
First Encounter

I played Minecraft before but this is ridiculous. That isn't how things are supposed to work. Planks aren't supposed to stack and then de-stack then build itself into a table. It was weird, they wriggled around each other like snakes. All of a sudden they became rigid as the form of a table appeared, it was weird.

I decided to just sleep, this is all a bad dream and when I wake up, I'll try to start convincing my family to move out. I don't have powers.



When I woke up, I'm in this hallucinogenic trip of color and mirrors. And in front of me is a bald woman with white robes. Hag. Not a woman, considering her age. She raises an eyebrow at me, did she read my mind?

"Yes, I did." Oh, so I just thought of porn. Hardcore, almost ille— "I've read the Kamasutra in different cities, countries, world, galaxies, and timelines. Being immortal, there is too much time on my hands." Damn, she got me there.

She sighs at my antics. "You already know it yourself, you are not a being from this world. You have powers that you are heavily underestimating. Which is bad. One of the worst thing in existence is powerful beings not knowing that they are powerful. Your ignorance may lead to destruction if you have no control over it."

"But I don't want it. I can swear to you now, I have no plans on ever using it. I don't like it, it's too dangerous to have powers in this world. Too much responsibility. I only want to take care of my family, okay? We good?"

"Your sister will be in danger, along with her are your parents," when she said those words, I lost it. Dis this bitch just dared threaten my family?

I look down at these mirrors and "broke" them. I "picked" up the pieces and constructed them in my mind. A sword made of broken glass is in my hand. It hurts because there are still shard sticking out of them. But fuck it.

I charged her with my pitiful 15-year-old bookworm strength. This is weird, I can still think straight while running. I aimed for her torso, I'm angry but I don't aim to kill, besides, *crash* my shard sword is destroyed until the hilt, the broken pieces in the hilt also dug deeper in my palm. Her palm was raised, just a foot from her open palm is a circle with runes on it. Strangely, orange and red glow on it.

"Are you calm enough to listen?" I looked at her, "Yeah, it was just, this is my family, I didn't have one previously," "Ah, reincarnation, I thought you were from the other realms."

"So, what do you mean my sister will be in danger?" I looked around to find a seat but found nothing. My hand is still bleeding with broken shards of glass in them. "Don't worry, it is just an illusionary world," The ancient one smiled and snaps her fingers. Our scenery changed into a garden with tables. She offered a seat and tea. I sat down and was careful not to bump my hand, which are now healed.

"Your sister will awaken her powers the same way you have awaken yours." "Being a character from a game isn't considered a power, maybe a cheat?" With a nervous chuckle, I joked with the Ancient One. "That wasn't the power you awakened." "What? That wasn't the power? Then what was the power?"

"Hmmmmm." She raised her hand and 3 gold bars just appeared in them, "Will it to be destroyed, please." "Sorry, but what?" "You heard me the first time Steve."

Okay, I looked at the 3 gold ingots and concentrated. 'I want it to be destroyed'. Then the 3 gold ingots started to crack and form into different pieces. But before that happens completely, the ancient one threw it to my face.

I saw it slowly coming towards me, but instead of dodging, I started thinking of ways to turn it into something. Everything around me is slow, even my body, but my brain is perceiving everything as in slow-mo. As I slowly raise my hand to the slowly flying 3 cracked gold ingots, I imagined it turning into a dagger or a knife. The moment I reached it with my hand, the 3 ingots crawled on top of each other. It is transforming at a fast rate because I'm pretty sure that the world is still slow. Then it changed into a solid gold dagger and before the tip of the dagger reached my face, I stopped by holding onto the handle of it.

Then the world returned to normal. "Woah," I looked up at the Ancient One and she is just sitting there drinking her tea. "Parallel thinking. I think that is your "abnormality", or so the public says." She smiled at me as she said it. "How did you know?" "Because that is one of the requirements to become the sorcerer supreme. It gives you the way to think of multiple runes and symbolism while thinking of ways to fuse them, all at the same time. Of course, a normal human can also do that but people with our "abnormality" is better at it."

Wait, doesn't that mean the Stephen Strange was a mutant as well? Cool. "Are you going to train me then?" I joked at her while holding the dagger up. The dagger doesn't have any part that isn't gold, even the "wrapping" that was supposed to help on grabbing the dagger was also solid gold wrap. "I will, but I think you wouldn't want to go here to train." "No I won't, the world's end is starting. I want to stay with my family as much as possible. especially if you're telling me that they'll be in danger." "Then how about a deal? If you don't know, a future sorcerer supreme must stay here and learn directly from the current one. So, help me and the future sorcerer supreme to protect the world for maybe 100 years and I'll train you."

That got me thinking. I don't want the responsibility to protect the world, but without someone to help me with my powers, I won't be able to safely use them in time of need. I might even kill my family by accident while trying to save them.

"Fine, if you are really going to train me, then please train me. But I will put my family first before the world. That is non-negotiable." "Of course. Unlike the sorcerer supreme, your oath would be to protect the world as long as your family is safe. How about that? " The A.O. smile as she sips her tea. I sipped as well, It was a damn good tea. "Then we have a deal. Without a doubt, you just want me as training wheels for Strange, right?" She just smiles and sips her tea again. Then she puts it down. And with a snap of her finger, a paper and pen appears and settles down in front of me. It was a contract and it was a simple one, it was what we talked about. "Can I add a clause?" She stops looking at the scenery and looks at me, she smiles and says "Its already there." When I looked down, sure enough, it's there. "Are you sure you want to do that? She is too young to understand what you are doing." "Then how about if she starts to feel lost?" "Then it wouldn't be me but my successor then?" Hmmm. "Just make sure that she would be safe with him." She changed the contract again while drinking her tea. I looked at the contract, smile and signed it.

"So, when do we start training?" The A.O. looks at me and points at the table. Boy was I surprised, the Eye of Agamotto was on the table. "A month here is an hour out there, every week we'll train once then I want you to give yourself time to understand what you are learning. We'll train your power more rather than focus on magic. Our magic is already powerful but your power looks complex."

"After all that, Let's start training." Then a fist just went to my face.

I still can't find the character's personality yet, so, bear with me for a bit. I'm still stuck about that problem.

I’m just using Grammarly for edits, still, please point out the mistakes.

Thank you for reading. ( ・_・)ノシ

LonelyGodKingcreators' thoughts