
Surgebinder in Game of Thrones

Plagued666 · Book&Literature
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146 Chs


"Gah! What do you mean no wine?!"

Robert's voice was easily heard down the hall as Jason and Jaime neared the royal bed-chamber, a string of grumbling curses soon following. Entering the room itself Pycelle had shifted away from the bed as the King had clumsy swiped an arm at him in frustration while Ned hurried over trying to keep his friend from struggling out of bed.

"Damn it Robert calm down!" He snapped out, making the large man give a low growl of annoyance before obeying.

"I got a damn hole in my side…if a damn bit of drink is going to kill me then I'd prefer dying that way." At this point he'd see Jason arrive, making a small smirk across his face. "Well Surgebinder, not sure if I should curse or thank you for saving my life here."

"Prefer thanks, your grace, considering you wasted your cursing on Pycelle. He had just as much of a hand in saving you."

The sarcastic remark had the King give a laugh which quickly turned into a grunt as the pain went through him. "Fair enough…" He muttered as he'd relax back in bed with a low sigh. "So how long have I been out? Few days or something?"

"About a day," Eddard answered back. "Most thought you wouldn't even wake but they underestimated your tenacity."

Robert smirked with a bit of pride, yet Pycelle spoke up at this point. "It is fortunate, but we shouldn't be too…err…joyful. Your injury was quite serious after all. Infection and blood loss can still bring…umm…unexpected complications."

"I know that well enough," Robert grumbled, seeming annoyed yet understanding of the risks.

"Which is why there are important matters to discuss," Ned added, his tone more serious to his old friend.

The King only simply nodded before glancing back at Pycelle. "So, anything else needed Grand Maester? If not, I'd prefer privacy on official matters."

Pycelle had a small frown cross his face, yet he'd grumble something and nod in agreement. "As you wish your grace." He'd gather up some of his medical supplies before shuffling out of the room.

"And Kingslayer?" Jaime looked attentive as he was spoken by his infamous title. "Know your no messenger boy but I feel you'd be best suited telling Cersei of my…partial recovery."

"If you feel that is for the best, your grace," Jaime answered back with a small bow before turning to leave. However, he gave a parting sharp look to Jason as he passed by the Surgebinder and walked out of the bedroom as well. The Surgebinder knew it was risky being direct with Jaime, yet he was trying to make a point in doing so.

Focusing back on Robert, Jason moved closer to the bed while Ned pulled up a chair along with writing board set with fine parchment and quill. It wasn't hard for the Surgebinder to understand a decree of some kind was about to be written. "Is it proper for me to be here?" He questioned.

"Considering you saved my life twice over and if anything, I trust you more than Pycelle listens in. Man's far too shifty for his age." He'd give a small pained scoff. "Anyway, let's get this over with…" Pausing for a moment to collect his thoughts he'd continue to speak. "In the name of Robert of the House Baratheon, first of…" A tired sigh escaped him before shrugging his shoulders. "You know how it goes, fill in the damn titles."

Ned nodded yet couldn't help, but give an amused smirk at his friend's remark.

"I hereby commend Eddard of House Stark…titles…to serve as Lord Regent and Protector of the Realm because of my inability to rule. If death comes for me, he is to continue ruling in my stead until my son Joffrey comes of age."

For a moment was tense look hinted Eddard's face as his quill hand paused before continuing. Jason wondered what Ned had written down since his swift hand movements hinted a different form of wording.

Robert gestured for the writing board which Ned hesitantly handed over along with the quill. The King was quick to simply sign the decree, seeming to trust what Ned had written down. He'd hand the board back, giving a pained grunt before relaxing back on the bed. "Let us hope the latter part of that decree doesn't come to pass. Ugh…rather enjoy living a little longer." The King bowed his head a bit before glancing right at Ned. "You'll rule for now. Hate every moment of it, but you'll do it well."

Lord Stark nodded as he'd take the decree off the board and roll it up. "Of course. Right now, you focus on recovering old friend. Injured or not, the ruling is your duty still."

"Bah…stop reminding me," Robert grumbled, waving one hand about in annoyance. "If that is so, then I order you to give that decree to the Council immediately. Don't care if you have to drag them all into that blasted room, just get it done."

"As you wish your grace." Lord Stark stood up and gave a short bow out of formally, even when Robert shook his head in tired amusement. The Surgebinder moved to stand up as well, yet the King spoke up again. "Not you Jason. Didn't call you here to be just a witness…but to talk as well."

The Surgebinder shared a short look with Ned who nodded, assuring Jason that he'd be fine on his own. Ned soon leaves the room, closing the door behind him loudly. "Let me guess…you want my professional opinion?"

"On what, how long I got left?" Robert gave his famous deep chuckle which quickly became a pained grunt. "I've had my share of injures and seen more then I can count. Give me fifty-fifty as they say."

"Eh, about the same guess I made."

"Heh…like minds think alike." Jason didn't grin back at the statement, which only made the King smirk smugly before it disappeared. "The attack…I know it wasn't the girl or her bother. Too sloppy…improvised…fake." Sighing, he seemed disappointed. "Wanted a reason to war with them. An excuse. Didn't come when the moment was right."

The remark was surprising for Jason. "I remember you eager for blood back at the camp. Guess you had some sense win out in the end."

"Ugh, don't push it, Surgebinder, I'm not as stupid as I look." The King snapped back. "I know that you or the King's Guard will find the bastards who planned this."

"I have gotten some leads…some of which you may not believe."

"What like my wife planning my death?" He'd jest back, yet seeing the Surgebinder's serious look had him become silent. "Gods…you don't mean…"

"As I said, I have leads. In the end, the Queen as the most to gain after all and it is logical to suspect her."

"I don't believe it. That woman can be cold and distant at times, but that seems far for her."

"Maybe you simply don't know her as well as you think."

For a moment Robert seemed ready to lash out with an insult, yet he'd bite it back and give a sigh. "Aye. I'll admit…twenty years and we feel as apart as our wedding night." He'd rub one hand crossed his bearded face, trying to clear away the wearily look on it. "Wish I hadn't taken the Throne that day. Yet the power…the temptation to rule it all. I thought it give me the freedom to do as I pleased, yet in the end, it's been nothing more than a shackle. Trade it all just walk off into that sunset road to anywhere but here."

"Sounds like a fairy tale from how you describe it."

"Perhaps it is…then again you are a living fable. The stranger with a knight's honour and the might match the nation's finest. Many a man would trade it all to have your life."

"Trust me, it's not worth it." Jason's cat-like eyes looked directly at Robert's gaze and for a moment the King could 'see' the lifetime of struggle the Surgebinder had fought.

"Maybe…maybe…" The King muttered as he looked away. "Guess we all carry burdens that no one else should have." Slowly his gaze drifted to the nearby table, noticing the wine decanter set on top of it.

"It wouldn't be advised, your grace," Jason warned.

"I know. Yet the pain in my side just won't go away and no matter how much water I've had it doesn't ease the thirst I have."

There was a pause before the Surgebinder sighed, guessing one drink wouldn't kill the King. Getting up and moving to the table, he'd fill up two cups for them both before returning to the bedside. It was a bad idea, yet having Robert relaxed would be useful. After all, he felt it may be time to reveal the truth about Joffrey not being his truth son…though he felt revealing Jaime as the true father was too risky to share just yet. "One drink and that is it for a week."

"Fair enough. To our health Surgebinder!" Tipping his cap in a slight toast, both taking a deep drink from their cups. Robert gave a deep satisfied sigh as he finished the last drop, a livelier gleam showing in his eyes. "A fine choice on this one. The unique sweeter taste though." Yet when he looked to Jason an odd look crossed his face, a mix of shock and confusion. "Gods! Jason what's with your face?!"

Quickly Jason glanced at his hands, see the veins under his pale skin suddenly becoming darkened. His heart started to beat faster, painful so since it usually beat at only the fourth of a normal man, only quickening when handling his potions or… "Poison!" He stood quickly up from his chair, knocking it back loudly as he reached Robert who suddenly tensed up, the larger man breathing becoming shaky as he dropped his cup.

"Surgebinder…I…" His hand grabbed over his heart, body struggling as whatever poison was coursing through his body.

Jason could feel it too, like a clawed hand squeezing over his rapidly beating heart, trying to choke the life out of it. Yet his body was adaptive to this as he'd force through the pain. By this point the door opened as the King's Guard from outside hurried in, seeing Jason gasping for breath while Robert shook on the bed, eyes rolling back.

"Get Pycelle now!" Jason yelled out as he grabbed at Robert's, forcing the man's chittering jaw open as he tried to force him to puke. He wasn't certain if it was too late or not, yet purging was the best choice he had. He'd growl out as the King bit down on his fingers shoving into his throat, making Robert gag out. Pulling his hand back, Jason watched as Robert heaving loudly, throwing up his last meal and the wine. Yet it wasn't enough, Robert rolled on the bed as the seizure he was only worsened, his body not fit to handle the shock.

"No no no!" The Surgebinder tried to keep the King in place, seeing the wound on the side reopen from his struggling. It was hard to keep a man so large still even with his mutant strength, along with the fact that his own body was fighting the poison off. Robert's eyes were wide, fear showing in them as he stared at Jason before slowly becoming still. He could feel the man's heart become silent, making him growl in anger. "Damn it…not again…happening all again…"

At that point he heard many hurried footsteps, making him turn about to see Barristan and the rest of the King's Guard. The old knight stared at the scene in pure disbelief, stepping closer to gaze at his King's dead eyes. "He's…"

"Murdered," Jason muttered as he turned to look a Barristan. His yellow eyes were intense, enough to make even the experienced knight recoil from the intimidating glare and sickening dark colour hinting the Surgebinder's veins. "Poison. Not sure what…but it was strong…very strong." The Surgebinder groaned as again pain surged through his chest before subsiding.

Barristan moved to get Jason away from the bed while the two other King's Guard moved closer to their fallen ruler, muttering lowly at the sickly sight before them. "How did you survive?"

"Bodily resistance. Decades of building it up…through herbs and potions…" He said hiding the fact of stormlight use. "Whatever this was…it was fast-acting. Should mean the poison is simple yet potent…no doubt easier to identify."

"Yet who…"

"You know very well who could have planned this." There was a tense growl to the Surgebinder's words. "Who else could have access to Robert's drink and quarters without drawing attention."

The Lord Commander was silent, unsure what to believe at this moment. "Then I pray you are the wrong, Jason. Because if it true…"

"I know…it means war…"