't worried. Relocating the shelter here would solve all problems.


Surveying his surroundings, the trees remained lush, their leaves fallen but branches dense enough to obscure the sky. Then, James's eyes caught sight of a broken hillside nearby, with fewer trees and a relatively flat terrain, covered only in dry yellow grass.


This place was ideal! Not only was it near the water source, but the flat terrain and hillside could partially conceal the shelter, reducing the dangers of the forest. There was enough space to accommodate the shelter after clearing some trees.


James decided to relocate the shelter here. However, to be cautious, he thoroughly inspected the surroundings, cleared the grass, and cut down nearby trees to clean the land. Once sure there were no issues, he would proceed with the relocation.


As a white light enveloped the area, a miraculous power emerged. When James opened his eyes again, his shelter was in front of him, with the surrounding mist dissipating, and the view becoming clear.